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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Maybe the "blend door" on the HVAC system is seized up? Are you getting cold air from the vents when the AC is on?
  2. utorrent is great for movies and "thepiratebay" often has some good torrents. If your looking for music just find it on youtube (most everything is on there....somewhere) and use a audio stream-ripper to record the stream being sent to your speakers. Same thing goes for ripping streams off Pandora/grooveshark etc. You can also use a firefox youtube-downloader add-on to download most youtube videos, although youtube is trying to change there coding such that most of those are rendered useless.
  3. You cant hate on Rally's and Arby's fries..come on now.
  4. Only if you get them during the Lunch-rush and there dripping burger juice. Other then that Steak N' Shake has them beat.
  5. New fries suck, old fries were teh shit. If I want fresh cut fries i'll go to Great Steak.
  6. acklac7

    Oh Gabe

  7. Yea, some beastly gas-guzzling FWD V8. I just hate "us" trying to compete with "them" by changing "names" (feel free to correct) to a string of letters/numbers. Eldorado,Seville,Deville they stood for something (Eldorado was the king of gold as I recall). What does CTS stand for? What does M6/E550/Q7 stand for?...Nothing as far as im concerned, nothing.
  8. Agreed, but they should have made it just a tad bit longer (wheel base and overall length) and called them "Eldorado's" or "ESC V" (Eldorado Sports Coupe).
  9. and when did the problem start? I.E. did it only show up once the weather turned frigid?
  10. Long story short: My lexus came with a uninstalled JDM CAI that I had to modify such that I could install the MAF sensor (JDM 2jz's come with a MAP, not a MAF). Well that didn't go over too well and the MAF wouldn't seat right. As a result the car would start and often idle fine, but once put in reverse it would immediately stall. After minutely adjusting the position of the sensor I could often get her out on the road, although she would still routinely stall/randomly bog down depending on how it (MAF sensor) was "seated". On one occasion I got the MAF seated just right and my lord, did that car take off like a bat out of hell. :bangbang: Eventually I got sick of fucking with it and put the MAF back in it's original housing, and "jury-rigged" the rest of the CAI. Haven't had a problem since. Not sure how much that helps but yea, i'd definitely take a close look at the MAF sensor. Perhaps the CAI (and/or lack of AITS input) is causing the MAF to malfunction? If you want to try and throw parts at it I would think a used MAF for that vehicle could be found at u-wrench-it for under $20, especially this time of year. And mensan I can't help but laugh everytime I see your avatar...Poor noobs lulz.
  11. I know em, I just don't like em And I think the CTS Coupe is one of the best looking cars Cadillac has put out in years.
  12. what all did they do to it? just joyride it?
  13. LOL...go ahead, try and game her...you'll want to slap her in the face after 2min (Sorry, I have 0 tolerance for bitchy women). She's a snotty,picky,pretentious bitch (it tends to run in the family)
  14. She's dating some law-school soccer fag (actually he's a decent guy, but he's pussy-whipped)...And she's a controlling bitch. Trust me, she aint worth it...
  15. tats mah gold-diggin bitch-ass sister btw
  16. LULZ..as in Pratt? God I wish I were him, fkn Heidi is HOT! Sad thing is she was WAY hotter before all that plastic surgery shit...I like my girls "nat-ur-al"
  17. man love is serweious business
  18. actually god sorta gave me the hook-up, with the exception of a small deformed penis (and being batshit insane lol) http://i51.tinypic.com/k15b2b.jpg
  19. hai guize http://i55.tinypic.com/v4ovo7.jpg
  20. Were you experiencing any symptoms in the days/weeks prior to your heart attack? Did the Cardiologist think H1N1 had a significant role? Im 28 and thats some scary shit man...
  21. I'll take one of those and a GNX please....lol
  22. The old man used to roll one of these around town back in the 90's. ..Man did he get some looks. http://www.lov2xlr8.no/brochures/internat/bilder/74int.jpg Always wanted to pick up a Traveler for the winter...Bad-Ass trucks (with the exception of the rust issues) http://hillcountrybinders.com/Gallery/albums/Member-Rides/17582Allens_traveler_1.jpg
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