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Posts posted by airwg2189

  1. There are definitely some issues with them so far, but it's a new platform with bugs to be worked out. The EJ series has been around essentially since the beginning of the millennium so they've had plenty of time to work out most of ITS weaknesses.


    Yet the EJ257 still has an absurdly high failure rate. Ringland 4...

  2. Why only two choices?


    Isn't there some other psycho on the ballot in all 50 states?


    That dude that wants to make heroine legal, and tax all sales at 30%?


    #feelthecock? #feelthebuldge?






    Thats the guy!




    Johnson is objectively worse than both of them if you actually look into his policies. His whole appeal is he's "not Trump OR Hillary, lol!" I truly don't understand how he's getting this cult following on Reddit, Facebook, etc.


    These candidates both suck, but Trump is leagues above the slimy, shady shit that Clinton has done.

  3. To clarify, I'm not disrespecting you or your car, JP. I know your shit is fast. I'm saying bike vs. car is stupid. Any bike worth a shit will leave a car before the driver can blink, and any car worth a shit will eventually catch up and pass. Expected video played out exactly as expected.
  4. ...I mean a stock Z06 will pass a liter bike at the top of 5th/low 6th? You're doing what, 170ish when you pass? Nice run, but literally anything that can do 180 will EVENTUALLY pass a bike. Bikes are stupid quick down low but fall flat VERY quickly at 155ish (600s) or 170ish (liters). Keep up or pass one in 3rd or 4th and I'll be impressed ;)



    Hater with a bike

  5. My welfare doesn't come in until the 15th...I've been broke since the 2nd of this month but I bet some begging on a busy off-ramp for about an hour should cover my expenses for the night, so count me in!


    Edit: Wait, today is the 15th :dumb:. You forget what day it is when you don't have a job and the government takes care of you.


    Underrated jokes LOL :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:


    Got any food? I spent all my credits at the beginning of the month and the food i bought has spoiled. I guess getting three overflowing shopping carts of groceries was a bad idea.


    I don't, but these damn white folk around here playing on their cell phones do. We just gon' take it.



  6. Somewhat related - I had WOW when I lived downtown 2 years ago, their modem/router is kinda weak and didn't like having more than 5 or so wireless connections at any time, regardless of actual bandwidth use. Strongly recommend buying a decent one of your own if possible. It'll pay for itself in 2 years anyway.
  7. Real life scenario for you...


    You're at a store and you have your CCW with a .45 by your side (I know you would never but play along for a minute) and an active shooter comes in and you witness him shoot and kill at least 8-10 people and he doesn't seem to be slowing. You first find cover since he is blocking your exit. Suddenly he moves into a position where you have a clear shot at him if you choose, what do you do?


    Obviously you put down your gun because when the shooter sees that you aren't armed he'll naturally disarm himself too. At that point, you can ask him if he'll please come with you to the police station to talk about his emotions, but you should mention that you don't want to hurt his feelings, so it's okay if he wants to blow your fucking brains out instead.



  8. NOBODY is sympathizing with the shooter OVER his victims. But I still recognize his rights as a human and an American. If you don't get that then I don't know what to tell you.


    So his rights as an active shooter who you have VISIBLE EVIDENCE that he's killed at least 3 officers (at the time of the parking garage holdup) are more important than the rights of innocent men and women who being paid to not run away?


    You understand he doesn't have regard for human life, right? I guess you're one of those "if we ban guns, nobody will die!" people.

  9. Then you also missed the part where we as a society are different from the shooter.


    Serious question: are you mentally handicapped? It's a prevalent theme with mass shootings, and apparently, those who sympathize with the shooter.


    How EXACTLY do you propose we capture alive an active shooter who is literally in the process of shooting at police officers?


    Look, I agree that there's potentially a dangerous slope for the use of explosives by our police. I agree, there's a few corrupt departments out there (Dallas is absolutely NOT one of them, though - look at their track record). At no point, however, do I sympathize with the shooter over the shootee. He lost that the moment he opened fire.


    Let's put it this way, if you own a gun and someone breaks into your house and kills your wife/girlfriend/child/mother/father/whatever, then aims at you, are you going to tell me you're NOT going to try to shoot him before he shoots you?

