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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Battery powered variable speed dremal saved the day, no way i was getting a standard size grinder in that tight of a space. Im now able to get a socket on all of the bolts :fuckyeah: http://i49.tinypic.com/241woqg.jpg
  2. Even said to myself "I definitely need to elaborate on the matter, as going by the topic title people are going to picture me standing over the bell housing with a 16" cutting disk just going to town :eek2:
  3. :fuckyeah: 1st thing tonight that little strip is gone... Thanks guys.
  4. First off I know the vast majority of you are already saying "no" by the time you've read this sentence. If it wasn't for a Goddamn rusty FWD V8 I would probably be saying the same thing.. At any rate Flywheel went out on a family members 2002 Lincoln Continental. Got the Trans Separated from the Engine in hopes I could access the engine-side flywheel retaining bolts from up top, didn't happen. Factory service manual calls for dropping the Subframe and Transmission in order to gain access, but fawk I don't want to go there with the space i've got to work with (and the fact that some of the bolts are rusted, bad). At any rate took a good look at it today and I'm almost positive I can get bolts off from the access door for the starter gear. Problem is I have a thin strip of case in my way (see the area in red). I zip that fucker off with a grinder and im golden. Aside from obviously cutting a small section of the bell housing (which I don't think will be visible once I remount the starter) can anyone see any reason why I shouldn't at least give it a shot? I mean that little strip is structurally/functionally worthless as near as I can tell... Should also mention the car will be sold after the job is completed. Car has been a piece of shit (mechanically wise) for sometime. http://oi50.tinypic.com/36hqe.jpg
  5. Dude is likely long gone and they know it. I believe Law Enforcement has already scaled back the amount of people on the ground by 50%.
  6. Obama doesn't come close to how downright evil Dick Cheney was. Look what he's done to the Republican party.
  7. All that would be too easy and wouldn't prompt a mass flame war.
  8. Lost several of my high school friends to grizzly deaths, all of which I learned of a year+ after the fact. Never easy. Thoughts go out to you. Seems to just happen more and more as we get older
  9. You looking to buy new or used? New im guessing... IMO/experience cheap plastic Acers/Sony's/Dell's with core2+ processors are prone to all kinds of issues due to the heat they tend to generate. If you want a lappy that will last make sure it has an aluminum case that will aid in dissipating heat (basically the whole case is a giant heat sink). You might also want to verify that a fan control program is availibe from the manufacturer before purchasing a unit. Dell is horrible when it comes to that aspect and as a result there laptops seem to overheat and shutdown on the regular. Personally I've had great luck with older used (core2) Aluminum Macbook Pro's. That said I maintain them, I.E. fully disassemble the case, clean the motherboard, apply fresh thermal grease etc. With said maintenance and adequate cooling via SMC fan-control override they seem to run forever...
  10. Was living @ Governors Square by the time I was 17:fuckyeah:. Back then they used to carry a seasonal brew called "Hell for Certain", came in like $6 22oz bottles - man alive was that good shit, haven't seen it in probably 8 years or so
  11. *Confused* - So Savor (Located on Indianola?) is owned by the same people that own Kenny rd. market? How the fuck did you live on Bethel Rd. and not know about Kenny Rd. Market?, dude it was right down the street from your (old?) place....
  12. The Nightly News mentioned something about a statement in his manifesto that basically said he was going after family members because he was never able to start a family of his own (maybe due to his termination?) - Forget what the conspiracy theorists have to say, Dude is fucked in the head.
  13. Then throw in some Scarface for the tripple.
  14. Why does it not surprise me it's available @ Kenny Rd. Market, that place has fawking everything. Honestly don't go over there on purpose because i'm on somewhat of a budget and i'll blow an easy $60/week there, they got enough of my $ in my early 20's... FYI they should be able to special order the porter for you, assuming Kona has some in stock. Also I HATED the Longboard larger, but then again I can't stand sweet beers, nasty...
  15. Got a voltmeter/wiring diagram handy? First thing I would do is check for voltage at the taillight connector(s)
  16. After years of frustratingly messing around with broke-dick irons I finally said enough is enough and got a quality unit, best decision I ever made. http://www.iso-tip.com/products-page/smart-solder-series/quick-charge-soldering-iron-kit-boxed-7700/ Few other models available - http://www.iso-tip.com/ Best Soldering Iron i've ever owned. Battery powered so no stupid fucking cord to worry about. Heats up in literally seconds (almost unbelievable) and stays hot for about 2-3 joints, then just hit the button for about 10seconds and your back in business. Only complaint is tips are hard to find, do yourself a favor and order a half dozen in various sizes. - Also might want to look into the upgraded yellow model, basically identical only recharges faster, bigtime plus. Have one of those too, def. better then the pencil irons but again finding tips can be a pain in the ass. Also don't like how you have to hold the trigger down at all times, I modified mine such that it runs non-stop when plugged in
  17. Clear Liquor... http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSp2pgZWG7RQ5nyW4SEG3ZsuU1RHWXBpAnQ8xNwQu_D3Lapfui4Uw :gay2:
  18. It's a UA thing, they wouldn't understand.
  19. Only place i've seen it is on the West Coast, and even then it's only available for maybe 3 months out of the year. I'd stock up when you find it, it's teh bomb.
  20. I know coffee and beer don't sound like they'd go well together, but gadamn is this some good chit. http://konabrewingco.com/konabrewingco/files/2011/03/Pipeline_Bottle_Pour1.png
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