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Posts posted by airwg2189

  1. Debating on going to Cincy Thursday night just to watch Houston play. Can get tickets for $40(ish) and it's not a bad drive down there.


    Week 3 picks:

    #2 FSU vs #10 Louisville

    #1 Bama vs #19 Ole Miss

    #12 Michigan St vs #18 Notre Dame

    #3 Ohio St vs #14 Oklahoma


    Upset special

    #22 Oregon vs Nebraska


    Exact same picks, including your upset special. I wasn't so sure about beating Oklahoma before the season started, but after 2 weeks of eye tests, I am expecting a 2-possession win (10+).


    I'll even appease Jive a little bit too. Alabama wins by 21+.

  2. This is a real tragedy. Joe was a nice guy from the very few times I met him.


    Clay, did he have anyone that depended on him? maybe put together some fundraiser at CC&C to help them out?


    Despite this tragedy, can we not turn this thread into a "bikes are bad" bitch fest? This was a motorcycle accident, nothing more. It's unfortunate and tragic but it could have easily been a car accident with the same result. Sure bikes are more dangerous than cars but not as dangerous as being a pedestrian or on a bicycle. Just because someone dies on a bike doesn't mean you are guaranteed to, so focus on the loss of the person to his friends/family and not the method by which this world was deprived of his presence.




    Thoughts and prayers to Joe and his family. Keep me posted about a memorial cruise/ride/fundraiser. I'll share deets with the local bike groups in effort to increase turnout.

  3. Agreed but I think they lose to LSU honestly


    In what, baseball? Not to defend Alabama, but let's be real. LSU looks like utter shit. They handed Wisconsin the entire first half, and then the win, from stupid mistakes.


    EDIT: A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C! A-C-C!

  4. Wtf was Brandon Harris thinking throwing that ball LOL. What a dumb ass. That one play just cost his team his season. Les is gone after this year.


    Fournette hurt, false start moved the ball to the edge of the kicker's range. Risky, but it made perfect sense.

  5. Anyone watching this LSU vs. Wisconsin game? I was going to post how LSU was handing Wisconsin the game from their first half mistakes, but they came back storming. That field goal by Wisconsin was clutch though. The second half has been REALLY good!
  6. Hard to tell if we're looking like studs because we're playing against Bowling Green, or if we have some legit ballers on this team (Hooker's pick, my God...) this year. Either way, I'm loving it. Glad to see we came out swinging right from the opening whistle of the first game, unlike last year. We should be winning by 40+ for ALL of our cupcake games.
  7. Stein's platform is socialism. Worse than Bernie. Trump is the only one who doesn't support Net Neutrality.


    Lol, don't get it twisted. Johnson is against ANY sort of regulation of the internet - Net Neutrality included. While that sounds good, complete freedom is what's allowing the internet providers to be terrible. You and I both know that in 2016, internet access needs to be classified as a utility and regulated as such.


    I honestly wonder if Johnson supporters actually know his platform. It's pretty shitty.

  8. That's a little far for a morning ride.



    anybody got anything on the north west side of town? Any good roads between say dublin and marysville?


    33 and 257 are gonna be your only bets. Old 315 is nice if you can ever get a run without traffic. Central Ohio just simply does not have many windy roads.

  9. 555, 664, 668, 78 are all cool. 377 has some AWESOME high-speed sweepers and is my single favorite route (ride within your limits and be safe, but this road has GREAT visibility and incredibly smooth turns, you can really wind out the gears here if you want).
  10. You guys saying Bama (other than Jive, since he's a homer and can't put together an actual argument) - why? They have no QB or RB. Are you saying Bama because they'll be the best in a round-robin of losses in the SEC this year (which, I can see happening to the SEC and B1G this year) or because they're ACTUALLY good?
  11. I dunno, if they had a "moderate" conservative alt candidate it might not, but unfortunately the Republican Party has become a factory of right wing nut jobs. Social conservatism is just unpopular right now (mainly because it is coming down on the wrong side of history) but instead of having candidates that say "ok it's a problem but maybe not one the government should handle" they have candidates that refuse to outright recognize the social issue and instead leverage some religious precept or moral reactionary position. Christie and Guiliani kind of fit the bill for moderate politically, but they are so representative of corruption in politics there is no way you could sell either of them to the public. Eliot Spitzer used to look to be on that track but the prostitution scandal soiled his pure idealism and ruined his political career.


