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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I would hope your dad doesn't know about pedobear.
  2. http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2009-02-18/tn_1234939201891.jpg
  3. that malt shit gives you a nasty buzz though, its like getting lifted off that brown mexican dirt weed...Yea it gets you high but it's just not the same as some quality BC nugget. Samething goes for newcastle and kingcobra...I'd love to see you combine the two lol And im 28...j/s
  4. I felt it was so lulz-worthy that it deserved it's own post...i've seen alot of good pedobear meme's in my days and that one got me good.
  5. %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i55.tinypic.com/k97uxt.jpg[/img]
  6. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/3/3f/Jimbo-hooker.jpg
  7. does UA still throw SMC's?...God those were the shit back in the day.
  8. CommonSense only goes so far. It wont protect you from seemingly "legit" sites that unknowingly run malicious scripts on your browser, then own your comp. If your going to surf without protection use firefox with the "Noscript" add-on, shit use of the Noscript add-on in general is a good idea. Alot of very talented people on the internets... *installs Noscript*...forgot last time around.
  9. I think I seen that car somewhere.....
  10. worried about China and the fact Dick Cheney is walking around with no pulse...
  11. Do both computers connect to the net via the same IP? Microsoft doesn't like identical product keys connecting from different IP addy's...
  12. I would at least consider cleaning it, i've seen some desktops that looked clean but once the fan was removed there was a mat of dust/debris covering (and insulating) the processor.
  13. When was the last time you took it apart and cleaned the processor cooling fan? If you don't periodically clean the fan it will become clogged with dust/debris causing the processor to overheat. The hotter the processor the slower your comp. will run.
  14. also keep in mind that if you decide to do a fresh-install of XP you'll need to set aside about 4+ hours as you will have to continually authorize all of the security updates...PITA.
  15. I would get a flash drive from microcenter/wally world (cheap) and load all your "files" onto it, then DBAN that motherfucker (http://www.dban.org/). I got an legit XP disk that your welcome too if you want it, I can make a copy of DBAN if needed too. Is your comp. a desktop or a lappy?
  16. cheap sluts (except for the Asians)
  17. i'll stick to my PBR, Budweiser and Micro's (when I got the $$$) that ghetto ass malt crap is for kids.
  18. Not only that but they know how to drive (with the exception of May) and what to expect out of a vehicle. I just didn't get the impression the US hosts have the same field experience.
  19. acklac7

    Mac people

    XP is a nightmare, as was windows ME. Windows 7 is teh shit. And Macs are for girls..j/s
  20. The UK version has class. Clarkson,Hammond and May are all very well spoken individuals (there britts..duh) that have a reputation in the automotive industry (at least as far as Clarkson). The humor is top-notch, even though Clarkson over-does it when bashing "our" cars. As damreds noted the videography/Cinematography is also top-notch. Not to mention the producers are exceptionally intelligent. One of my favorite episodes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsH2kQz6LAk "very popular with murders these cars" LOL (Mr. "stict diet" would like this episode)
  21. I saw the preview and was like "oh god it's going to be awful". I dont think anybody is going to out-do what Clarkson,Hammond and May have going on. I think I read somewhere that Jay Leno was going to host it, but then he went back to NBC...Leno could have done it right.
  22. http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums/northstar-performance-technical-discussion/133429-root-cause-head-gasket-failure-fix.html too many AJ's on the internets lol
  23. I was behind him in the Arlington area years ago, thing is bad ass, only non-air cooled porsche I fancy.
  24. http://thelaughingmarcus.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/so-much-win.jpg
  25. sorry I should have clarified: Word on the streets is that timeserts won't hold in a N*. Lots of people have been having issues with them, then again others (including myself) haven't. As I recall there is some issue with galvanic corrosion within the bolt holes, if the corrosion gets bad enough the timeserts won't hold and will strip-out when torqued. Run a search on caddyinfo for "timeserts" and you will get mind-boggling amounts of info on the problem.
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