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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. Well when 3 of us got pulled over for no reason, he said a motorcycle went under a car at hard road, and some girl tried to kill herself right by home depot. That's why there were so many cops flying by.
  2. How much fuel pressure does it have?
  3. You cant really prevent it... Like the OP Said he replaced them and torqued them, and still had the issue... I would do it anyways when you first get it,and if they strip out, fix it then.. better then waiting longer..
  4. Keep us updated! I read a lot of people we making Hyundai buy those back because of the issues. You could always tell them they can do that if they don't fix the issue :-)
  5. And your going to need more info than a "soft tail" As that would be like saying "I want to buy a 2004 chevy LS1, whats it worth?"
  6. Sorry I didnt mean all year triton motors, or all plugs.. I was thinking of something else, I meant you can leave them in or change them... Like the Original poster, he just replaced them not too long ago.. And had one blow out. So for better MPG I would personally just replace them when you buy the truck.. And fix the plug holes when they strip out.. I had a friends 2004 f150 that didnt blow out, but when I went to do his tune up none of them wanted to come out.. Luckily he was wanting to trade it in, so he got rid of it..
  7. They will all eventually blow out.. Doesnt matter if you replaced them, or left them in for 100k miles... They are even worse to get out when they are older, because the plug blows in half, leaving the threaded part in.. and when you remove that the threads come out.. Ive also seen some of them blow out so bad that the hole is very hard to fix... Ive seen some people remove the heads and do it on a bench for back plugs.. Hopefully you get in touch with my guy from work.. We work on toyotas, but hes a ford guy.. And has done a lot of these..
  8. Isnt there a serial number on the sirius models that you have to use to activate it? Or am I thinking something else. If so, call the sirius people and ask if they have turned it on? Otherwise I would just eat the cost and tell him to have a good day.. otherwise you'll be dinged on your seller rating.. I always ship UPS store, a little more $$ but, I get 100$ insurance and tracking number automatically..
  9. very common issue with these, doesnt matter how many miles... if they dont blow out, they take the threads out with them when you change them. Some are not savable..
  10. I have a guy at work that fixes those on the side.. he has a V10 ford to... pm me if you want someone to do it for you..
  11. Were on the same page cordell. Lol. I hate seeing people with issues that can't be duplicated at the dealer. So I've been researching for a few and told him the same thing via pm. Hope u get it figured out soon!
  12. When I was younger, a guy in his 30's came around and charged each house 10$.... Looked great when he was done... 2 months later, they were gone.. The paint had already wore off.. A COMPANY came out and charged houses 20$ per house.. and used actual concrete thick lasting paint.. been a year and you can still see it..
  13. I thought maybe it was the mazda, and you had an issue keeping the front bumper on too.. lol
  14. Did I miss if this was on the mazda or the ford? I can ask some mazda people tomorrow at work if they know of any issues with keys getting stuck..
  15. x10000.. Ive ran into this numerous times at toyota.. If there is no problem when its in the shop (which happens so many times) There isnt anything you can do.. BUT if its a common issue, I replace the part under warranty and go from there.. I agree with cordell.. Im flat rate... If I cant get it to act up within 30-45 min, im not working on it anymore... I diagnose it as no problem found. If it were to occur in shop, there are multiple things we can check while its in the shop...But if it works great everytime its in the shop, its frustrating, but nothing can be done.. And you dont need to keep records of EVERYTHING like Ziggy said.. Anytime it is in the shop, there is a RO open, and you get a print off of what your vehicle is in for.. Anytime you have an issue after your warranty is up, the service writer will look up history and know its covered because of previous issues.. I know how frustrated you are.. But the only thing you can do like others have said is hand over the keys and let the mechanic drive it... I wouldnt want to do that with my jeep.. but thats your only option really.. And the mechanic needs to drive it, not manager or service writer... They typically dont know much about diagnosing.. just what the mechanics tell them..
  16. Wow, that was a rough wreck.. Looked like they were both out of control the entire time.. I think there are other videos of that same car wrecking..
  17. He said he wants it. What's a number he can call you at.
  18. Pm me your phone number. I have a guy that will more than likely come pick it up.
  19. I'm going to try and make it. Last time I was there it was a good turn out.
  20. It's from Dublin? IDE like to check it out in person for shits and giggles.
  21. Thanks, After searching his name I found other people needing carpet help..
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