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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Yup, you're likely going to need one of them thinga-ma-jiggy's. Edit, even without one of those adapters you should be able to get some sound out of the speakers. As others have said check for an on-speaker amp and make sure it is getting 12v.
  2. Fake and Gay http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/usa_None_anim.gif
  3. Where the hell did he store all that chit?
  4. Yeah, the fish are still fine to eat. As a rule of thumb waterways polluted by Industrial contaminants (heavy metals, PCB's, Mercury etc) are the ones you don't eat fish out of. Agricultural/Sewage runoff has little bioaccumulative impact.(In laymans terms it doesn't transfer up the food chain).
  5. Yup. Scioto in Dublin has better water quality.
  6. Awesome guy, has gone way out of his way to help me over the phone on several occasions. Would recommend him to anyone.
  7. ^^^ (Not) Brian takes all the credit for that btw, I about died when I came across it.
  8. Campus/Campus cops has done a 180 from what it used to be back in the Mid 90's/Early 2000's. Underage drinking is aggressively targeted now. I can remember partying down there with literally hundreds of other teenagers back when I was 16 (late '90's): Cops would stop in front of the party then get on the loud speaker and tell us to "clear it out" by midnight, then drive off. Now they send in undercover officers to bust adults (18-20). Man how times have changed.
  9. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=707&pictureid=6825
  10. Showed a buddy from Southern Ahiao that episode. He didn't find it the least bit amusing... (I LMAO'D)
  11. Hell, they only start at $630... You're acting like Clay's a big ballin Upper Arlington high roller with fast cash, a Condo in Naples, and a membership to Scioto Country Club. Oh Wait...
  12. I believe wheel bearings should only growl when the wheel is turned in one direction, then cease growling when turned to the other. Then again, you could have multiple bad wheel bearings bad on both sides. Sister has already been through 2 on her '02 Jetta, I think it has roughly 95,000 miles...
  13. Early 2000's VW's are where I get my VWLOL's from. Literally all of them, across the board, seem to be crap.
  14. Yup, but thats not what Toyota torques them to @ the factory:yuno: I seriously had a 4ft pipe extension overlaid on a 3ft breaker bar, the breaker bar was clearly flexing, even put my safety glasses on b/c I thought it (b.bar) was going to snap...
  15. Blast the fucker with a torch, then use a massive extention. Problem Solved. FYI TOYOTA HAROMIC BOLTS ARE TORQUED TO LIKE 700 FT/LBS.....BASTARDS! No-Joke I had to blast mine with a torch for like 3min, then literally "hang" (bounce up and down) on a 7FT extension/pipe combo to bust it free...
  16. And for what its worth my father and I were going down to Cinci about a year ago to visit my sister. Father was driving, I was slumped over "hood" style in the passenger seat because I was exhuasted. Statey pulled us over for "speeding" (82mph), which is ironic because my father doesn't feel safe driving 5mph above the speed limit. Copper was an asshole, asked to search the car (which we gave him permission too, although he never did search it), inquired why my dad was "shaking" (dad responded "cause im old"). Came back after a few seconds later and sent us on our way. Fuck OSHP and there Nazi tactics.
  17. I've watched a number of documentaries in which the DEA states they are usually the one behind those big busts. They just give the info to local authorities and have them set up the stop/seizure as "random" to protect there informants. Exactly :ninja:
  18. Yup, and they always say it was a "random stop".
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