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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. 993 with the Gemballa Package. http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/1526/15690829f8a25058381.jpg
  2. As long as he's not constantly trying to fuck with people he actually made me LOL quite often.
  3. Heard he wasn't going to come back even if he was unbanned
  4. Orielys should have the cone dealy in stock.
  5. Used the ball thingy (actually mine was more of a cone) with some polish. Polished each wheel for a good 20 minutes, buffed with a microfiber cloth, then polished/buffed again. Them used (BBS) Wheels ended up looking brand-fucking-new. Don't be afraid to put some pressure on the wheel/spokes while polishing (via the ball/cone do-hickey) if your drill can handle the torque. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=731&pictureid=7313
  6. Good watch for some of you yuppies who don't yet know how hard life can get.
  7. Radio Shack doesn't have much of dick for electronics anymore, they've switched to cell phone sales and whatnot.
  8. *I believe* the problems/legality issues arise when the shop removes the Cat themselves. I don't think there should be any issue with them installing an exhaust sans Cat, as long as the car comes in without one (catylitic converter.) Im sure someone will correct me if im wrong.
  9. I take it one of the three shops on the Hilltop was Madhatter?
  10. Kickass. Ever thought about integrating a radar unit into it? that would be teh shit.
  11. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=731&pictureid=7308
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114261
  13. Likely in for this. Keep us posted.
  14. Mickey-Mouse has way to much solder, i'd almost be afraid to re-flow it for fear it would leak to nearby connections (if it hasn't already), how does the other side of the board look?
  15. Usually boards develop "cold solder joints" which is basically hairline fractures in the solder (common on alot of older Nissan/Infinity's). I've ran into the issue before, all you usually need to do is "re-flow" each individual solder with a soldering iron and you're good to go, honestly not that bad of a DIY.
  16. acklac7

    Dog advice

    More or less exactly what I do. I say "off the bed" the dog(s) get the fuck down off the bed; They don't I alpha them till the cows come home.
  17. The Bose amps should have a "remote" wire to turn them on/off. I suspect whom ever wired them up rigged them to get power whenever power is available to the headunit (rather then whenever power is directed to the head unit (ACC/Key-on) ), thus draining the battery.
  18. Yup, Exercise+Exercise, active lifestyle and some decent coke = eat/drink whatever you want. I miss mah 20's.
  19. Fixed. Been there way to many times during a rush and had shitty undercooked chicken (to the point I specify the chicken be "golden brown" when I place my order).
  20. acklac7

    Dog advice

    :jerkit: Every dog i've owned sleeps at the foot of my bed, and they all know exactly who the master is.
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