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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. It's also red, ha. I also do think I want an auto (pains me to say)...if I'm driving 20k miles a year and taking calls and stuff, I don't know that I want a manual.
  2. So basically you're saying this: https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=478548077&zip=43205&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fsearchresults.xhtml%3Fzip%3D43205%26extColorsSimple%3DBLACK%252CGRAY%252CWHITE%26startYear%3D2014%26maxMileage%3D45000%26vehicleStyleCodes%3DSEDAN%26incremental%3Dall%26endYear%3D2019%26modelCodeList%3DJET%26makeCodeList%3DVOLKS%26featureCodes%3D1078%26minPrice%3D15000%26sortBy%3Drelevance%26maxPrice%3D24000%26firstRecord%3D0%26searchRadius%3D200%26trimCodeList%3DJET%257CGLI%2BSEL&minPrice=15000&startYear=2014&numRecords=25&maxPrice=24000&vehicleStyleCodes=SEDAN&firstRecord=0&endYear=2019&modelCodeList=JET&makeCodeList=VOLKS&searchRadius=200&makeCode1=VOLKS&modelCode1=JET
  3. I'm really digging these Jetta SEL's. It looks like I can actually get a new one with every option I want for like 23k. Fairly large, 33 mpg, turbo, available in 5 speed or auto, good looking car, etc. Only downside is FWD, but really shouldn't be a big deal. https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=471324480&zip=43205&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fsearchresults.xhtml%3Fzip%3D43205%26extColorsSimple%3DBLACK%252CGRAY%252CWHITE%26startYear%3D2014%26maxMileage%3D45000%26vehicleStyleCodes%3DSEDAN%26endYear%3D2019%26modelCodeList%3DJET%26makeCodeList%3DVOLKS%26featureCodes%3D1078%26minPrice%3D15000%26sortBy%3Drelevance%26maxPrice%3D24000%26firstRecord%3D0%26searchRadius%3D200%26trimCodeList%3DJET%257CGLI%2BSEL&minPrice=15000&startYear=2014&numRecords=25&maxPrice=24000&vehicleStyleCodes=SEDAN&firstRecord=0&endYear=2019&modelCodeList=JET&makeCodeList=VOLKS&searchRadius=200 Upside of going with new is 0.9% financing.
  4. Lol fuck off. Dude I'd love an ATS-V but out of my price range for a DD. That Lexus is ugly as hell...I instantly just aged 40 years simply by clicking the link. Also a V8 that gets 20 mpg LOL
  5. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. To Bruce's point, this isn't really about hauling clients around, as that's pretty rare now-days. Geeto is right- I am only looking for 30mpg in my DD, but the truck. Excellent suggestion on that manual Jetta...I REALLY like that. If it wasn't red, I'd probably head over and buy it tonight (remember, black/white/gray only). I'm also really digging that Frontier. I'd prefer to have a longer bed than a bigger back seat since it'll literally only be me ever riding in it, but a great start. I'm feeling the A6 quite a bit too. It sounds like I can do $1500 or so in mods and make it a whole new car. The downside is, Audi's are expensive to insure (I got a quote on a 2015 A3 and it was $500 more a year than my truck...truck is worth 27 and A3 was worth 20). Steve/JP: Great suggestions, I'll look into both. All roads seem to be leading back to the ATS, but I feel like it's a girl I dated for a year and tried to find something better and came back to.
  6. Kerry those appear to be much more than 22k unless I’m missing something.
  7. Based on my other thread, I'm ready to make the jump...sooner rather than later. That said, I currently DD a 2013 Ford FX4 that I'm lucky to average 15mpg combined in. I LOVEEE this truck, but no way it works for my future. Payment is $450 which is fine, but I'll need to sell it to by another car. I plan to sell my BMW (and truck) and get a nice DD and a 5-10k truck that I can use for my rentals. Since I won't be DDing a truck anymore, it doesn't have to be anything fancy. I can handle that end. I am struggling to find a DD that fits my criteria. Insert CR. My non negotiable: 2014 or newer 21k or less (if it's 23k and I talk them down to 22k, okay fine). Something that gets 28-30+ mpg highway 4 doors AWD Nice interior, with leather. I am funny about interiors and won't drive something that doesn't have leather (unless it's a work truck). I HATE the feel of fabric on my legs. Must be black, white or charcoal gray (again, I'm funny about car colors). Preference: Turbo (like a 2.0T or something) Auto (le sigh....) Here are the things I've found that are close: Audi A3/A4/A6 (A6 are kind of rare, and slow in a 2.0T) Lincoln MkZ Infinity Q50 (Hybrid) Cadillac ATS (used to have one) Any others I'm missing that I should take a look at?
