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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Wow Tim, some nice shots there. I can't believe the birds of prey you have there. Great work catching them on "film". Not sure what people say anymore since no one uses film.
  2. Did the NASA HPDE thing in August and got some pictures back. I also have a video where I chase a S2000 for a lap. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW6T88pHUig http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/smaxside34.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/smaxturn1.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/smaxturn10b.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/smaxturn10bb.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/smaxyellowline.jpg
  3. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/6.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/7.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/9.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/10.jpg
  4. I had a great time. A good turn out and we were there until after 10. Tim, great pictures you took there. Thanks for the comment on always racing. I am actually going to the track again next month. It was great to meet you finally. Here are some from my "Press here Dummy" camera. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/1.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/2.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/3.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/4.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/5.jpg
  5. ummm.. double rainbows. That chick on the bug was cute. I toss it in her.
  6. What kind did you pick up? How much PSI does it have? +1 for getting a rotating 0 degree tip for $30. They have better rotating ones for around $50-75 online. I can't believe how well the porch area cleaned up. Damn, looks good.
  7. Eh, I will give it a shot. I also watch power block on spike, it sucks as it feels like a big advertisement and the girls are half pretty and don't know cars. This USA version feels forced, but if there are cars, I will give it a shot. Shit, I watched a few of the new Knight Riders just hoping they would get decent because there is no good car show on TV anymore.
  8. Get that Buick that Doc posted. It is grandma gold and ugly. Perfect first car. Also take out one spark plug so less chance of getting into trouble.
  9. Sounds like the car owner has not moved it. Legally it has to be illegally parked. You would need a sign saying authorized cars only kind of a thing and usually a contract with a towing company if your landlord chooses to do something along those lines. Can you just drag it to the middle of the street at 3 am? Are the tags expired? If they are you could take off the plates and report it as a suspicious car and maybe get it towed? You might be screwed until something works out. Who owns the car?
  10. I can't read tags either. I will admit there is some talent there, but a lot of property has been destroyed developing that talent. I had a friend that let people tag his old van, looked cool driving around. There is a place for this, not on private property though. It is a whole nother world living downtown. I recently finished painting 2 buildings down town. One of the tenants in the building got evicted for not paying rent. He was pissed and came back and tagged the building including the windows. Before he tagged it I put a good 3 weeks into cleaning the old paint off and re spraying the buildings. Then some ass hat comes back and ruins my hard work.
  11. Humm. . not NASA. Toss a string on it if they are really worried. Frowning and not allowing are also 2 different things . I would still do it with a "frowning" until I was told I was not allowed.
  12. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/yardsale.jpg
  13. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/tanktoll.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/terroristparked.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/vegetarian.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/vet.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/walmartfablous.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/wrx_n_female.jpg
  14. It weighs less then 3oz (or 1 oz) which is the requirement to have a tether. It is also good to 145mph with that little suction cup thing.
  15. Yo dude, I sent you that RAW footage for you to edit down. No one is going to download a 280 meg file and watch 18 minutes of you driving in circles. Put that into movie maker and chop it to 5 minutes max. Then slap it on youtube. FTL! A video like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1S7AcDmdjQ Max
  16. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/skiwithkegs.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/small_HPIM0475.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/soldier.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/sotp.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/strongman.jpg
  17. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/sadbuttrue.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/saf465693b3ef91590.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/scouts.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/sep18gal9.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/sep18gal24.jpg
  18. That buick video mixed in the comments is way better. Skip to 40sec on the camaro video.
  19. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/octel22.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/paintbomb145.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/petergriffin.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/policecar.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/raycharles.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/rrowned7pj.jpg
  20. $1200 sounds like a decent price. I would ask $1500 for that car and expect close to that.
  21. Weak ass thread with dumb "look at my sig" tiny ass pictures. Here is mine: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/Beaverrun/side1221.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/Beaverrun/dirt.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/engine/ic/ic10.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/wheelsengine.jpg
  22. We lost 1 canopy. The other I stood inside and held down during the storm. There was a BMW (not ours) that had 6 inches of water in it from all the run off. That was crazy. I found a frog in my tent too (well a toad).
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