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Posts posted by airwg2189

  1. Because of all the other things the FBI has that Reddit doesn't like training, experience, and a unified understanding as to the actual crimes being alleged and how to prove them in the court system. Oh and also restraint to not fall down a conspiracy rabbit hole and read everything in that light.


    What do you think the FBI is like local law enforcement? 2 years of college and that's it? They recruited hard at my law school for agents and a significant number of agents hold a juris doctorate degree.


    The FBI is overwhelmingly stacked politically conservative at the moment due to a republican chief, and is leaking like the titanic because at the end of the day there isn't a strong enough case to do anything in an actual court but they can still affect the election by "leaking" possibly inflammatory information which has been happening. I am actually fascinated how nobody seems to be talking about all the security breeches that are occurring in connection with a security breech investigation. Comey is either going to have to witchhunt post election or step down. And hardly anybody is talking about that.


    There's enough evidence to suggest that the FBI did not, in fact, read through every single email. It's literally impossible to say they did. Akin with Snowden's tweet, it's much more plausible that they ran keyword searches. There's also a reasonable amount of questionable activity going on with the entire judiciary arm of the government to suggest that there might be an outside force working against the FBI.


    Question, how did you feel about Comey prior to Sunday?

  2. Lolwut?


    Seriously this statement alone is so hilarious I don't really know what to do with it. This is like saying "you know, Mrs Johnson's kindergarten class solved the Kennedy assassination so we should disregard every single part of the warren commission including all evidence submitted"


    Actually, as the child of a president Chelsea Clinton would have some security clearance, mostly for matters that are not related to military operations. You wouldn't think that mundane things like her movements so security details can track her would be classified but they are. Basically if it isn't about troops or state secrets that carry a high classified rank, it's not that big a deal. Also, some documents can become classified after the fact, not at the time of creation so....there is that too. You can't claim she's broken a law if the document didn't become classified until after it was sent out.


    Every time I get some hope that Americans aren't really as stupid as the rest of the world thinks we are, someone comes along to shit directly on that hope.


    How does Reddit having the manpower to literally read every single email change the validity of the claim?


    Chelsea Clinton does not have any security clearance and neither does her maid. The Democratic primary was rigged. Debate rules were broken. Campaign manager worships Satan. Foreign funds were accepted, likely bribery involved.


    Who the fuck cares if it's Reddit? They didn't make anything up; everything is available on Wikileaks for you to see with your own eyes. They just posted the email ID to make it easier.

  3. The problem is that Reddit has found multiple crimes, but the FBI hasn't? Her fucking maid was given a classified document to print off. Tell me who's facing heat for that? Chelsea Clinton has zero security clearance, yet she's looped in on multiple classified emails.


    This isn't an opinion, this isn't feeling betrayed for Bernie getting shafted, these are actual crimes that occurred, and nothing is happening.


    So no, I do not accept the FBI's findings.

  4. Jackson is on another level right now. I do t think there needs to be any other finalist. give give the kid the Trophey right now.


    B1g and sec both have 14 teams. My offer still stands for a bet. It can be one bet or two. Conference with modt bowl eligible teams and beat winning percentage In bowl games. Only true way to say which conference is "best."


    I mean when the SEC schedules powerhouses like Chattanooga and Jacksonville State, I would certainly hope they could muster the 5 wins it takes nowadays to be in a bowl.

  5. All the big schools (pun intended) have already come out against Friday night games. It's pretty obvious that the B1G didn't even remotely confer with the schools before coming out with this shit. Unless the goal all along was to have Rutgers vs. Iowa on Friday night?


    I think Friday night games are stupid. Friday is for high school foosball and work; Saturday is for shotgunning Natty Light at 8AM and turning on College Gameday and not moving from the couch for 17 hours.

  6. ok, how about we make them free then. And also how about we don't refuse to give one if the person owes outstanding fines. At least three of those groups are disproprotionatly are affected by the lack of transparency in police enforcement and heavily penalized by the justice system.


    Sure, I'd be in favor of free IDs with no restrictions on refusing to give one for outstanding fines. Just make sure you bring it to the voting booth (and all other official legal business); you've got no excuse now.

  7. So any of you fellas wanna get together and eat some chicken wings and watch a couple games? Trolling on the Internet is fun but I wanna troll in real life as well


    Definitely in for the future, but this weekend I will be at Cedar Point.

  8. we need a legitimate 3rd party. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there like me where neither of our current parties fully fit my beliefs. My number 1 priority between the 2 is gun rights. I hunt and I don't want to ever see that go away or become so expensive that common people can't do it. The democrats scare the shit out of me on that front so I'm forced to vote republican even though I don't agree with much of the things they stand for either. I'm pro womens rights, could care less about same sex marriage, think bible thumpers are the most close minded people on the planet, and while I'm pro gun rights I see no need for a civilian to own any type of assault weapon. I'm more pro hunter rights than gun rights.