  8. Since I don’t have a garage anymore, no need for these jacks. If I remember correctly, one had an EXTREMELY slow leak, like 2-3 days to go down. I don’t remember which one, so $35 each or $60 for both. Just need them gone now that they’re sitting behind my tenants garage. Also have K&N filter cleaner, almost brand new. $5 or free with jack purchases. Finally: brand new 26” craftsman power latch toolbox. $20 Can deliver for gas money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Damn, I'm feeling like a million bucks reading these comments. Thank you guys, for real. I'm just so afraid to make a McSteak at 28 that can't be undone for years worth of work. Dude I thought I could do it another year. But each day I feel like I am growing to hate corporate more and more. I don't think I can hang on that long. Awesome example man, thank you. Let's talk. Do you support Columbus? Marc does traditional stuff for me and does a damn fine job. I do have 3 other portfolio loans but the bank I used to work with no longer does them (FCBank). Thanks man- I appreciate the encouragement.
  10. FWIW, I have a rollup cover on my F150 and absolutely love it. No issues at all.
  11. I don't do 401k- my rentals are just that. They're my forever retirement plan. I do plan to have kids some day, but I'm hoping the wife has insurance. If not, my friend pays for a plan that's $716 a month for his family. Hell, I pay like $300 through my company now for just me.
  12. Ha, thanks man. I just looked up insurance for myself...with Dental it's like $125 a month. Am I missing something? Seems awfully cheap.
  13. Lol gud 1 Lol that's why I texted you today about financing a shit load more properties before I make this stuff happen :gabe:
  14. Just to clarify, that $2500 a month is AFTER I pay all my bills. Also, I'll probably make 75k or so on this house I'm flipping, so that'll allow me to get another rental or pay off even more of my debt (luckily, outside of mortgages, I don't have any). I have looked at joining a successful RE team, one of my friends sells 300+ houses a year and needs a buyers agent. I'll do my own thing with my own people, but would have leads come through her team. My other friend is a real estate agent and pays $600 a month for his wife and 2 year old son. I think I can get it for $300 or so a month, and the girl I've been dating is a teacher with great insurance- if we get married (2+ years out), I'd have it through her. Shit I can do COBRA for 18 months at $500 a month through my company. Thanks man- I go back to a lot of our conversations when I was coaching you through your tough time. Everything I said to you, I'm doing the exact opposite of right now. And that needs to change. Dude I honestly can't wait...I smiled when I read your post LOL
  15. Bruce, I was hoping you'd chime in but I couldn't remember your SN on here. Shoot me a PM with your number if you can. I'd like to chat.
  16. Also: I had a really shitty conversation on 4/19/18, so I committed myself to make this happen within 1 year, so I marked 4/19/19 as "my last day with (insert my company)", but now I'd like to make it happen in the next 90 days. Not sure if it will, but that's my goal.
  17. Almost exactly 2 years ago, I made this thread: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125045&highlight=forum+pave Fast forward 23 months, I still hate the corporate world. My career and salary have grown, I have a role now where I should be happy, making excellent money, get to travel, full benefits, etc. But I still feel like a caged up animal. The last 2-3 months I have thought about leaving my job almost every day, to the point where it's like consuming my daily life/personal life/ all my thoughts. When I made that thread, I think I had 6 rentals that grossed about half of what I do now with 11 rentals. I am now to the point where I gross a little more per year doing rentals than I do my corporate job- each is slightly above 6 figures (just to give context, not trying to brag or be a douche). If I leave my job, obviously, I'll cut my salary almost completely in half. I'll go from a consistent, every 2 week paycheck, to monthly pay dependent on my tenants and them paying. But unlike last time where I wanted to do an apartment complex or buy a daycare, I am planningto be a full time real estate agent. I am born and raised in Columbus and have connections all over the city, and I don't need to make 200k a year to be successful as a REA. I can life off my rentals (After all bills are paid, I'll still bring home an extra $2500 a month from my rentals) until I get consistent in real estate. I am going to sell my BMW and truck and get an A3 and a POS truck for my rentals. Essentially, anything I make on real estate is "icing" on top of my $2500 extra a month, and I feel like I'll be so much happier. Tell me why I'm crazy and why I should go back into my corporate cave for 2 more years. *things I have not really found a solution for: Insurance...not married so I'd be on my own for this. Anyone have suggestions? **flame suit on...move the Kitchen if needed.
  18. I still have your damn Coors light in my fridge, unopened haha. Looking online, they go for $500+ for a 128gb...that's insane to me. I am eligible for an upgrade. Shoot me a text with what you're thinking. But I am open to selling.
  19. I have been thinking about upgrading my 7+ to an 8. No real need to, just due up for an upgrade. Let me check into pricing to see if it's feasible on my end.
  20. I've got a guy that will seal that driveway for $100.
  21. Awesome score man. I have a guy that redoes floors for $2.25 a square foot. Might be worth it to have him do it- they'll turn out perfect.
  22. I'm really curious what Geeto thinks about this car and the impact it has on the world and political landscape.
  23. Lol no shit. I make the same amount whether I'm actually working or debating with dick weeds on here. Can't change what I do from 8-5.
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