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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Hey everyone, My wife just graduated from OSU with her degree in Spanish, so she is seeking a role locally (we live in Hilliard) that would allow her to do some type of administrative work. She originally thought about being a teacher but doesn't think that's where she wants to work long term. Does anyone have any positions, or know of any, that would be a Monday-Friday type role that could benefit from her being bilingual? She has a resume if anyone is interested. Thanks! Brad
  2. I think his weight loss is great, and I wish him the best of luck in the future. I'm sorry if you took my comment that way. I'm not saying 1,000 calories a day isn't healthy or good for fast weight loss, I just think it will be hard to sustain that for the rest of your life, much like the Atkins diet. Unless you incorporate some heavy exercise, the weight will likely go back up once you introduce more calories. All I'm saying is that unless you stay at 1,000 calories for the rest of your life, you may have issues. Fuck, I wish I was a doctor. I'd make a lot more money.
  3. Jesus, 1,000 is not a sustainable diet. Maybe for short term, but you really can't do that long term. 1,500 is good for a diet, and of course it depends on what it consists of. Yes, 6 candy bars is 1,500 calories, but there's no nutrition. If you eat a high protein, lowER carb diet, you'll do great. Nothing wrong with carbs, just don't go all out on every meal. Typically I stop eating carbs 5-6 hours before I know I'm going to go bed. Stretch is correct on where abs are made. I do abs consistently but I have a bad diet (I'll admit, I've slipped after bulking, I never really went back to leaning haha). Good luck man. Google the "Bizzy Diet" from MusclePharm. It's a damn good diet for a regular person who doesn't have hours a day to spend at the gym. I've kept off 40 pounds for 4 years now by following something similar to this (I change it up, but always follow the same core).
  4. Damn that thing is nice. I'd buy the hell out of that if I had the spare $$ laying around.
  5. 100% agree, but what I do like is that Kurt Sutter recognizes it basically needs to end, and this season is the last. I still can't wait to see how it all wraps up. Overall though, definitely an amazingly done series. You are correct again...literally nothing compares to GoT anymore. It has taken it to a whole new level, and the 5-6 individual plots make it so easy to be hooked to. I am pretty stoked to see how HoC's plays out. Frank is a true American bad ass, ha.
  6. GoT has taken the number 1 spot on my all time best series. Last nights episode was nothing short of incredible. In 66 minutes, they tied up basically every lose end from the season and left a ton open for next season. I literally can't wait. For the record: 1) GoT 2) SOA 3) Breaking Bad 4) House of Cards 5) Dexter I started GoT in February and watched all 3 seasons in 3 weeks on HBO On Demand. This 9 month wait is going to suck ass.
  7. Cookout, pool party, taking to a nice dinner, etc. I just announced our company picnic today (I work in HR) and we chose The Columbus Zoo and Zoombezi Bay; probably not the best team building, but we allow families as well. Personally, whatever you do, if budget isn't a concern I'd invite the families. Nothing brings co-workers together more than meeting families- it gives a personal connection (usually).
  8. I don't have much to spare right now after the wedding. 10 shares is better than no shares.
  9. Seriously though, I may pick up 10 shares of Apple just to see where it goes- I currently do not own any stock, is this a bad idea?
  10. Nice house ^^ Tim- for whatever reason, I've found the King Thompson website to be the best house search site out there. And trust me, I've done a crap load of searching. If you are willing to do a little work, visit http://www.hudhomestore.com to search for foreclosures. You can narrow it down to zip code to target your choice area. Good luck man.
  11. Just don't get a Titan: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118068 (kidding.....kind of)
  12. Yup, help yourself, you know the ropes haha. Only ones off limits are the ones around my shed and around the tree in the back yard. Otherwise, feel free to grab any size ones you want for free.
  13. Yeah, probably. You're welcome to come check and take whatever!
  14. Mini BB? I'm home tomorrow after 430 if you want to come out
  15. I've driven the truck approximately 50 miles since this happened last, and no sign of it. That's what scares me, it's totally unpredictable and intermittent.
