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Everything posted by Slowbalt

  1. My grandparents live in Norwalk and it is a nice little town. Norwalk has a nice drag strip and plenty of camaros to pick on!
  2. I love that episode and what a perfect relavant clip to add. Well played sir.
  3. If your father is in the top 5% then it would seem to me that he should have no problems purchasing toys for you, or a pool, or a summer, and/or winter home. If I was gay than I would not have a GF or babies.....so I do not quite follow your logic.......Why someone would assume that because I am not conservative I MUST be uneducated, live on welfare and have lots of kids is beyond my understanding.
  4. Obama does not equal "the government" so your argument is already flawed but we can run with it. I don't believe there currently is a 50% tax bracket In the US as it tops out at 35% and this is only if you are making over 300,000 per year so I am not sure that your arguments are based in fact. Could you please elaborate on what bill that Obama pushed through that makes you work harder for less money? I have not heard of such a thing.
  5. I am not a big fan of trickle down economics because all we seem to get at the bottom is dirty, used up water. I believe in investing in infrastructure and public works projects as well as efficient and clean energy production. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickle-down_economics
  6. What do you feel like he hasn't thought through? I am sure that not every policy rolled out is exactly as he intended it to be. He is somewhat at the mercy of congress to create a bill for the good of the people. He can only sign what is presented to him but it is up to him to get congress to make policies in the right direction and I feel he has done this. Healthcare, removing reliance on coal and oil and moving towards sustainable energy, reforms to *try* to prevent the financial crisis from happening again. I do feel that Obama makes choices for the good of the people in general. This doesn't mean that every decision will help everybody. I agree that it doesn't take intelligence to be a great orator as anyone can have a speechwriter but this is why I included in this his reactions and answers to peoples questions on the fly. I think we are a long way away from this but I guess it comes back to your previous statement and that is better for whom? I feel that the US is and will continue to be controlled by big business and this is not something that Obama can or maybe even wants to change. This alone is what is ruining this country, not Obama IMHO. Health care has a high initial cost but will save money in the long run as compared to our previous system. By the same logic other kids will be paying for your kids as well but the US has always had a deficit except for once in the 1800's if I remember correctly. Spending for the better of the economy is not such a bad thing, although I completely agree there is a great need for government efficiency and if this is something Obama has been pursuing he has not been very vocal about it.
  7. Again reading comprehension > You. I have no problem with people googling things so long as they are facts. You stated that he is just "a man in a suit" and "could be replaced with anyone". This statement alone says that I have no reasons to like or dislike him. The question again is why do people dislike him/ them. Its really not that hard.
  8. Not all republicans are stupid. I personally don't understand how someone could accept all republican tenets or all democratic tenets but there are plenty of fiscally conservative, socially liberal peeps out there.
  9. My quotes above were not directed at you PDGGP they were directed at Brian.....Sorry for the confusion......This is all you. I do not expect the President to never make a mistake or be Superman. That was what I meant by another guy......He is a human being and entitled to everything that makes us human. Even people who don't like him would have a hard time saying that he is not intelligent. I don't have an IQ test handy or anything but from listening to him speak and watching his responses to peoples questions on the fly I can assume that the hamster is spinning the wheel upstairs. He seems to be at least on the same mental plane as previous presidents and in at least one case, significantly above. As far as making more of what we have today, could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by this? Manufacturing in the US has been on a decline for some time but I don't think this is what you may be referring to. Health Care Reform was one of these ideas that was designed to lower the deficit as confirmed by many economists while trying to cover as many people as possible. Personally I would like to see a single payer system but that would be too much change all at once. He has provided tax cuts for installing cleaner cost saving appliances and whatnot. I can't really find anything that he has done or promoted that is completely ludicrous, hence this discussion. I don't think Obama has a socialist ideology at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism At least no more than we already are. Taxation itself is socialist, our transportation and sanitation systems are "socialized" etc. I guess I don't know what you expect him to do. I would have liked to see more done with healthcare, he has lowered taxes and increased the possibility of getting tax credits, has helped stabilize the auto industry, etc.
  10. Maybe you should reread the question as you have not answered it but instead have given a reason for why people should not hate Obama. I appreciate your attempt at least to contribute though. What I am looking for would be the personal reasons why people dislike or are against Obama and or Obama administration. Furthermore If you would say how you would be negatively impacted by Obamas policies, that would certainly be helpful. I don't think that you make above 250,000 per year but I may be wrong.
  11. I have heard this quite a few times but what makes us think that it is Obamas vision or intention of forming a New World Order? I have watched a few of those Alex Jones videos and the guy is a bit deranged
  12. The whole point of this is to NOT be a page of junk but of earnest worthwhile discussion which neither yourself, or notBrian has yet to contribute.
  13. Not quite what I was looking for but I guess you have to give to get.....I'll bite. I am not "for" him for the same reasons I am not "against" him. I feel like he just another guy albeit a bit more intelligent than the US average trying to do the best he can with what he has. The economy here has been bad like the rest of the world and that is no reason to blame him for it or expect that he fixes it overnight. Personally I have made more money this year than I have in any previous year so just using my personal economics I out to love him. I expect him to make rational decisions based upon the best facts available and for the benefit of the people and not to its detriment.
  14. I have better things to do than filter through 1000's of pages of junk. Since so many people here seem to not only dislike his policies but seem to HATE him personally I figured this would be an easy question to answer but so far no a single answer....kinda strange.
  15. I find this site to be overly conservative so I thought it would be a great place to ask since one would assume that conservative people have a reason for being conservative. So far nothing of substance but I am still hopeful.
  16. I was hoping to find some form of intelligent life in here but so far no dice I guess. I am sorry for a typo in my city but I don't see how that has anything to do with the question at hand. This is the chance for all you haters to convert someone on the middleground and you instead make fun of a typo?
  17. I love that site and its companion site. I watch Fox News all the time and I frankly don't find very many logical arguments for the hate. I am trying to understand why people feel this way. We can also include "spooky George Soros the puppet master" in this as well if anyone has some good dirt on him.
  18. 60 to anything else is probably the biggest improvement you can make.....I would even go as far to say that it is a bigger difference than 720 to 1080. Also when looking at a tv notice if it states "Dynamic contrast" or just "Contrast" there is a subtle yet important difference here.
  19. I figured this one was done since the OP already picked the topic. Not a huge Obama fan but always curious to hear what the haters have to say. Go here http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1284672#post1284672
  20. Since you already ruled out most of the fun categories a few that could be interesting: Privitization of US prison system and why it could be a conflict of interest. The industrial agricultural system of the US and why it should change. Somewhat related to the above but a seperate topic of humans in relation to animals in general. The possibility/probability of the Technological Singularity.
  21. Personally I would never put any bumper stickers on my whip. Hippies are a pretty docile bunch but even so I would especially stay away from provocative or offensive bumper stickers if you like your car and want to keep the paint/ windows intact.
  22. Stop wearing shoes......its better for your back and joints anyway. Replace your shoes or replace your vagina, whichever is cheapest.
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