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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Anson, you crack me up! GL with the hunting.
  2. You would have to dig it up and replace it. Might be better digging a new trench, laying gravel, then drain pipe and doing it right. Clay pipes after this many years will be full of roots looking for water.
  3. At Lowes right now if you buy a "Tax Gift Card" of $500-$4000 you will get an extra 10% added to the gift card of the original purchase price on March 15. Buy the gift card with a credit card for points, then use a post office 10% off and you make out like 20%+ off. Not sure if Home Depot will match an offer like the gift card. +1 to Giant Eagle gift cards if you have to go to Home Depot.
  4. It looks like a good system and it is made in the USA! Worth a shot, but how much better then a mechanical snake is it? You can rent one of those for like $40 a day. Let us know how you make out.
  5. Found this for you: http://columbus.craigslist.org/wan/2249965547.html
  6. Don't forget to change your Garage Door Opener code or radio frequency. Not sure how you do that, something with jumpers on the opener?
  7. I feel your pain. Sucks that it happened. I just want to bash in a thief's head if I found them. I have often thought what I would do if I caught a thief in my house. Knock em out, zip tie their legs and hands together and toss em in a trunk. Drive them out to the middle of no where and leave them there naked after a good beating. I left my garage door open one night. Woke up at 5 am to the cops. My car was in the street and had hit my mail box. Some kids tried to steal it but could not drive a stick shift and they only made it to the bottom of the driveway. I was pissed, but it was partly my fault. +1 to not carrying your SS card. Why do you do that?
  8. Bah, needs more deer. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/Deerme.jpg
  9. I have been to Mid Ohio with 2 friends who have both the STi and the MS3. The MS3 guy was great with it. He would turn better times then classes above him in TT. The car was fast, handled ok, and was easy to drive. On the other hand it pushed like hell, sucked up gas, and would chew through race pads (2 weekends) like crazy. The STi guy was only running in HPDE 2, so he was not pushing as hard, but he was pulling ok lap times. The car handled well, is hella quick and easier on the brakes. Another friend had an Evo out there and he was driving it hard and not having problems. The MS3 is a FF car that will not over steer and has lots of weight on the front tires and brakes. I would not track it for that reason. I also don't like STi's and would get a RWD car for the track/fun car. It is what you want. Sounds like a good deal on your trade and the STi price, but if you will not be able to track, dunno. Go drive the STi and see what you like better. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/ben.jpg
  10. L4D2 was not terrible, it is ok. I like the first one so much better. Not sure what the second one did that really seemed to miss the boat.
  11. They jumped the cost of personalized plates $15. I paid just over $100 to re register my car! F that.
  12. Our society is all about debt. I owe nothing on credit cards but I do owe $6k on the car and $12k on the student loans. My fiance owes $240k in student loans and we are getting a mortgage this month for $250k more! More debt!
  13. NSFW It has boobies http://www.adamdaley.com/max/treehouse/walmartgirl.gif
  14. HAHA, totally got the date wrong! I was out at Camp Lazareth which is a Summer Scout camp. Had fun. A little chilly last night, but the kids had a blast.
  15. Why is the paint bubbled? Tire or brake heat? I don't drag so forgive this question, but how much track is there after the finish line until the sand pit?
  16. Looks slick. Lets see it installed!
  17. No go for me. Camping this weekend.
  18. Xyster101

    Cops Poll

    I agree. It is a thankless job. We only hear about the bad and hardly the good. I want the highway out there, pulling over drunks, people texting, people high on drugs and those who should not be on the road. So once in a while you get nailed for speeding, small price to pay for keeping our streets safer. I personally don't want someone flying by me doing 100mph on the highway. Most people don't know how to control a car at that speed anyway. I have never received a ticket I did not deserve and I have not gotten a pulled over in the last 5 years.
  19. 3 years ago I had a lease signed for $850 a month. Then I went 6 months with no lease. 1.5 years ago I signed a new lease for $900 a month and it ran out in October. We are now doing month to month at $900. How does the landlord loose money on me by not having me in a lease? Why should he charge me more for not having a lease? Good advice about the 30 day notice if he did want to raise the rent here. We are looking for a house, so for my fiance and I, this set up is perfect. I will give him 30 (probably 60) days notice before I leave.
  20. The first 2 minutes sucked. The next 2 were good. Where is that lot? Looked like fun!
  21. That was a great marketing thing. The tear down was dry as toast with those engineers. I agree with what everyone is saying here about time as a factor. I took the top end off my 1991, 130k mile toyota turbo engine and the pistons looked fine. I just re did the head and put it back on. Only took it off because I broke 2 exhaust studs off. My engine makes 100hp per liter while this EcoBoost engine, 20 years later, is only 20% more.
  22. That is pretty slick. Talk about taking ownership of a topic at school and making this cool video. Wonder how they were able to post all those kids on the net. Not sure if that would fly at the high school I work at.
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