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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. I mailed shit once to a company. Kept sending me junk mail, I filled a small box full of dog shit and taped a label on it. Threw it in the mail box. This was years ago.
  2. I am out there too! I went home today after that crazy storm. Soaked all my pants and I was camping. I will be out tomorrow. What garage are you in?
  3. I am heading up Friday in the AM. I am working tech on Friday and driving on Sat/Sun. Come up, I will take you for a ride if you want.
  4. Did you see the giant metal part they had in the back at the end? That was sweet, but there was no boom like the title says.
  5. That was funny. I want to see it pull up to an intersection and do that!
  6. That is a nutty sounding car! I want to drive it.
  7. I was there in my Element (the MR2 is sitting home with a tire off). I brought my RC helicopter and flew that around the parking lot a bunch.
  8. Check that trailer over good. I rented one with rotten tires that had 10psi in them and the ground did not work. Another time I rented one and the left signal did not light. A third time I rented one the bolts that hold the ramps on the car tow dolly were rusted and I broke all 8 off. I got a discount when I returned it with the broken bolts. The ramps hit the bottom of my car when it was on the dolly.
  9. HOA are biased but that is usually because of who is on the board. Can you get voted on the board? People just like to stick their noses in other people's business. I live in Dublin, the ghetto of it behind Meijer and there is no HOA here. There are plenty of people that have $200k houses and crab grass yards. It does not bother me at all. When I drive up through Muirfield does it look nice? Sure does. Does everyone have a tan house with fake bricks on the front? Sure do. Does everyone have sprinklers, sod and a perfect brick driveway? Sure do. Any of those homes have personality? Sure don't. To each their own. You want a nice looking area and spend your time picking crab grass, get a nice place with a HOA. You want to do what you want to your home? Live somewhere else but you might get that car with no wheels sitting in the driveway. I know my car has sat in my driveway with no wheel for a day or two.
  10. Looks good. Off to a great start. Now you can toss in some small greenery there instead of those monster bushes.
  11. That was sweet! "I am in trouble for doing in a few plants...Oops."
  12. That was great. My computer is probably going to blow up now. Where is the rest of it?
  13. What is group b? Oh you mean Group 2b. They had so many HPDE group 1/2 people they divided them into 2 additional sections. Sweet.
  14. What group was he running in? You need to edit that down, 20 minutes is long time for my ADD attention span. I too have some video here of my over steers: Skip the first 10 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFti_0NDn8s
  15. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/motivatorrotary.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/newcomputers.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/nintendoguns.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/noidea.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/octel1.jpg
  16. Humm. . what about all you Boy Scouts out there. In the woods? Gotta find that big ass leaf, otherwise you end up with a pine cone.
  17. At harbor freight for $10 you can get some magnetic lights. Might be a great thing to have in the car incase a light does go out.
  18. Jake, I never saw you up there? Is your car black or some other dark color? I am signed up for August in group 3 for Sat/Sun (can't afford all 3 days). Who is going to this next one?
  19. That is so damn true! Love it love it love it!
  20. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/fatkid.gif http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/feminists1vy.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/footballquote.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/icefishing.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/johnnyspot.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/just_a_normal_traffic_stop.jpg
  21. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/dontdrinkanddrive.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/duckieslost.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/dumbhelmet.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/ejection.jpg
  22. Xyster101


    That is powerful. I just could not imagine going to a world war like that. I can't picture coming home to my city and having it destroyed. Or living in my city and have tanks roll down the street blowing things up.
  23. Humm, broken diff and a rut in a $300 tire, not worth it to me especially since no one really went anywhere.
  24. Do what I did. Register the trailer in Maine for $40 for 5 years. Or register it in Ohio for $40 for 1 year. You do the math. Perfectly legal. http://www.mbi-trailers.com/register/
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