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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Yea thats what I was thinking, probably alot more Sheriffs then city/suburb cops blah.
  2. I guess for now they're going to be staying the Miamisburg area, which appears to be quite a bit south of Dayton. That said im fully expecting them to purchase a house either there or somewhere else near Dayton in the next year or so. How are the Cops? Slimy sneaky bastards like the Highway patrol? or laid back and chilled out like CPD? - not that I get into alot of trouble but Im always driving something sporty and tend to speed/get pulled over a decent amount, anymore I usually just get let go with a warning. Also looks like 70 to 675 is going to be the best way to get to Miamisburg, how's the traffic? Should be going back and forth alot here in the next 6 months as the family has been out west (1800 miles) for the past three years.
  3. Got Family moving back to Ohio in the next few weeks, looks like they're going to be staying in Dayton for at least a year, if not permanently. No offense but personally i've heard most of Dayton is a shithole (from people that live there) any ideas on where to live? what to watch out for? what areas to avoid?
  4. acklac7

    Windows 8

    Microsoft is psycho about installation keys now, if they register two different IP's using the same key they will terminate it (key), then you have to call-in to get it reactivated. Happened to my key b/c I switch computers/MAC addresses so often. Every time i reinstall Windows i have to phone my key in or they wont activate it. And you don't want Windows8, wait for another PC/Keyboard based Microsoft OS to come out.
  5. Pro Trolling 101: Sell yourself as a dedicated forum member, blend in, then troll with fantastic results. Thats where Gabe failed miserably, everyone knew he was a troll, so his results were mediocre at best. There's been numerous times i've contemplated how lulzy it would be to create another account on here, then blend in and troll to hell (all in good fun though, after everyone was rustled to the bone i'd reveal my true/alter identity). The_Buster is following my playbook to a "T". Common, blatantly mentioning foodstamps on CR?...
  6. Yea the Social/Partying scene is tits (talk about hawt women) but honestly above that the pure aesthetics of the the quarry-view is what makes it probably the best complex around. Also it is extremely quiet at night, almost like being in the middle of the country, except for when the asphalt plant on the west side of the property is running, which is only here/there from what I understand. And the quarry has two pools and two hot tubs, both located infront of clubhouses away from the apartments (for the most part). Personally I found the Meridans "court yard" pool setup to be somewhat creepy, as opposed to sipping brews in the pool while over looking the lake at the quarry.
  7. Truth. OSU undergrad is a fucking joke unless you're there for the 4 year (18-22) ride.
  8. Sweet, columbus racing does carfax now:gabe:
  9. Exotic/high end car Rental maybe?
  10. Just talked to him, nope. He's sort of a bad-ass old timer who loves cars and is sorta stuck in his ways. He'd just assume let it sit until he got $1500. That said a couple of other people are interested, he said he'll get back to me about potentially shaving a little off the price if it doesn't sell in the next couple weeks.
  11. Outside of the headgasket issues (which were more or less resolved in 2000/2001 Northstarts and the 4t80e transmission they are mated to are more or less bullet proof. The amount of downright abuse mine withstood in my younger years was mind boggling.
  12. First thing I would do is take an Ohm meter and check the battery ground cable for excessive resistance, even though it looks fine it may be shot. Do the same for the starter connection to the battery (+). Take it you've already checked the starter relay?
  13. Never been there but it sure does smell good. Usually feast @ Taj Palace (Mill Run) at least once a week. $10 buffet, decent selection, although it's definitely not the best they have to offer. If you go for the dinner buffet or the weekend (Sat) buffet you get a much better sampling, although it is a little more expensive.
  14. 138 updates LOL, including 2 more critical updates released yesterday:dumb: http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/01/adobe-microsoft-ship-critical-security-updates/ Windows....:lolguy::dumb:
  15. While I won't say that it sucks it has certainly gone downhill. The advent of those open-roller ovens are to blame (IMO). They don't cook the pizza well enough, or evenly enough for that matter. Anyone remember Donatos back in the early 90's when they used the "old school" rack ovens? BOMB! BTW you can still go to Tommy's and request the pizza be cooked in the "old oven", the difference is night and day.
  16. Flywheel went out on a family members 2002 Continental (teeth are shaved clean). Have the Factory Service Manuals for said car and it mentions supporting the motor from the top/bottom with special engine supports. Anyway around this? Can I just support the engine with a cherry picker or something while I drop the Trans? I've worked on alot of cars but have never dropped/pulled an engine or trans before.
  17. dem eyes just scream "put it in my ass" tho...
  18. These types of stories are what fuel anti-gun activists. Shit happened all the time in Florida. If you're going to pull a weapon please be 100% sure you are justified in using it.
  19. Not sure on the belt, said he pulled the cover off and it looked pretty fresh, car has been very well maintained it's whole life so im guessing it was replaced at the recommended millage.
  21. Sorry somehow missed your post, I know for a fact all the injectors have been done within the past year, will check on the timing belt.
  22. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lszcm0pygJ1qcmgkho1_400.jpg All over the net now The clip spawned lots of commentary on Twitter, where Webb gained tens of thousands of new followers by halftime. Some of the tweets: "Get NBC's Chris Hansen on the phone. Brent Musburger is coming close to 'To Catch a Predator' territory w/McCarron's girlfriend." (@ChuckyT3) "I preferred it when Brent Musburger was infatuated with the Honey Badger. His new obsessions are...troubling." (@kyle_york) "Ok, Brent Musburger is starting to sound like that creepy uncle who's not allowed to go within 500 yards of a grade school." (@Jmack97fm) "Brent Musburger is like that 70 year old guy who shows up at singles ministry thinking he's got a shot." (@MatthewBarnett) Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2013/01/07/2336309/video-aj-mccarrons-girlfriend.html#storylink=cpy
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