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Everything posted by DavidBaustert

  1. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6729216/Microsoft.Visio.2010.Std.Pro.Premium.with.SP1.x64-ZWTiSO
  2. Don't bring logic into this. What are you thinking?
  3. Subscribed. Shit's going down on OD also. Someone fill me in on the details!!!
  4. What coil overs are you running currently?
  5. I know of a corsica for 600 in dayton. Paint is good. needs a radiator and 1 tire
  6. Shell Rotella T straight 30W in everything with Purolator gold filter. Gotta love that zinc.
  7. I know of a guy who bought an old Dodge Van like this a year or so ago. It was used by a fertilizer company previous so him buying it. It's be less than 1/2 your willing to spend price. Condition is fair to okay I would say. Some rust but nothing dangerous. Interested?
  8. Hopefully that IC will support that power with the E85. I know with that same core on my car around 400whp on a 4cylinder on pump gas it just turned into a big heat sinc. Moved up to a spearco core with custom end tanks. Build looks great man!
  9. Feed from the filter into the rail, return out of the rail into the side of the regulator, out of the bottom of the regulator
  10. What phone was it? For what carrier? May be interested
  11. PM me your number, got a buddy who wants to pick this up this weekend
  12. 6.0L w/ built 4l80e in a malibu, flipped truck headders, twin hx35s
  13. Tial BOV's are notoriously hard to get setup correctly. Are you sure it's not compressor surge you're hearing? I've got my turbosmart set up that it doesn't open up for anything lower than ~12psi so it doesn't leak. This may be what's going on with yours.
  14. Piss. I'll let the big boys play in this one then :-)
  15. Yah I'm out. lol. Is one of these classes good for a ~10sec car?
  16. Whats the average times for these classes?
  17. I know the 5.4's used to blow spark plugs out quite often, not sure if they've revised this since then?
  18. So you're saying I can run over fenders to fit the tire?
  19. Buddy of mine down at UC sent me a link to one of these videos. Watched every single one. This one is especially funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS-yR3nRl0E&feature=relmfu
  20. http://www.zex.com/zx/nitrous-systems/universal-systems-1/efi-dry/safe-shot-nitrous-system-from-zextm.html Looks like it's this kit, minus the switches and bulk wire.
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