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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Bad.Fucking.Ass Favorite Movie Of All Time. Didn't realize they shot that scene inside of the Reformatory, and that it actually is called "Brooks room". Visting the Reformatory/Rock Wall as been on my list of things to do for a long time. Sweet pics for sure!
  2. Jeremy spoke in class today...Sad :/ Edit: didn't watch the youtube link, damn CR and all of it's E-all stars.
  3. I'll give you that.
  4. Given VAG's history with electronic accessories, the thought of one with 4 zone climate control is downright chilling....(no pun intended)
  5. Don't forget all TDI's have been flawless engineering marvels since day 1....:lolguy:
  6. POWERSTROKES, LOL. From a component/accessory perspective VAG's have just as many issues as the big 3, if not moreso. I know several people with older TDI's. While the Engine may still run good, a ton of other little shit tends to go wrong, in short order.
  7. Have you ever owned a VAG vehicle? They aren't much better...And when shit does go wrong they are a godamn bastard to fix yourself. If you're going to get one I'd strongly advise you to sell it the day the Warranty is up.
  8. We're still stuck in March as far as the fish are concerned. These next 4 days are going to work wonders for the bite. By this time next weekend it should be on just about everywhere.
  9. The Drum type thing is referred to as the "Carrier" I believe. Based on my limited, slightly educated understanding of Transmissions it theoretically has the potential to make a growling noise when going bad. I wish AJ (Ex Super Moderator) was still on here, he knew this shit left and right. Maybe Evil8 can chime in?
  10. It's Saturday Night, i'd figured you guys would catch it before Monday, thanks for not infracting meh.
  11. Had Too.. EDIT: come on man ! NWS!!!!! .http://i.imgur.com/2qGGNlE.gif?1?1910
  12. Freiburger is a fag anyway, Finnegan's da man. Coolshit!
  13. Not as good as the last one, but I still lol'd.
  14. They're amateur idiots. That said im with everyone who thinks it's shady that the video of the suspect dropping the backpack hasn't been released.
  15. I pass Perry Township all the time on Riverside dr. and never get stopped for no front plate. In addition I drive through Arlington/Hilliard/Dublin on the regular (for years) and never have been hassled. Lucky I guess? seems to me they (cops) don't care.... EDIT: just realized you were talking about Perry township aiming at plates, rather then citing people without them, at any rate...
  16. Fap Fap Fap:masturboy:



  17. Deleting cookies does nothing to change your IP. You'll need to change your MAC address on your router, then restart your modem in order to get a different IP. P.S. I always LOL @ your avitar.
  18. Atlanta is better then Philly....NEVER fly through philly. Also check your credit cards if you purchase anything in Atlanta on your layover, dem southerners be scandalous.
  19. Thats what I always flew, fawking 10 degrees in Ohio, then two hours later (give or take) you're in Sunny 75 degree Ft Myers. Head right to the Beached Whale (on Ft. Myers Beach) and start drinking under clear skies and rooftop dining, cheah buddy.
  20. Air Tran all the way. More leg room then any of the other premium carriers, although it's been a few years since i've flown with them, so things may have changed. In addition they offer cheap non-stop flights to several locations in Florida. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats departing CMH and landing in Flordia 2.5 hours later.
  21. This was probably some bullshit Muncipal court right? IMO fighting charges in Municipal Court is fruitless, the Judge is almost always going to side with "his" cops.
  22. Ha, I didn't know you were black or "african american" At any rate I had another court appearance about 6 months ago for a separate traffic offense, and while I was in the court room a well dressed, clean cut, younger black man got his charges dropped doing exactly what I did today (talking to the prosecutor etc). It's all about how you dress/act in court. You show up in torn jeans and a Budweiser shirt bitching about the charges then yea, you probably won't fair well.
  23. Really? I look for them there all the time, and haven't seen them since. Everyone speeds through there, must be a huge money maker for them. Also they will sit behind Lowes and get you for running the 3 way stop sign if you don't come to a complete stop. Again, that stop sign/lowes are in the City of Columbus.
  24. While I may have come off somewhat abrasive in my post I was rather cordial with Law Enforcement, so the cop really didn't have a vendetta against me if you will. Also called the real estate agent whose house the cop was sitting at, left her a polite (SRS) message stating I didn't appreciate Prudential allowing law enforcement to set up speed traps on there clients property. Haven't seen a cop sitting there since the day i got the ticket, prior to that I would see them maybe 3-4 times a week.
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