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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. *I said i know it's only rock 'n roll but i like it, like it, yes I do...*
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV5ZT7PM370 blast this on a $1000+ system while high on "white life" doing 120+ on a "Private Track". report back
  3. I know the feeling. Name an era..i'll bust out something you'll like
  4. just4u http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpN60KKBAjc
  5. I've always been told that oil burns either blue, or light black. From my experience with N* I can tell you white exhaust is almost always due to vaporized coolant mixed with combustion gasses. Feel free to challenge/correct me.
  6. what good is threadin' while wasted without music?
  7. I believe he has a wife? *nuff said*
  8. And did I mention it is ......
  9. I know it sounds like faggoty at first. Just a thought. Shit is 10x better then a bunch of dudes vocally chatting on a vent server http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93184. With tinychat/stickam we get the possibility of seriously hot bitches joining the party...Trust me, things can get wild, those sites are like E-bars if you know where to look. Just a thought. http://i.imgur.com/e06fZ.jpg
  10. why get Anthony involved? we ain't causin not trouble, we ain't botherin nobody? shit gets out of line then step in, so far the drunk crew are one of the better things about CR. The callouts and highschool chicken shit are the AIDS that are bring the kitchen down. And im fully aware that at the present time my opinion means shit here.
  11. naw the drunk crew deal seems to have been with CR for a while now...perhaps im wrong?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D9xVvZ8Xc4
  13. I was about to say...22 fucking years? how old are you bruh? lulz
  14. someone needs to set up a CR Stickam/Tinychat room where the drunkcrew can all chill on cam and get hammered.
  15. You missed the nastyv6 saga. /thread
  16. acklac7


    This. Especially when your wrenching and it's like crazy hot outside...Nothing hits the spot better then a ICE cold Miller/Budlight (or yuengling when you get it for $9.99 12/pack.
  17. Is the white smoke more prevelant after a prolonged period of inactivity (I.E. letting it sit overnight). Or does it smoke every time you fire it up, no matter the duration of rest. Have you checked your coolant level recently?
  18. So my pioneer DEH-???? shorted out a few days ago (smoking n shit) and now im in the market for a new unit. Would like to get one that I can hook up to my IPOD via USB. Sort of confused as to which one to get, some have usb ports but make no mention of IPODS, other (more expensive units) have USB ports and say "IPOD compatible" or "Built for IPOD". Whats the difference:confused: Will any usb-enabled deck dectect my IPOD via usb or do I need one of the "IPOD Authorized" units??
  19. And this was way back (like 2002) so I had to use hand-held digicams connected to my comp via firewire.
  20. I had a couple of these set up back in the day on my driveway (watched the feed live on my monitor). So there I was surfing the net @2:00am and some crackhead comes up and starts trying to break into my car (mind you im watching the whole scene unfold on my desktop)...At first I didn't even believe what was going on. Before he could get the slim-jim halfway down the window I threw open the door and yelled "are you fucking serious!?" Never seen anyone so surprised in my life
  21. I remember one chitfest back in the day and cops were acting like that (I.E. we own you) even though nobody was really doing anything wrong. Buddy knocked a 40 upside coppers head, dropped him flat, night ended in a massive riot (squad cars getting pelted with rocks/bottles..police cowering behind cruisers, the whole 9 yards)...Police state my a$$. Them were the good ol' days @ OSU. :bangbang: That being said these whiny cry-baby hippies seem to be intentionally trying to piss the off the man, never a good idea. They got what they deserved.
  22. Pick and Pull gets ravaged by 100's of goons on a daily basis. Anything of value is usually gone within seconds of hitting the yard. It's a good yard if you need something GM'ish, but for lexus/supra's forget it. Those cars get gutted the day they come in.
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