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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. My girl and I just picked up a 2.5" memory foam topper for our current bed at Sam's Club. Right around $120 and it is great! I would love a tempur bed. Maybe in a year or two.
  2. I teach at a high school. It is amazing the amount of accidents the kids have. It is equally amazing how many students get tickets and loose their license for 6 months. I agree it falls on the parents, BUT I see just as many adults texting while driving. You can't preach the work unless you follow it too. It pisses me off. I sold my bike because I am scared of some asshole rear ending me while on a phone.
  3. aww damn, it is now private, I want to see it. Is it anywhere else?
  4. +1 to that. A lot of kids have no respect today. Talking during a movie is rude. They have "turn off your cell" and "Don't talk during the movie" reminders at the beginning, these should not even be needed.
  5. Paint it white then put a polyurethane over it to protect it from dirt. Or like you said, just paint the very bottom trim and leave the rest wood color. Personally I would put in a brighter carpet and repaint the wall leaving the trim. I like natural color trim if it is a nice hardwood.
  6. Idiot is driving nuts with only one hand. If you are dumb enough to post yourself breaking the law online, you deserve what you get.
  7. I agree, but there is also a lot of photoshopping in those images. A higher end camera will take better pictures due to better lenses, circutry, and adjustability. The better the picture is you start with the less you need photshop for and the better it can be in the end.
  8. Yeah, that stuff was outlawed years ago. It is like in Fight Club when he splices porn scenes into the kids movies.
  9. This is great marketing. Mike Rowe is really a mans man. I would love to get a beer with that guy. My dad saw him speak to a crowd of 75,000 and he was amazing. I do wonder how bias this video is. Can the Ford really out pull the GM and Dodge by that much? 12 seconds is a lot for having such a smaller motor. Wonder how they both compare on mpgs.
  10. That kid is great. Think about when you were 18, he built that and can play it! Totally sweet. That is something I would make, except I have no musical talent to play. I saw Blue Man in concert in NY. Totally worth it. Great show. I would go back.
  11. awww shit. I did not see that in the fine print. How the hell is it supposed to work then. Where do I get one?
  12. Coupon for a free LED aluminum light at Harbor Freight. Good for the glove box. http://csbwsm.s3.amazonaws.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/csb-harbor.jpg
  13. I have a Blade 400 also. I can hold my own. I am not good at 3D stuff yet, I can hover inverted for about 5-10 seconds. I have not flown in about 8 months. Video with a crash at the end:
  14. I love out west. Only been to a few places in CA like Yosemite and the Serra Nevadas. Most gorgeous place I have ever been to. I like your sunrise picture, you can see the mountain casting a shadow on the clouds. What was your favorite place?
  15. More FAIL http://www.adamdaley.com/max/miata.jpg
  16. How far away? What about shipping the car? I think for under $600 you can ship them too.
  17. Hey Paul, Rough crowd here. I went to the Diamond Cellar on Sawmill/161 next to Tansky's Toyota. I dealt with John Smith 5 times. He was excellent and I would highly recommend him. I never felt pressured at all and it was like dealing with a friend. He asked what I wanted to spend, what cut I was looking for and he never tried to up the price. Showed me all kinds of diamonds, how they were graded, why Diamond Cellars diamonds are of higher quality then other places. Then I left and I brought my girl in to look at rings. John and I pretended I had never been in there, he took notes on what she liked and I went back the week after to order the ring. Over the next month I would go back to meet up and see the progress of the ring. We have gone back multiple times for cleanings and they have taken good care of the ring and inspect it every time. They also cleaned other jewelry for free that was not bought there. you could order your diamond online, but something this special and out of my league I did not want to risk getting a poor stone. You could order a 1.5 carrot diamond for $500 and it will look like a crap stone because the cut, clarity is poor or it could be awesome and worth $4k. I did not want to risk it so I went with a place and a person I trusted. Did I spend a little more? Maybe, might have paid $500 more then if I did it all myself, but this was way out of my league. In the end she loved the ring (she always will). Her sister got engaged 2 years before us and her ring was ugly and the diamond was yellowish. The place they went was a mall store. 2 years later people still complement my Fiance on how great her ring looks, it still sparks and shines like the day I brought it home.
  18. "4 BRAND NEW TIRE WILL BE INSTALLED UPON PURCHASING " Wow, only 1 tire or 4? not sure. I want to see the slip on this!
  19. Breaking in pads is fun! Not worth the money and it is fun to make them smoke out on a back road. You are not running those carbotechs on the street are you? I will tell you that I did not change out my race pads (still haven't) and it makes the wheels super dirt, squeaks a ton and chews them up quick. I only will put about 500 miles by the next track day on the street, so I am not changing them out, but you daily yours (right?).
  20. I concur that it was weak, the host has the personality of an engineer, and why the hell did they feel the need to explain everything? I am sure everyone who is watching the show has seen top gear or is smart enough to figure out what is going on. They should have named it something else so we would not compare it to the UK. I will keep watching, no other real car shows on. I think "Trucks" on spike is better though! LOL. +1 to DVR and the Walking Dead
  21. I went to the Verizon store next to Flannigens and talked with a guy named Kent. He made some calls over about a 2 day period and was able to get my Fiance's phone upgraded 2 months early. The other employees there said he can upgrade anyone's plan early, he is a sweet talker to VZ on the phone.
  22. Wow. Lets see some more pics. I just did some reading. those things need a huge enclosure. Most places say 4'x3' or larger. Also you have to feed them daily and wash the cage as they will poop in the water. An adult can also eat a dozen crickets in one sitting! Damn.
  23. I saw the fog and was going to go out too. Wish I did, those look great! Nice car too.
  24. Well that sucks. I don't like that brand anyway, had a drill, caught on fire.
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