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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. looks to be around 100-200 in steel there unless prices have gone fuckery like wood prices. could always go grab box steel from a metal supplier and go to town. maybe a long shot, but if someone has some type of industrial storage to borrow that would be an easy solution.
  2. actually not at all. basically that both sides have there faults and blame. the same question could be asked after give or take 1 billion dollars of damage from certain groups rioting this summer during shut downs from covid. at the end of the day we've never met and have no real history. we live similar lives besides politics. its not worth the divide over something as simple as a vote.
  3. it's not like this happened before with protest at the capitcal http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/kavanaugh-protests-escalate-120-arrested-capitol-hill/story?id=58048599
  4. your better than this blanket statement about a "group".
  5. I feel like mitch could add some good fart vids from the house
  6. 1 billion dollars in damage in riots in the summer which burned endless minority owned business'..... please post your comments on "personal responsibility" during that time.
  7. +1. you just earned the 1st trip to the social relations sauna.
  8. and magically just like that dems are now against peaceful protesting. lulz.
  9. im getting a few boxes since teebe did give me a free outdoor sex swing.
  10. great progress for sure. whats the plan for both spaces?
  11. pricing for most new cars makes tater sense.
  12. balsey move for hi def porn. quietly signs up for pilot
  13. feeling is mutual. shocker you resulted to insults as the par. sadly both sides have failed in politics over this recent covid bill.
  14. well fuckery that was likely skinner i got it from. my bad.
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