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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Unfortunately, they don’t fund houses in these conditions. And all of my assets are leveraged at 70% or more. Thanks JP. I’ve raised money like this in the past but my last lender went into the game himself- no more loaning. I have an attorney that’ll set all this up. I prefer unsecured but if it was a deal breaker, I’d give the person first lien on any of my properties they want. It’ll never come to that, so lien away lol.
  2. Lol dude you win this whole thread. Excellent post
  3. I know this sounds a bit ridiculous, but figured I'd give it a shot. If you have a boat load of money you're sitting on and just simply don't know what the fuck to do with it, I'm your guy. As most of you know, I am an active real estate investor; both flipping and rentals. From a credentials standpoint, I have successfully flipped 20+ properties and have a full team that knows exactly what they're doing. I have a lead on a house that is 100% a slam dunk, but the purchase price is $190k- I only have access to 100k through a credit line, so I'm looking to finance the other 90k. I will have all the money once I sell the other property (see Home Improvement thread) in approximately 90 days- I'd have enough to pay you back and rehab this property. I am seeking 90k @ 10% interest for a period of 60-120 days. TL;DR: Seeking a private investor- loan me money: 90k @ 10% interest for a period of 60-120 days.
  4. That Wiki mind-fucked me haha. Damn I suck at this stuff. Thanks man- yeah, the guy at MC last night talked a lot about the Thunderbolt option but again, IDK wtf that is. So basically if I want to run things with a regular USB (my printer), I need a this?: https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-Compatible-MacBook-Chromebook-Galaxy/dp/B07449RJV8/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1527770747&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=USB+C+to+USB&psc=1
  5. Ending up going to Microcenter tonight and checking out the XPS in person- absolutely loved it. Came home, checked out the Dell Outlet site and found one that fit all my needs. Originally $1360, on outlet for $818 and randomly googled coupons codes and found one that took another 13% off, total score. Ended up being $760 out the door with tax and free shipping. Ordered a Bluetooth mouse off amazon and want to get a monitor for my “office”. Any suggestions on a good monitor? Looking to spend about $150- totally open to that Dell site. Also, I need to get something to convert the mini USB port to accept regular size USB. What do I need to do that?
  6. Zx2guy19


    Damn, I wish this would fit someone 5'11-6'. I REALLY want a bike but don't want to pay some of these crazy asking prices. GLWS.
  7. Nah...since I'm quitting my job once it sells, I could use the profit.
  8. Haha thanks man. Yeah- $7200 for insulation which makes me want to puke but it’s as good as it gets. Forgot one pic: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. DAYUM this house is coming along. Passed all of our inspections and insulated the next day (spray-in). Drywall finishing this week, cabinets and tile next week and paint the week after. Exterior wise, siding was finished today and the yard/concrete work is this week/next. Hoping to hit the market pretty soon! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. There are many others here equipped to handle your question, so I won't chime in on that. But for what it's worth, I used to make a shit load of money doing this when I was a teenager. Like 40k when I was 17 haha...it's how I got started in real estate/flipping houses. There is a lot of money in this if you do it the right way. If you sell a part and it doesn't work, honor your customer and replace or refund. That happened to me a few times and I'd like to think I always did the right thing. Best of luck dude. If you ever need an agent to help find you a commercial space, let me know.
  11. I really wish that site had the XPS 2-1 15" model. 13" feels very small. I could be wrong though...might swing by Microcenter tonight and test drive a couple of these babies.
  12. I don't see any pics at all...am I missing something?
  13. Thanks for all the info again guys. I'm leaning towards one of the Dell 2-1 systems, and am 100% okay with going with something from the outlet, including Refurbs. Once again, the problem is, I just don't know what the fuck I'm looking at. Like looking at these, why are there 3 models for $935, one of which is 2TB (non-refurb) of SATA HD and the other 128 GB of SATA HD (refurb)...like why would those be the same price? Not sure what I'm missing. http://outlet.us.dell.com/ArbOnlineSales/Online/InventorySearch.aspx?c=us&cs=22&l=en&s=dfh&brandid=2201&sign=PXhcOSHtr1T4IOw%2fPR7UdTp6fYErj616g6ehtfeEv1a7x0kw9Weq0XPWbnWT6XIsuQGpOMjmBtSW4CzBtTDMOOcVn7JqL%2fzmW%2fB%2bRLqIk%2flDGkodAZgrjcjuBXSaEVoKV5XLCVfkhXSDj2tmw%2fhSkgn42kwxVCypVN5tuPQppTu5cV7Yg%2fkBgNJYorDe954tFrab6ksEn0qRzosoMUDBVTLPoxOIqexrudQVZZTS4zdwMZ%2fcONYJoJ8YZtS1UPG%2b%2frEmH2MzBsGeBLzj%2bJlSPcDQVUE7OCS7Pz9dSWnTRGJNJ%2f5rxD%2fx8jBJwuB5QyOoq4WCBuZFXpYNyMPkfyHi2SUFEpeBC9Pf
  14. Hey, just curious, what's your total motor budget? It'll be tough to build the whole car for $2500. :gabe:
  15. I haven't- are they weight bearing at all?
  16. So what’s the big difference between the XPS and the Latitude?
  17. I do actually have a Surface Pro 3 now that I've used on occasion. I just don't know that any of the Surface Pro's have the ability to doc and be a main hub computer...is that the case now? Can I hook a monitor up to it when I'm at my desk? I'm intrigued by the Dell XPS- looks like a really good option. The battery life isn't too concerning as most of the time it'll be docked and I can charge it overnight- I'll probably only use any of these on the go like 25% of the time. Thanks everyone for the input! Mike, keep this feedback coming brotha.
  18. Well as the other threads are indicating, looking to make the jump into FT real estate soon. So looking for the tech guys to help me out here. I've come to realization that my old laptop just won't cut it. So, I'd like to get a decent laptop to use at the office, as well as a tablet to use while out showing houses (perhaps a combo??...). I have unlimited data through Verizon, so I can use my phone as a hotspot to power a tablet in case I need internet while I'm showing houses (or maybe I can't- you tell me). I'm kind of set on an iPad as the tablet, but really open to suggestions. If there's a great combo out there that I'm missing, let me know. I do have to have Microsoft Office (at least Word, Excel and PP), so I need stuff that's capable of that. All in, I'd like to be under $1200 with tax. What's out that there that would satisfy all my needs?
  19. Zx2guy19

