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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Umm, are you nuts? I love roads with turns. I love driving at Mid Ohio with my car. Is a 1/4 drag fun? I am sure it is, the thrill of getting tossed into your seat with all those "G" forces. In the end, a road course will toss you left, right, forward and back as you ride through. The car gets a lot less wear and you get more then 1 minute of driving time for a day of racing. To the OP, why not put some different tires and try an Auto cross for $30. Get another hobby for a while. I love driving my car first thing in April after it sits all winter. Take up mountain biking, paintball, kart racing, boating, flying or some other high octane hobby.
  2. Hey Rich! About time you posted here slack ass. Met him at Cars and Coffee and working Beaver Run. Great guy. +rep since he gave me free beer at the track!
  3. Your intro gets a 3 out of 10. More pictures! Once you lower it and exhaust, what other plans? Tracking the car, drag, auto X?
  4. Could you put a clutch on the super charger pulley? Have it hooked to a button you press to switch the SC on and the ECU to a different map? Similar to what was done on the Mad Max interceptor. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3246/2792482141_2a1d93c4c6.jpg
  5. The blower fan does run with the AC on, the compressor does not kick in. I took it somewhere. I am on vacation in NY at my parents right now and it is over 100 and I need AC with the dog. Elements don't have enough windows to go down. It is a bad compressor and will be $650 to replace. Thanks for your help guys. I looked at what was said and the heat beat me to trouble shooting it myself.
  6. Check http://www.mr2oc.com in the for sale section. Search it. About once a month someone lists JDM directional fogs for sale there.
  7. This thread. . . IS A WASTE OF MY TIME
  8. You should do the 200X challenge that Grassroots Motorsports sponsors. Spend 2010 bucks, buy and build a car, then go race it with them for 12 hours? 24 hours? not sure.
  9. Ok so I took my Honda service manual and ran through everything I could. I have over 80psi pressure on the low side, so it is full. I jumped the pressure switch, nothing happened except the condensor fan turned on. I tested the relay at the fuse box and check all fuses, they work. I tested continuity between the wire going to the compressor and the fuse box, it was ok. This leads me to believe the compressor is bad or the clutch is bad on the compressor. This is not something I have ever messed with, ac systems. Is this something that I can do myself? I would assume I have to drain the system, take the compressor off and then refill the system. In the service manual it states putting a certain amount of oil in the compressor. Do I need to hook a vac pump on the system before charging it to remove all water and air? Anyone know a good shop that can do this or want to help me for some money?
  10. Totally awesome! I did notice the bullet holes vanished!
  11. Micheal, I saw that video and you have a great camera set up! I want it, but too much coin for me to afford. What group are hitting Mid Ohio with? I will be going with NASA at the end of July. Clay, thanks for the warm words. That track is easy to learn as you can get a lot of laps in (took me 1:18 per lap), BUT it is a very technical track and hard to master. If you are off line a little and not ready, things get ugly fast. There were a lot of offs and one guy slammed a wall destroying the front of his pristine 97' M3. I drifted on that last hair pin 180 turn twice and the walls are close to the track. Get that vette running!
  12. Went to Beaver Run this weekend with NASA for a track weekend. Had a great time. If you are not into drag racing, take your car to a NASA event. They give you instructions, have some classroom time, and there are lots of awesome people who will take you for rides while you wait. You get 80 minutes of track time a day, beats Auto cross. Next one is at Mid Ohio end of July. Here I am keeping up with a Boxster while running my MR2 super rich (8.7 with 170hp). I need some tuning still. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Etz_d9q-M A nice over steer around 3:30.
  13. That is funny. My question is: how do you own a truck and not own tow straps? Shit I have a bucket of tie downs and a tow strap in my Element.
  14. Usually compressors have a pressure switch so they don't kick in unless there is a certain amount of refrigerant in the system. I could be wrong, but this was what I have been told. The compressor on my MR2 did not come on when the R12 leaked out. I refilled the R12 and it worked again. Is this thinking correct?
  15. I have a 03 Honda Element as my daily with 92k miles. Two weeks ago I noticed the AC seemed a little weak. Then a few days ago it stopped working completely. The compressor is not turning on at all. I had some 134 sitting around after I topped off a friends unit last year. So I hooked it up with the little gauge it comes with and it pinned the gauge up over 80psi. I had it hooked to the low side. The plastic cap had a "L" on it, plus I think you can't hook these to the high side. I thought maybe it was low on 134 which is why the compressor will not turn on, so I opened the can and nothing came out. I then vented some of it into the air to see if it was clogged, it worked fine. So I bought another can with gauge thinking the gauge might be bad, same thing. It would seem there is too much pressure for the stuff to leave the can. Last year I also thought the AC was not cold enough so I hooked the gauge up. The compressor would kick on and run around 50psi (I think) and then when it went off the gauge would go up to 80psi for a few seconds until the compressor kicked on again. Ideas?
  16. I have that part. I told you $40 for it.
  17. His videos are hit or miss. Some are super entertainment and others are plain boring. I like the "redneck roller coaster" ones. I think they were posted on here before.
  18. Xyster101

    firing squad

    Just use free dirty needles from the local hospital. What will he get? AIDS?
  19. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/1239111621259-1.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/CGjRM.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/DrunkPassedOut.jpg Are your brakes shot? http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/GetAttachment-2.jpg
  20. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/904_wood_bike.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/940_ge56.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/971_read.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/20278_527647200595_197400497_31186600_4560714_n.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/13697393.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/1220269907520.jpg
  21. Welcome! Mid Ohio is a blast. If you want to do track time there look up NASA Great Lakes. It is $360 for a weekend or $180 for a Friday. Next one is at the end of July and I will be going ( 80% sure). Some others here go too, what a blast.
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