clay must have some magic sexual chocolate. gilll btw that shopvac fucking kicks ass. used it for demo for a room in the house. i may or may not have been drinking during this/that post so my apologies.
man that kit you fabbed up for the 2jz/powergrlide/polaris fucking flies. there vid doing the quarter mile was nutty. yes yes I know thread hi-jacking.
cutting the input shaft isnt a dead end and has worked with the sc300/is300/mkIII world. honestly no different than cutting the a340 auto bellhousing with a cut off wheel to work with the cd009 adapter for the nissan route.
another option is to take the gear set of the solstice trans and drop that into the colorado trans housing for a better shifter location or swap the input shafts. please keep in mind i havent personally done a gear swap with the r-series trans, but have seen it done with r154 and other r series trans on the pirate 4x4 boards.
it's a worm hole researching the r-series/ar5 transmissions and the toyota forums are a circle jerk when it comes to finding reliable 1st hand info.
The rumor mills has been swirling about the potential for the engine given it's over built for long term reliability. Seems like its coming true.
yea got burnt by a cheap treadmill. the old school one was loud and needed to be replaced. new one doesnt go fast enough and has push buttons that are slow to adjust the speed.
thats understandable for an unfortunate situation to stand out. on the flip side, it isnt fair to the individual person of the opposing to political spectrum side either way to make the same conclusions. ie business owner who had there property torched during the summer via riots who now targets anyone wearing black skinny jeans without having any proof or saying a white persons decendants who legally immigrated to the us as a low skill worker in the 1900s from a poor farming area is now guilty of slavery in the us in the 1800s.
wife and her family are legal asian immigrants. 0 problems for her or immediate family who travels/lives all over. even my oldest daughter who pulled more of her moms part chinese hasnt had any issues. maybe the boogie man about either side while jumping to conclusions doesnt do anyone favors.