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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Where do you take old coolant to? Auto Zone, Advanced, they don't take it. I have not tried NAPA yet. Everyone tells me to "take it to a shop" but I have yet to find one that will take it. I was thinking of just leaving a few gallons outside their place at night, but felt that would be wrong.
  2. How the heck did the belt jump a tooth? Glad it was a easy fix.
  3. Where do you think this crap up! Don't ever cross you.
  4. Columbus Racing should be BUTTER just like Jesus! http://www.threedonia.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/touchdown-jesus.jpg
  5. That is great he lets his son drive it and his son respects it. Some many high schoolers drive like assholes. They don't understand the power of any car, even a civic. The stories they come to school and tell me is scary stuff. Doing 120 double wide on a country road in an Explorer!
  6. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/94%20Best%20Soup%20Ever.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/94%20Trying%20to%20Decide%20if%20It%20Is%20Food.jpg
  7. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/88%20Og!.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/90%20Horses%20Are%20Gross.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/90%20Sliding%20Door%20Fail.jpg
  8. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/87%20They%20Never%20Stopped.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/88%20Business%20Name%20Fail.jpg
  9. Wow, monster pain. Find any surprises behind the wall? Like odd electric or plumbing things?
  10. Can't busy. Next weekend maybe.
  11. Xyster - surgical instrument to scrap bones Back in '94 when I started playing DOOM II, I went to the big Webster dictionary and found a strange word. Not many words start with "X" so that is where I started. Been using it ever since then for all those classic FPS games like Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half Life and everything up to now. http://www.ibiblio.org/GameBytes/issue20/flooks/doom21.gif
  12. I need to start playing that again. I got into LFD and love it. Then I got LFD2, eh, not so good. I will have to try TF2 again. I am a soldier boy myself or heavy.
  13. I can host them for you, unless you want some photoshop work done.
  14. +1 for the MR2 91-93 years. Might get a turbo for that price. I have a friend selling a '71 Datsun 240z in ok shape for 40 years for $3500. Miata 944 (parts are a lot, but hella fun to drive) older corvette Z3 or 4 90's M3
  15. Xyster101

    verizon people

    I heard about this too, pissed me off. I only pay $45 a month for my plan with unlimited txt. i don't need the stupid net on my phone. I waste enough of my life reading everyone's bullshit opinions with my home computer. I don't need that when I am out too
  16. Any pics from the event? Had a good time. Hope to stay a little longer next time. Had some other plans. Nice group of cars, oh and the people seemed ok too!
  17. Splatter Park is having their 1,000 person plus BIG GAME that day. Never been, but people say it is pretty good.
  18. That was a good looking women, so what if she is a bit bigger. How many of you are trim and in shape? Some are, but I bet most of you have a little extra weight which is why your cars need so much hp :bangbang: I don't like twigs, but I don't like fatties either. Wait till you marry and your wife has a kid or two, gonna put on some pounds and probably keep them on.
  19. I would be in. I just started and picked up a 98 custom. I would love an old ware house to play in. Love woodsball. More strategy and less wasting of paint. Who cares that your gun shoots out 20 balls a second?
  20. It is hella fun out there. I know a lot of you guys are into drag racing at the strip, but I am not into only 10 seconds of fun. Here you get to drive your car for 20 minutes at a time as fast as you can and you don't need anything special to do it. A weekend runs about $350 and you get to do it 8 times. If you are new, the group gives you an instructor to ride with you and there are some classroom sessions for about 20 minutes after each race. Here is a video from last year following a civic with some notes about the track and some more over steer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hx9Ve-mPZY Last year my car was in the shop on the track day (blown turbo) so I took my fiance's stock 5 speed civic with all season tires. Still had a blast with that thing. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/IMG_1165web1.jpg
  21. What is that? I would assume I am not running them since I don't know what they are.
  22. Took the car to Mid Ohio 2 weeks ago. Got some great footage driving on the track and also captured my 2 over steers. Had a blast while there. Ran in the HPDE section. My MR2 is running 15psi, larger side mounted inter cooler, SS brake lines, adjustable suspension, poly bushings, and race compound pads. Saw 2 other members up there, Eric in the red cougar and Anson in a black BMW. Video of the over steering (2 times): Blew the inter cooler pipe off at 1:35 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znzfOIPjyBo My car and Eric's: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1825.jpg Eric http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1842.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/0410MidOhio/IMG_1858.JPG
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