Got picked out of a pack of speeding cars during rush hour today. Right off Fishinger well within City of Columbus limits. Everyone speeds through there, and Hilliard routinely sets up a speed trap at an unoccupied house that is for sale. Only reason I got stopped/ticketed was because I had the parents Audi (AUDI LOL) for the weekend to diagnose a groaning noise and the car has Washington plates.
Cop questioned me about drugs, guns, what I was doing in Ohio etc. Asked for consent to search, which I readily agreed to, although he never did search the car.
So cop has me sign a ticket, then gives me an envelope that he says contains "everything I need" and that I should just "mail in the fine". He then points to a date on the ticket (which is attached to his clipboard) and notes I need to show up downtown on that date if I want to contest it.
Get home and the envelope has my License,registration, and a stub noting how much the ticket was for and where to mail it, but no copy of the ticket.
Immediately call Hilliard CPD asking for my court date because I don't have a copy of the ticket, Dispatcher gets ahold of the cop, then tells me to show up at Hilliard Mayors Court on X date, I ask her "Why should I go to court in Hilliard if I was cited in the City Of Columbus?" her response "Oh, you weren't actually in Hilliard city limits?" puts me back on hold then comes back and tells me I have a court date on april 12th Downtown.
This kinda crap pisses me off because Hilliard does this sorta shit all the time (writing tickets well outside of there City Limits). I've come to avoid suburbs as a whole because CPD simply could care less about this kind of petty bullshit.
I was under the impression Suburb cops only have jurisdiction within there City limits, except in Felonious situations? Can anyone verify this?
-Got pulled over/ticketed by Hilliard PD in the City of Columbus
-Never got a copy of the ticket
-Wondering what, if any, Authority Suburb cops have outside of there city limits.