    I think the moment we have a candidate with recent Republican economic (read: taxes) and foreign policies (read: fuck you, ISIS/radical Islamic terrorism) who supports education (read: NASA too), gays, can tackle Black Lives Matter peacefully, doesn't give a fuck about marijuana, but actually has confidence (read: none of Johnson's "I don't know" crap) and experience, without some stupid scandal or tabloid soundbites, he or she would end up winning in a landslide.


    I think a lot of people would agree on what an ideal candidate would be. America needs to find it's unicorn and start uniting citizens.

  9. And actually why everyone thought that game should have been the championship. In my scenario, that's likely how it would have played out. Bama vs Fl state and Oregan vs OSU in the bowl games. In my eyes, in doing this you make #4 prove they deserve to play #1, by beating #2 first.


    Lol, what? Do you not remember that year? Until Cardale took over, OSU was just kinda coasting. Took us 2OT to beat a mediocre Penn State team. Oregon was obliterating their opponents. Everyone was expecting the past-due Alabama vs. Oregon matchup in the championship. Going into the finals, everyone thought Oregon was going to mop the floor with tOSU.


    Hindsight is 20/20, and sure I agree that was the single best game of the playoff, but the playoff was set exactly how it should have been. It's nobody's fault reigning champ, undefeated FSU shit the bed in the semis.

  10. I know your comment is sarcasm, but if you truly didn't know of Hillary's dealings in the middle east, you are an idiot. I don't see how anyone can remotely defend any of it. "Knock the hell out of em" sounds like a MUCH better plan than selling weapons and uranium and turning around and intentionally getting innocent Americans killed.


    One of the two MIGHT fuck up the middle east, one already did and will continue to. Not a hard pick.

  11. Indiana is a much better team than their "sex appeal" would indicate. The B1G is absolutely stacked this year. Even the SEC-homer analysts are saying it. If OSU and Michigan go into The Game #1 and #2, we might see two B1G teams in the playoff.
  12. So long as Verizon has the best network coverage and best reliability, they will not offer unlimited data. They know they don't need to. Data caps on WiFi connections just further this argument.
  13. I thought Trump did terrible given how easily it would have been to wipe the floor with Hillary if he had just remained calm and let her screw herself over. She dabbled into so many topics and soundbites that he absolutely should have flipped on her 100%, but he couldn't stop himself from getting temperamental and flustered at minor things. Trump dominated the first 15 minutes or so, and I thought that was a sign of how the rest of the night would go but it quickly went downhill from there, and I think Hillary won overall.


    Doesn't change my vote though. Similarly, I don't think this debate changed anyone else's votes either.


    Lester Holt was a terrible moderator though. No matter how you view the candidates, I think anyone with half a brain could tell the questions were clearly harder for Trump than they were Clinton. The hot topics should have been thrown at each candidate IMO, there's plenty of stupid shit they've both said and done on topics of race, sex, income, cyber security, Russia, ISIS, etc., that he could have asked the same hardball questions to each candidate with ease if he truly wanted to. Absolute disgrace by Holt, IMO.

  14. #7 Stanford @ #10 Washington

    #8 Wisconsin @ #4 Michigan

    #11 Tennessee @ 25 Georgia - True SEC self-imploding fashion

    Oklahoma @ #21 TCU

    #18 Utah @ Cal

    Game of the Week

    #3 Louisville @ #5 Clemson


    Upset Pick

    Memphis @ #16 Ole Miss


    Under the Radar Game to Watch

    Michigan State @ Indiana[/Quote]


    Agreed on both counts here.

  15. Urban won't leave. He will retire a Buckeye. He WANTED to come here, and now he has it. He's quite successful and he's a positive influence. You can tell by his on and off-field mannerisms that he's extremely happy here. If he wanted more money, OSU would write him a blank check, guaranteed. He's done so much for this team since Tressel was fired, both on and off-field.
  16. Also defying logic, it's far better to lose a high scoring game than a low scoring one. You lose a game 55-54 and everyone thinks it's a great loss despite the fact you gave up 55 points; you lose 10 to 9 and you suck despite the fact you only gave up one TD. I don't get it, but that's the way it is.


    You're not wrong, but it makes sense though. A high-scoring game requires at least one unit of your team to be efficient, whether that be the offense, special teams, or a defense that scores a ton of points. A low-scoring game technically requires nothing and could be the outcome of suck on both sides of the ball. Two teams could literally be punting back and forth for 60 minutes as a result of their own mistakes, or it could be stout defense with many sacks, forced fumbles, and interceptions.


    Just my opinion though, but as a fan, I'd much rather watch 2016 Notre Dame-Texas than 2011 LSU-Alabama. 2014 Stanford-Michigan State is weird though, as it was a lower scoring game, but had all the intensity in the world.

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