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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. lol 4chan's down already...wow
  2. that was my next stop...I bet the servers crash tomorrow lulz.
  3. lol Ryan Reed...Figured you were on here. Caliper repairs are physically impossible
  4. hmmm there was a Chance that worked @ the one on Roberts. Great guy (early 20's?), although he got canned/was told he was no longer a fit for the store. I gave the manager a decent amount of shit over it as his customer service skills were excellent...perhaps he got re-hired? edit: I think the dudes name was Vance not Chance.
  5. ok ok ok the body's of the non air cooled 911's suck. Those 993's make mah penor hard.
  6. i'd take a 1997 RUF 911 over that anyday. Non air-cooled Porche's suck.
  7. It is my understanding that U-turns are prohibited city-wide, marked or not.
  8. I make u-turns all the freakin time in heavily patrolled areas, just make sure you're in the clear before you bust one...
  9. westside, out by the V....


    Peace be wit cha brah

  10. From what you have i've gathered you're hearing some sort of "springing" sound right? Ball joints/Strut mounts/swaybar links should produce a dull "thud" or rattle. A "springing sound" likely indicates a worn bushing (likely control arm if it's only noticeable over bumbs). Jack the car up, then take a look at all the suspension junctions. Are any of the bushings/grommets loose/deformed/cracked/missing?.
  11. is the sound only audible when you go over bumps? If so it's likely a ball joint, and yes you should be worried.
  12. inner's can be a bitch. Last time I had to do one I had use a dremel to cut about 1/2inch off of a 22mm socket in order to get the socket on the nut (tight squeeze on those firewall mounted racks). Also did they RFB balance your tires (road force balance) or just use the old spin-style balancer?
  13. Import Doctor 52 Brickel Street, Columbus, OH. Tell Chad/Jim you got a student referral, they won't do you wrong. 614-228-8637
  14. should note that im 100% against the seepee posted there...shit is sick. But some of those threads there are epic. Alot of very intelligent people are on there too (believe it or not). Trippleftw
  15. I refuse to post-whore, if I got something meaningful to say i'll say it. If I can't help out the thread i'll usually just lurk. I refuse to stoop to the levels of Mjrsplat (no offense brah) just to gain post counts. IMO (and I know, my opinion doesn't count for shit) the whole post-count deal could use some re-tooling. I mean i've seen EJ8 contribute his expertise in IT a number of times..So what if he doesn't post about automotive related topics? He shouldn't be penalized for it. My 2c at least.
  16. Post said number so everyone can join in on teh lulz :bangbang:
  17. no your fucking stupid because I never once said he was my friend And yea, he knew he fucked up, his girl even told him it was shady as hell, but he went ahead with it anyway.
  18. I've had significant issues with linksys when it comes to Apple computers. Infact linksys used to not offer any support when it came to those over priced shitboxes. Had a $50 belkin a few months back. Worked like a charm until the piece of shit reset button broke off, rendering it useless. Probably would buy a higher-end Belkin again, granted it is DD-WRT compatible, and has a giant, easily accessible reset button.
  19. Better yet a fat bitch, man can they dish out a verbal asswhoopin
  20. should add that i've had NO problem picking up random misc. shit on craigslist (for under $100). Routers, processors, humidifiers, graphics cards, Mobo's etc. Everything went simple and to my surprise has always worked.
  21. Dude in one of my classes got took for his pristine 98 S10 today. Went to trade it for a nice prelude, took the prelude for a test drive, found out the transmission was shot, brought it back and his truck was gone. Called the cops and found out the prelude was stolen...Fuck craigslist.
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