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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Anything Nissan from the 90's (Infinity's included) is absolute junk/nightmare to diagnose. Hate those cars with a passion, although I do love me some Z32 300zx's
  2. Batteries can be bad off the shelf. Also, as Brian noted, they don't like to sit for prolonged periods of time. I've had new batteries go bad in two months because the car they were installed in was never driven.
  3. Has all the symptoms of a dead battery, but the headlights staying on isn't one of them (although cars can do crazy things when they're low on voltage). Jump it and see what it does buster. Also inspect your +/- cables/terminals for corrosion.
  4. Yea you might try and jump it, but the whole headlights staying on / buzzing sound has me thinking it's not the battery.
  5. possible ignition switch or relay issue. I've needed a good reason to get alldata setup on my new Desktop, if all goes well I should be able to get a wiring diagram posted tonight. Do you know how to use a multimeter?
  6. Michelob actually isn't that bad of a beer, same thing with Budweiser red (to a lesser extent).
  7. Probably by a group of shady craigslisters who want the whole heap for themselves. Put a washer up for scrap a couple weeks ago on CL, within 20min I had some of the most shady motherfuckers in Columbus trying to get it.
  8. I believe that 6" length of smaller diameter wire will cause an increase in resistance. An increase in resistance = decrease in Voltage reaching the pump (I believe). Personally i'd wire it all the same gauge (14).
  9. GABES BACK! :fuckyeah: Oh wait....
  10. Obtain Russian Mafia Financing. Open tuning shop. Profit.
  11. Several laws were broken, a State Agency enforced said laws, I don't see the problem?
  12. I'd also start up some sort of pimp-tight upscale club/venue on the riverfront, lots of room just south of the city to start such an establishment.
  13. Analyze the Columbus market then compare it to another thriving big-city market, see what they have that Columbus doesn't. If I had $100,000 i'd start up a exotic car rental company, rent Bentley's/Royce's at the Airport, Lambo's/Rari's for a night on the town. Got alot of High Rollers doing bidness in the capitol city, surely they want something other then an "econobox" to drive once they get here.
  14. You might also want to approach her husband while he's walking the dogs, just to see if there's anything you can do to help remedy the situation. As I said earlier I was literally in the exact same situation as you (car work, complaints etc) and decided to approach the husband. He turned out to be mad chill, and more or less told me to forget about the bitch and just let her go mad. I even told him "look im willing to work with you guys" and he more or less said "there's no working with her, don't worry about it". We've been friends to this day. Crazy,Old,Wealthy,Women....god help us all.
  15. I thought the SBA wanted 50% of the principal in liquid form?
  16. Not with the bullshit yay/hookers we get in Columbus. Vegas, maybe.
  17. should he bring his girlfriend along too? (im guessing you're bringing yours)
  18. Yea but the Sugar daddy always wants some sugar back in return. I've talked to numerous guys who've owned there own operation, called all the shots etc and they've loved it.
  19. Buy a long-haul truck/trailer setup and become a professional Tourney angler. Use the money to travel the country patterning rivers/lakes, then come tourney time reap the benefits...Sure the wife would love that
  20. you really only need like $25,000-$50,00 to hedge a SBA loan of $50,000 $100,000. Personally i'd open up a shop near Grandview, but thats just me.
  21. What did you think of the fishing department? how big was it in relation to the overal size of the store?
  22. Have you ever delt with women like this? there cooters are rusted shut and they have absolutely no intention of reasoning with anybody. All they want to do is dig up shit to bitch/complain about. They are hell to deal with.
  23. Had the exact same situation in my current Condo, NASTY older bitch below me just complains about everything, her husband gave up fighting with her years ago. Finally after several letters from the board I got nasty and told them to "tell that bitch if she has a problem to come say it to my face", she put her place up for sale a couple weeks later. IMO i'd go tell that bitch off in a hearbeat, but since she has lawyers involved thats probably not the best idea. Personally Im a firm believer in electro shock therapy for older bitter women.
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