    Considering how lousy a conservative majority Supreme Court has been for this country...ahem...citizens United....cough....hobby lobby...ahem....a democratically selected Supreme Court may not be the worst thing for this country, esp if the pics are safe bets and moderates like the most recent selection.


    Yeah, because giving a middle finger to the majority that just voted Trump for the nomination is a sure way to unify the party.

  12. Maybe if the RNC leadership had any kind of organization or balls they would not have Trump as a candidate.


    This would absolutely guarantee a Democrat in the White House and liberal Supreme Court picks.

  13. The more I read the theories that people have about the "establishment" and conspiracies, the less I respect people here intellectually.


    I feel like I've been saying this for months but, just because you are too stupid or don't understand something doesn't mean it is a conspiracy.


    I mean, Hillary's camp absolutely, factually, objectively conspired with the DNC and the media... did you read the emails?

  14. I fully expect Alabama to lose 2+ games. I also expect Ohio State to lose 2+ games.


    This should be an interesting year. The recent powerhouses are all going through a rebuilding year, save for Clemson and to a lesser degree, FSU and Stanford. If JT Barrett can stay healthy, he's my way-too-early Heisman pick merely because he'll be the running game and passing game. For better or for worse, his numbers are going to look bloated as hell.


    Playoffs: In my way-too-early analysis, Stanford has the easiest road of the P5 teams by far. Like, by miles and miles. Their invite is theirs to lose. They've got a decent enough of a schedule to have some decent wins, but nobody else in the Pac-12 looks to be remotely close IMO. Clemson will battle FSU for an invite once again. If Oklahoma goes undefeated, they'll be #1, no matter who else is undefeated. The B1G will probably have a 1 or 2 loss champion this year, and they might be on the hot seat for getting a playoff invite. Nobody really stands out to me at the moment. SEC is also looking like a tossup. Georgia will no doubt shit the bed this year, but Florida, Alabama, LSU, and Ole Miss all look about even in my book.


    What are we, like 27 days away or so?


    EDIT: The 100% irrelevant final AP preseason poll: http://collegefootball.ap.org/top-100

  15. Aside from the All Mighty LS what other platform do you see people squeezing out double the stock HP with no issues on internals? Most (of course not all) Subarus that have either ringland or detonation issue are due to modifications that people skimp on the support (read : tuning)


    I have no less than 5 EJ motors sitting here right now, 3 of them destroyed. 1 was due to a timing belt that was 30,000 miles past due.. something Subaru owners are notorious about. And 2 are from over boost/lean out/detonation issues. There certainly are known issues with the EJ series, and it is odd that a platform they have had around for SO long in one form or another didn't get further tweaked but if done right and MAINTAINED they aren't bad. At least, not any more so than other small displacement big power platforms.


    Any Subaru enthusiast knows damn well that those motors blow up bone stock for no apparent reason, at a rate much higher than should be acceptable. Mileage absolutely irrelevant.


    Now, I understand that things happen, motors pop, but it's literally the exact same issue, every single time. That's the problem. They've had ringland 4 horror stories for a decade, yet still haven't fixed it. I love Subarus, but the EJ is NOT a reliable motor in any facet of the word.

  16. Can you explain yourself?


    He wants to privatize prisons, sign the TPP, wants to remove all trade tariffs, completely cut the federal Department of Education, has no interest in subsidizing alternative/clean energy sources, remove federal farming subsidies, wants to completely deregulate healthcare insurance, opposes all stem cell research funding, wants to raise the retirement age, wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade and let states decide (read: abortion becomes illegal in the south), wants to completely remove the death penalty in all applications, opposes Net Neutrality and wants to tax all internet sales.


    But he wants to legalize weed, so the hipsters eat it up.


    Seriously, he would be responsible for the US economy collapsing, health care costs skyrocketing, schools turning into even more of a haves-vs-have-nots case than they already are, and prisons being run FOR PROFIT as you work into your 70s to afford an even more expensive meal than you do today. This dude is much more dangerous to the country than Clinton or Trump could even imagine to be. It's like he's a mix of both candidates' worst aspects, but with legal weed.

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