  16. I'd be interested in talking to you about it, let me know man. I am really surprised you haven't written this, but it makes my feel a bit better knowing that maybe it isn't that common. Regardless, it happened, so now I feel 'infected', haha. I am talking to Steve-O about doing this, I'm just not sure on something like that. I removed the ABS from my 240 (and Hicas), but I redid all the lines and such, and it was fucking miserable. Yes, and I've thought about a strategic tree already, haha Ouch I don't think I'm overreacting; my brakes literally failed getting off a freeway exit. That will get you a bit riled up. Understand- this is only on 04-06, and while mine is an 04, it still books at close to $9500. I owe 3k, but I don't want to get ass raped on this. I need a truck, and if I sell it for 4k and walk away, I still have to get another truck. Yes, my safety comes first, but still, it doesn't change my bank account magically. The problem is real- I'm not making up the symptoms or the severity of it. Regardless if it happened to 10/1,000,000 or 100,000+ people, it happened to me, so it's damn real.
  17. The only problem is that the $1200 repair people are reporting is not fixing the problem. As in, they are fixing the problem and really don't have a real solution for it.
  18. The other night, my wife and I took a trip up to West Mansfield to grab the king bedroom set from TonyG. On our way up on route 33 near Marysville, my brake light came on. I thought nothing of it, and thought I was low on brake fluid and I'd grab some at a nearby gas station. When I got off the exit, I applied the brakes and they went basically all the way to the floor and made a severe grinding noise- almost as if the ABS was on. Well, it was. When I got home I did some research and found out that literally 100's of people have had this happen on 04-06 Titan's, Armadas and QX56's. Apparently, Nissan refuses to pay for the repair, yet they are aware of it. People have actually died from this because the brakes fail. http://www.topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/1154-nissan-armada-a-titan-truck-infinity-qx56-class-action-lawsuit/ This site outlines basically everything, and many people are reporting their issues daily. It sounds as if there was a class action lawsuit in 2011, but can't find the outcome, and I believe it is ongoing. Bottom line: I don't feel comfortable selling this truck to someone with the knowledge that the brakes could potentially fail. And naturally, I do not feel comfortable driving this thing either. To top it off, the 'repair' is $1200 at Nissan- with basically 90+% of people reporting that repair does nothing. What would people suggest I do? I may drive a few miles to Lowe's and back, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm done with this truck.
  19. I'm not sure if it's even on sale or not, but for what it's worth: 1) I'd go with a 10" sliding saw 10x over a 12" non sliding. 2) I never thought in a million years I'd use my miter saw as much as I have. One of the most useful things to have home improvement wise I've ever picked up!
  20. Thanks Jones- I didn't even know this section existed. Trish- the pleasure is all mine.
  21. Hey everyone, So I don't typically do stuff like this, but I know a lot of people on this board need the same advice that I needed a year ago and could use the info. As many of you know, Trish, AKA damreds, is a professional photographer that owns and operates (with a partner, I believe) Lucky Lola Studios. A little over a year ago, I posted a thread asking for wedding advice. I was relatively new to the boards and basically didn't know anyone. Trish responded to the thread and we met with her shortly after, eventually agreeing for her to do our engagement photos and wedding photos. The short and to the point results: A wedding can be about as stressful as damn near anything in your life, and my wife and I would truly like to thank Trish for making this day about as perfect as one could imagine. The amount of effort and passion she put into making my wife and I as care free and on track as possible will never be forgotten. Every photo that was given to us from our engagement pictures last July (2013) was spot on and perfect, and I imagine that when we get our wedding photos back, they will be nothing short of amazing. During our wedding, I heard probably 20+ people talking about 'how awesome our photographer is at keeping everyone together'. She basically ran the show, and it was exactly what we wanted. So enough with the sappy stuff- but I do want to say, that as long as my wife and I are in Columbus, for every life event, we will use Lucky Lola studios. Thank you again for everything and I truly look forward to working with you in the future. Trish- if you'd like, you are welcome to post photo's from the wedding in this thread (or samples, or whatever). PS- Trish didn't know this thread was coming
  22. NICE dude. All- I still have a pretty good amount left. If they aren't gone by next weekend, they're getting jackhammered.
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