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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Nah, he is not part of CR. He came around a turn a bit hot, got into a rear end slide. This was his first real slide, so I am sure there was some correction problems, things not done right. Anyway, when the car hooked up, it happened to be aimed off the track. Went into a tire wall at about 40mph or so. He is ok, car is not.
  2. His insurance is going to cover it! Since we did HPDE it is considered a "driving school". Pretty sweet.
  3. Hell no to stacks. I teach in Marysville and all the FFA boys put stacks on their trucks. Looks stupid. Single out the rear side with a 4" chrome tip.
  4. Wow! I actually saw these "water welders" at Lowes right next to the left handed screwdrivers. Seriously, you have to put more energy into separating hydrogen and oxygen then you will recover from burning it. Complete myth of it putting out more energy then goes into it. Plus if you weld with too much hydrogen your metal can get brittle and too much oxygen and your metal will oxidize.
  5. All companies have had their fair share of recalls and problems. I love my Toyotas. Hell I received a recall for my 1991 toyota truck last year for a steering thing. I am the third owner and 18 years later they are still sending out recall info? That seems to be some service. But they did screw up even if it was only a small number of cars that have this problem. I am sure that 20% of it is driver error anyway.
  6. I also had a great time. It was too bad that Eric had some car troubles, but glad he made it back up there. Spun the car twice off the track, but kept it all in order. My friend in the STi spun just after madness and hit a wall. Bent the hood, destroyed the right fender and door, blew both air bags and cracked the windsheild. He was ok though. We had the white evo guy tow us back. Sorry Anson, no picture of your car. Eric, you have 2 different rims on your car, why? http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1825.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1826.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1842.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1857.jpg
  7. Doesn't seem like you will save that much money in the long run with weight reduction on a small scale. If you get 1 mpg more, really, what is that? Another 15 miles per tank or $2 you might save on a fill up? Is that worth it to save $8 a month? Could just get a little beater car or something that get 35mpg. An old civic 5 speed or similar.
  8. Ahh true, but I love the car and it is a blast to drive. You don't like my car and I don't like Harleys. Opinions = Assholes, everyone has one. What does this mean? Cliffs? Of all cars the MR2 is not a good race platform, but I am not racing, I am going to a track day to learn to drive better and have fun.
  9. To be honest you might want to look at getting insurance through another company. Get off your mom's plan and see if the rates drop for you. Try progressive, geico, or allstate who do both cars and bikes. I would think that a older car should be $75-100 a month with points and maybe $50 for a bike? I was paying around $1300 a year for an older bike and a neon back in 2000 when I was 20.
  10. Is she a stick shift? Can you pop the clutch? Sorry to hear about the hard starts. I got some SS brake lines and R compound pads installed on the car! Going to do an oil change today in the cold and bleed the brakes. Supposed to be some good weather for Sat and Sun. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/ssbrakes.JPG
  11. +1 for stock gearing. What RPM do you run on the highway? Do you do a lot of highway or more local driving? I agree with making the car lighter. I don't see how that is "ricer shit". A lot of V8's are pigs when it comes to weight. Look at the new challenger, 3600 is a lot of weight to be moving around. Usually you can take out the seats, spare tire and tools. You can get crazy and chip out the sound deading material. The amount of gain you will get from that is usually not worth the extra noise though.
  12. Thanks Rob and Chris. I did not even know you could buy new ones. I will go get some from the local store. When I got brake fade last year it ment the pads were up over 1,000 degrees and it melted some of the paint onto the backers. I did get an answer from someone who actually races: "You don't need the spring, but it does help keep the pad from dragging by forcing it off of the rotor. We do not run them on our race cars." Thanks for your help and self esteem bashing.
  13. Sounds like a slave or master, since you replaced the slave, time for the master. Hopefully it is easy to get to.
  14. I know how to change brakes, just wanted opinions and ideas as to what these do. You still never told me what you think they do farkas.
  15. Ok seriously, why the hate? There are plenty of parts that can be taken off a car that is not daily driven and will improve handling but worsen comfort. Many people disable ABS, take out the air bag, AC, and EGR systems who track a car. I took off my cats in favor of a larger exhaust and quicker turbo spool. I put a manual boost controller on to over ride the preset waste gate pressure. I put in some poly bushing instead of rubber. It all serves a purpose to me. What is the purpose of these wires? If you write a response have some info to back it up. Why are they needed? Does anyone know? So shut your hole (except AJ who had a semi decent response) because you don't seem to know shit as to what they do either (and they are on your car too)!
  16. Ahh, drifting at a young age. Can you do this (prolly a repost):
  17. Eric, I remember seeing your car last year. At least I think it was you. Do you have a roll cage and a loud exhaust? If so, you were out there just stomping on people! My buddy drives a Mazda Speed 3 out there. He used to do group 3 and now he does TT. Anson, is the slow group 1? I will be in group 2. Either way, it would be neat to meet up. I will keep an eye out for your rides, you guys look for me.
  18. I am putting some SS lines on my car and R compound pads. While changing my pads, there are some odd parts. First off the backing plate. Is this needed? I was told it helps with squeaking. Second, are these little wire springs needed? They go between the pads to keep them apart. I would assume so the pads are not rubbing on the rotors all the time. To me, less little bits that might fall off and get between the pads and rotor is better. I can deal with some squeak or rubbing. I will be changing the R compound pads out to street after this weekend. The springs are a PIA to put on with the pads. Do I need them? http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/wires.JPG
  19. You still have to take your eyes off the road to read the message someone sent you HELL YEAH for this ban. I see so many people texting and not paying attention. I am also all for banning talking on the phone without a hands free device. I am from NY and they have that law. I limit my distractions when I drive. I use a hands free and I don't eat, set up the GPS or text while driving. Hell my MR2 doesn't even have a cup holder. When you are on the road, drive and pay attention. I don't want some ass to rear end me because they were not paying attention.
  20. Man, you guys are getting screwed. I have RR turbo and basic service which is like 50 channels and abou 5 HD ones (no box, just through the TV). I pay $68 for my service with TW. I have a Tivo which is $12 a month too.
  21. That was awesome! Totally sweet, and interesting how it works.
  22. I would dish out the $125 to rent that for a day. Totally worth it. If you are serious, send me a PM.
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