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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. lol. bill cosby. I have a feeling Randy maybe an owner of an AWD volvo in the future.
  2. buck celebrating at the end of the track http://giphy.com/gifs/love-funny-hilarious-GHcm2aWIczatG
  3. should buy it. they are incredibly hard to find in stores now in the cbus area new.
  4. sell wife, sell mercedies.... profit. im kidding. glad you made it back.
  5. pay kerry to do the swap. guy is insanely knowledgeable and can get it done.
  6. I agree completely. You go in there now and not really much is cheap anymore. Would rather go to spartan tool or home depot. I get harbor freight wants to have more of a reliable reputation, but dont go away from what made them popular.
  7. not hr related, but wife is a trainer at copc if she needs something in the mean time..... hospital admin and starts at 16 an hour. not within training but basically front desk check ins for various clinics throughout columbus.
  8. dam good work overall, especially the drywall/plaster
  9. otherwise known as..........
  10. thats in great shape... worst case scenario is replace engine. still a great buy
  11. i dont know if white carpet munchers having fun is approved on the sjw totem pole.
  12. lol. I would, but I'm sure someone would say its offensive or I need a mask.
  13. I added insulated garage door that I think was r17 for an attached single car garage thats insulated. Since the door is metal, went with more insulation since even aluminum will lower temperatures. Really only need a small space heater to comfortably work in there during the winter, but fuck its hot in there during the summer. Having a smaller heating/cooling is needed if your going to be in there consistently if I thought we were staying long term. Even without a dedicated temp system, it's night and day from the years without an insulated door. If it was a detached two car garage, I would go with the best insulated door I could find thats reasonably priced. Buy once and don't have to pay double down the road to replace it. For the trim, I had my wife hold a side of the trim with the lights off in garage while I'm inside for the 1st piece. If I can see light, then move it closer. I can also tell from that what i should shoot for distance wise. Figured the more light, the more cold air that gets in. Take it with a grain of salt
  14. yea been through it myself. company gets corporate tax break, eliminates incentive/bonus for everyone nationwide, screws over tenure folks, and pays more to hire taters they will fire in under 3 months.... meaning the person that replaces them base pay wont increase the next year. rinse, wash, repeat. throw in an employee engagement meeting to put on someones year end. yolo
  15. looks like the big10 fucked themselves trying to push for winter/spring.
  16. great link. I saved it for down the road.
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