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Posts posted by airwg2189

  1. If the games are rigged wouldn't they want Cleveland to win the finals this year? There is a lot of money to be made on that story.


    Not really. Steph Curry is the NBA's golden boy right now. LeBron is old news. outside of Ohio/fanboys, nobody really cares.

  2. I am a bit of a Lebron hater, but he will never be remembered as top ten if he doesn't win at least one in Cleveland. Btw, there have been lots of people who've been to 6 straight and won most of them. Look up Bill Russel's Celtics, or even Michael Jordan, if you take out the retirement year.


    Lol what? He's singlehandedly carried Cleveland to the finals for how many years now? He earned the right to be in the discussion before even leaving for Miami. Not his fault his supporting cast sucks (Love) and can't gel. He won't be the GOAT without a couple more rings, but he is already in the top 10 of all time.

  3. Last night was a HUGE opportunity to steal the advantage and they missed it. I'm not all doom-and-gloom about it, but if they couldn't do it when their big 3 put up solid points and GS's stars had a weak game, it's looking a little bleak.


    Gun to my head, I take GS in 5.

  4. I still believe that the power 5 will eventually be self governed.


    Agreed. If they could get the Big East/AAC (basketball) and Notre Dame involved, the NCAA would come crashing down rather quickly. I don't have numbers, but I imagine it's a very safe bet that P5, Big East, AAC and Notre Dame = a solid 75%+ of the NCAA's revenue.

  5. Cardale can't keep his mouth shut and stop ranting on Twitter. NFL teams do not like a guy that can't keep his thoughts to themselves. It's going to cost him


    He's not wrong; I wish more student-athletes would come out and open up about the corrupt organization that is the NCAA. He's not dissing OSU, his teammates, his experience at the school, or even laughing at using college ball as a free stepping stone for the NFL. The NCAA absolutely exploits athletes for their profit.

  6. Well you also said that a vote for Kasich is a vote for Hillary because, according to you Kasich has no shot against Hillary. BUT if you actually look at the general election polls, Kasich is the only one polling ahead of Hillary head to head. By that statement alone, any argument you make in this thread is invalid :dumb:


    Polls LOL. If the polls served any purpose other than a media spin, Trump would have been eliminated before Iowa and Bernie would be elected grandmaster of the universe by now.


    Get with reality.


    And yes, a vote for Kasich in the event of a theoretical 3 way general election (Hillary, GOP-pushed Kasich via brokered convention, and independent Trump) is one less vote Hillary needs to secure a win as the republican party would be divided. Basic politics.

  7. I am so glad that #KasichDropout is starting to trend on Twitter. He needs 112% of the remaining delegates to win. He is LITERALLY campaigning for a corrupt nomination at this point, no matter how you look at it.


    Fuck him and fuck any of you who encourage this shit. He's giving the American people a giant slap in the face with his dick. Dirty, dirty politics.

  8. Honestly, did anyone expect them to be turning a profit until the Model 3? I could have sworn this was their plan as it was laid out damn near a decade ago. It's a MASSIVE investment to be cranking out in-house parts unique to their cars like they do, especially so with such a high pricetag and niche market.


    These articles are nothing more than clickbait IMO. The only real news is delivering under 16k cars this quarter. But so what? They had a quarter underperform as they were revealing a new car, potentially causing buyers to wait and see the new car before dumping twice the money on a Model S? This all looks pretty expected to me. Tesla isn't Ford, they don't have a massive stable of other vehicles to soak profits while dumping a fuckton of cash into R&D (including the Gigafactory) for a new product.


    Give it time. Tesla is a massive success. The Model 3 might not be the car of the future, but Tesla's groundwork in creating it absolutely is.

  9. ....or $50,000 instead




    Read the bit on the Superchargers. No surprise to me. So begins the reeling in of free perks. As is necessary for them to be a real automaker.



    But I chuckled at some people's expectations at my office around Tesla giving out free energy for hundreds of thousands of people.


    Literally every other automaker on the planet does this.

  10. Kasich is the only one that polls above Hillary, wtf are you talking about?


    Kasich has been mathematically eliminated from securing a nomination in any facet other than a brokered convention. If he can't win primaries, how the hell do you expect him to win a general election if the GOP undermines Trump?


    Those bullshit polls don't mean anything. They're used for a media spin and that's it. The only thing that matters is results. Some of you Kasich supporters are worse than the Berniebots. At least Bernie's won a few states, LOL.

  11. I dont know, I have mixed feeings about Fast 8. I think the franchise should have died with Paul Walker but it looks like they are going to keep making the movies as long as they make money.


    I disagree. Even before his death, the Fast story was already drifting to the direction of him raising a family and getting out of the scene.


    It's not pretty, but it works. They didn't abruptly alter anything to get rid of his character.

  12. ^ Amen. I have nothing but immense respect for city police that are actively out in the communities patrolling/preventing legitimate crime, but I do not give two flying fucks about the state troopers that hide behind concrete pillars with their cars that are obviously designed to blend in in the middle of the vast, empty, open, high-visibility, flat wasteland that is like 80% of Ohio outside of the cities who do nothing but issue tickets to drivers simply trying to reduce the amount of time spent in this nothingness by 15-20 minutes.


    I recently drove to Miami, FL. Leaving Ohio, our count was 9 OSHP. West Virginia to Miami, the TOTAL was 4 cops.


    Fuck the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

  13. And a "lotta clowns" go fight tickets with no integrity, because they want to play the technicality.


    How can you say "don't act like you don't speed", when you clearly wrote you you a ticket doing 85 in a 65, and in the same sentence say you fought it?



    I ride a white Suzuki. When the officer writes green Kawasaki on the ticket, I question if he even radar/LIDAR'd me or not. I'd be an idiot not to. If you can't see the fucking color of a motorcycle SITTING IN FRONT OF YOU, can I trust you to hold a gun?


    It's his job to prove me guilty, not the other way around. I'm minding my own business getting back to Columbus from Athens on a completely empty highway.


    If anything, fighting crap like that is standing up for the goodwill of the American people, IMO. What's wrong with holding our police accountable?

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