  10. nobody is talking about "innocent" life being the only life worth saving. Either all life is valuable or no life is valuable since "value" is a subjective term.


    Obviously the shooter(s) didn't care about other lives in Dallas, so pardon me for not giving a flying fuck how he's killed, so long as it's quick, effective, and minimizes collateral damage as much as possible, with the emphasis on speed of eliminating the threat. (I will agree with you on the collateral damage point, but given that this was a concrete parking garage, a small bomb seems 100% reasonable to me.)

  11. There is a lot to consider and a Tim's "kill them all and let god sort em out" approach is both callous and cavalier and undercuts the real strange new land we find ourselves in.


    How is this ANY different than police gunning down the Orlando shooter? I noticed he didn't get a trial either. I guess the Orlando SWAT team should have asked Mateen to put down his gun and turn himself in, maybe bake him some cookies and invite him over to fuck their wives too? Jesus Christ the idiocy of whining that someone who is actively firing bullets at police offers was killed in the least-endangering method possible is fucking insane.

  12. very noticeable in that BLM is out protesting against cops killing blacks when they should be marching up and down streets inside inner city Chicago calling out the gang members for killing hundreds of blacks. why aren't they doing that I wonder?


    Bingo. EVEN IF every single black guy killed by police was determined to be an act of racism, it doesn't even remotely begin to scratch the surface of the number of blacks killed by gang-related activity.


    But that story doesn't gather ratings, now does it?

  13. Does it strike anyone else as odd that the alleged shooter was killed by police, using an unprecedented technique? And that there has been no outcry for him not receiving justice?


    Oswald was killed before he could talk too. Just saying


    You're an idiot, and that Facebook meme going around crying foul for this is fucking stupid. If the SWAT team was sent in, brute force, they'd be shooting for the kill. You can't really apprehend an armed shooter in MOST cases. This was no exception.


    The only difference was that the bomb potentially saved lives of LEOs from being sent in to get the guy.

  14. It's almost like this has never happened before...in the 1960s....as part of the civil rights movement...


    It is well documented that white-on-black crime is statistically lower than it theoretically should be, when looking PURELY at per-capita numbers of violent crimes. Despite the media spin, we're living in the safest time period in history. White people are killed by cops too, you just don't hear about it because it doesn't get ratings. The recent media spur of blacks being killed (that you wouldn't have otherwise heard about or given a shit about) has nothing to do with civil rights AT ALL.


    Not that it's an excuse, but FAR more lives would be saved if the focus was on black-on-black gang-related crimes instead, but that story just doesn't have the OMG factor now does it?

  15. Why is it that every time our government does something completely moronic...... there is a shooting somewhere?


    Because we have a president who, intentionally or unintentionally, gets involved in social issues that he shouldn't, and makes statements that divide the country. He set a fucking TERRIBLE precedent by opening his mouth after Trayvon, and now we're stuck in this cycle where media-spun racially-"motivated" crimes and riots are this nation's top priority.

  16. This is not a good thing.


    David Cameron resigned and the GBP dropped the most it's ever had in 30 years.


    No shit it'll drop immediately, but in the long run, the GBP will be higher than it was before. The UK (and Germany and France, for that matter) is getting SCREWED by carrying the weight of shitty economies in the EU.


    EDIT: This whole "ur racist/bigot/xenophobe" crap is seriously getting old. Do people not know the definitions of these words? There's plenty of reasons for Brits to vote to leave the UK that have nothing to do with Muslims.

  17. To clarify my comment earlier, I'm not saying Republicans are innocent from acts like this, but this is quite telling so close to election season. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way, but I would think you'd want to be on your best behavior with your job/your friends' jobs/your party power on the line. Recently, it's been Democrat convention/superdelegate this, Hillary scandal that, BLM violence at Trump rally, etc., all dominating the news cycles. It seems to leave a bad taste I think.


    Both parties are pathetic, but the Dems have been taking Ls going into the final stretch of the race...

  18. The Democrat party has been an embarrassment to this country as of late. Between Hillary's law-avoidance, shafting Bernie with votes not being counted, violent protests in the name of "not Trump" that aren't being reciprocated in the slightest, the cringe-worthy media bias that is backfiring 100%, and now this, I'll be amazed if they don't get completely blown the fuck out in November at all levels of government.
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