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Posts posted by airwg2189

  1. I'd rather be labeled racist than dead. Radical Islamic terrorism is a fucking problem. The cop is a hero. I'm glad the name of the attacker was released though, because it helps shatter the narrative from CNN. The sooner we, as Americans, can admit that radical Islamic terrorism is real, the sooner we can objectively look at bi-partisan solutions. Like all groups of people, most Muslims are totally great people, but the driving force behind literally every single bad apple is exactly the same: Islam.


    Fuck 'em.

  2. Random thoughts:

    Clemson may be sloppy, but find me another team that has a better resume at this point.


    The Heisman should be delayed until after the playoff, given that it's extremely likely it'll go to someone on a team in the playoff, so those games should be a factor.


    Tom Herman coaches at Texas next year.

  3. So...since this is the political thread, does anybody want to talk about how the media isn't really talking about the FBI and it's apparent leak problem or the fact that the republicans aren't really back stopping James Comey even though he broke a longstanding tradition of the bureau to not interfere in elections.


    Tradition != law. Comey did nothing wrong. Thank your CNN overlords for blowing his letter to Congress (which IS required by law) out of proportion.

  4. I think the blockbuster games in the start of the season need to take place in the middle to near end of the season going forward. The USC team that's playing right now isn't the USC team that Bama destroyed to start the season. I would much rather see teams that have found their identity and have half a season under their belt playing these marquee match ups the Oklohoma team OSU played isn't the same team playing right now. That same argument goes for every team who is in college football right now.


    Also if a team was to lose late in the season by a non conference foe atleast it wouldn't come at a price for not winning your conference. OSU 2014 VT didn't leave them out of the B1G champions ha game where past two seasons their trip up have come against b1g schools.


    I actually agree. Chattanooga should be the first game of the season, so Alabama can start 0-1. Of course, if we pushed schedules like that, I think a lot of schools would be more hesitant to play blockbuster matchups like that.

  5. For what it's worth, I believe OSU is a top 4 team in the country. I just think the committee fucked up 2 years ago when they gave their reasoning for why the B12 was left out. I am not confident that they will go back on their reasoning two years later and have a bad look from the public and college football world. Expand to 8 and this whole argument goes out the window


    100% agreed, and that's why I don't think we'll see tOSU in without some help from Team Chaos. Baylor (or TCU, depending on how you look at it) were dominating and had several ranked wins. They made a massive statement by taking Ohio State. Had the Wisconsin game not happened, we definitely wouldn't have been in. I think we'll see a similar situation here. If Washington wins out and doesn't look like shit, they get the nod in my book.

  6. Let's just all agree that this season is proof that this shit should have been 8 teams from the beginning. With 5 top conferences, I'd like to know what the hell they were thinking.


    Theoretical 8-team playoff bracket, given tOSU beats Michigan and WVU beats Oklahoma, all others win out. Wisconsin wins B1G:

    Alabama vs. Michigan

    Washington vs. Wisconsin

    Clemson vs. West Virginia

    Ohio State vs. Louisville


    Undefeated Western Michigan goes to a NYE6 bowl, cited reason for not having played any ranked teams all year.


    It doesn't get much more perfect than an 8-team playoff this year.

  7. This thread is hilarious.


    Let's all pray for America that most of them believe a man who is known to lie has many failed businesses and bankruptcies with ZERO political experience, can run our country. And that's just putting it nicely.


    How many businesses does Trump own? And how many have failed? Lastly, you are aware that claiming a bankruptcy is the most financially-efficient way to close shop, right? I've noticed that only those with zero business experience ever bring the bankruptcy thing up.


    The whole rhetoric about him being a bad businessman is fucking stupid.

  8. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but if Washington wins out, they should get the 4th spot over OSU.


    Yep, I said it.


    The committee has stated that conference championships are weighted heavily. Assuming the cards fall into the 'perfect storm' scenario above, the committee would be giving the Big XII a second slap in the face from a couple years ago when Baylor (or TCU, depending on how you look at it) was red-hot but still left out due to not having a conference championship.


    That said, if Washington loses any games, or if Clemson -AND- Louisville lose any remaining scheduled games, or if Clemson or Louisville loses the ACC championship, tOSU is in. tOSU beats out the entire Big XII and Louisville both in SOS and quality wins/quality loss.


    Assuming Michigan beats tOSU, Alabama vs. Washington and Michigan vs. Clemson would be my playoff picks. If tOSU beats Michigan, then it would be Alabama vs. B1G champion and Washington vs. Clemson.


    Realistically though, I see at least one loss for one of the in-play teams still on the board at the hands of Team Chaos.

  9. At one point those cities didn't have gun control laws (in our lifetimes) and let's be honest there was a lot of irresponsible behavior that happened, so they can no longer rely on "self policing" of gun owners. One thing that almost never gets talked about in these situations is the number of deaths and injuries caused by legal gun owners that have decreased as a result of gun laws. Getting shot in a bar brawl used to be so prolific they wrote many many many folk, rock, and blues songs about it. Don't hear about it nearly as much now.


    They're called nightclubs now, but it's the same fucking thing you bigot. #PrayForOrlando. Yet another completely preventable shooting.


    Curious, did you ever hear the unedited 911 call? It's pretty damning that it was an act of terror committed in the name of Islam. I 100% believe that someone, at some level, edited the public release tape for political reasons, not safety or whatever.

  10. I'm willing to take a shot. Keep Obummercare but take away the penalty for not having insurance... I bet I know what happens.



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    It's not a bad idea. Let the shit fail by itself, then it's pretty hard to pin Trump as the bad guy that took away your insurance. Costs are only going to continue to go up until they stabilize at the "true" market price of insurance.

  11. It completely boggles my mind how many people on Facebook are STILL going on about Trump supporters being xenophobic/sexist/racist. Physically attacking Trump supporters for their political views. By all means, keep doing it! This is the shit that got him elected to begin with. Party of tolerance my ass. I think we all agree that there's a lot of division in this country right now, but the irony is that a vast majority of it is coming from the exact same group of people claiming to be oppressed. The democratic party is a fucking joke right now.


    And +1, the video Brian posted is spot on.

  12. Yeah, brilliant way of thinking. "Keep telling me not to hit my head, I'll just do it more and harder".


    You seem to forget that you are in the minority, but it worked out for you because of the electoral college. The same thing that Trump supporters were bitching about how it's corrupt and who knows what else.


    Boo fucking hoo. Trump supporters are the first ones to resort to name calling, but that doesn't really bother me. I'll call a racist a racist and a fool a fool. You sound like one of those pussy liberals.


    If we take out California, a state that Donald didn't give a flying fuck about, Trump won by ~5% or so.

  13. https://news.vice.com/story/live-election-day-turnout-results-with-votecastry?utm_source=vicenewsfb


    As of 2:20pm Ohio was 46% Clinton 45% Trump



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    You do know these numbers are made up bullshit based on "projections" right? The same bullshit that gave Trump a 1% chance to win the Republican nomination, and the same bullshit that sampled Dems at a +10% ratio to come to the conclusion that Hillary had a 1% lead in whatever random op-ed. Numbers are not official in any way until the polls have closed.

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