    WTB: Truck

    Still looking, dude sold the other one out from under me.
  20. Zx2guy19

    WTB: Truck

    Thanks dude. I think I'm picking one up tomorrow with 150k miles for $5500, clean as hell. Just have to verify the rust and we should be good.
  21. I don't finance my flip houses, they're all cash. On the 3 ARM's I've done with Marc, 2 have been personal houses and 1 was a rental property. Remember- there is a cap to how high an ARM can go now (as Marc said, it's not like the "olden days"). If you get a 3.5% rate it may cap out at like 5.5%. And it may never get there...
  22. Zx2guy19

    WTB: Truck

    Bro. Wtf is this site? It's actually really cool! Not sure I have the time to buy one on here now, but I've been looking for a dump truck for my rentals. This may do the trick in the future. Thanks!
  23. Stories like that are exactly what give me confidence. At first I felt like I was the only one dumb enough to do this. But the more and more I talk about it, the more people I meet that made the jump years ago and no one has ever said they regret it. HA- HR is the unsung hero. People love us when they need us, and hate us when they don't. It's a very unrewarding career at times! (I know you were kidding of course). Yeah, obviously that's been the biggest obstacle in my mind- the looming possibility of a real estate crash. But look, if the economy tanks again, my ass is getting laid off anyways because retail will tank. So either way, I'm fucked. May as well get fucked in the position I like rather than being stuck doing missionary all day. I've thought about having the conversation with my company and going down to part time. I think less time in the office could translate to more happiness, but it's still not what I really want to do. It's just a band-aid to my long term plan. Just to update everyone: I got rid of my truck and BMW and picked up a great real estate car (Jetta GLI) and am picking up a "more loved" F-150 tomorrow night. I met with another broker yesterday that appears to really want me- it'd be joining a team for a girl I've known for a few years. She sells between 150-200 houses a year with her 4 agents and just can't keep up right now. Once I get my sea-legs under me, I'd go off on my own. I am having coffee with a CR member tomorrow who made this EXACT same move 2 years ago (it's weird- we made the same amount in corporate and have within 1 rental of each other and he became a REA). So I'm hoping after that conversation I'm ready to say fuck it and just go for it.
  24. I love ARM's lol. Marc has done a few for me. In the last 10 years, ARM rates have beaten Fixed from what I remember. If you get a good max increase rate, they're the way to go.
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