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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. not sure of what gen, but Miller on here has either a 1st or 2nd gen and can maybe give some insights.
  2. man 0 criticism. I'm looking forward to the rest of the process with the desk. great job
  3. matt get it together. as randy said.... FLUID SITUATION
  4. I can see the non-z bmw verts being added to that list in a few years
  5. well that escalated lol. that's said as a joke and not as a swipe at ya.
  6. greg no one really cares who you vote for and vice versa. vote for who you want and no biggie. lets all just move on.
  7. that's great to hear. I wish both you a continued sucessful recovery.
  8. in Gahanna you can choose between flex or full time online. since im work at home for now, pretty much in limbo due to this, but were lucky to not have to scramble to limited child care options.
  9. ive seen questionable practice by doctors before. ex of mine was tossed from a car above 100 mph and had ongoing issues due to the accident. Anytime she went to her doctor or members of her family, the doc would get prescribed the same allergy inhaler regardless of what issue they had.
  10. even a small sample size it is worth looking into. I agee.
  11. any data is good data, but to make conclusions based on 1200 people out of the population of the globe is a stretch. too small of a sample size. just because someone hasnt had any symptoms before the hospital doesnt mean they havent already had heart damage due to a non-active lifestyle
  12. copc and I think kroger still does. copc does need an appointment. if you need one, I can see if my wife can schedule one.
  13. or if there protesting then rules don't apply.
  14. kind of like the 6 ft rule that was a magical number.... the mit number on sneezing needed 15-25ft to avoid sneezing particles. Went to hocking hills today and briefly talked to a park rep because only 2 trails were open. They were closed so they could dig up new trails for social distancing and signs. Nothing like destroying nature over it.
  15. I didn't in Gahanna, but my wife was working in Dublin and got hit with the same storm.
  16. great job on the body work btw to whoever did it. The reflection on the paint surface is very consistent with no waves. that better.....
  17. that's an awkward pick up line.
  18. greg what you recommend as a solution? its a catch 22 of slow economy vs increasing case.
  19. they really haven't. Wife and I laughed about how packed the stores and parks were when at it's peak. Also factor out nursing homes and it's still not alot per person for a population. I am curring to see whats behind District of Columbia having an increase per person but a decline in new cases from the link Furlough gave.
  20. thanks for the info gerg. There's alot of variables. Even with Texas the testing amounts increased 10k from start to current which is around a 40% increase from initial testing amounts. Also was the same test used across the time frame. theres alot of factors and impossible to be stasticallly valid. Greg... what do you think Texas for example should do?
  21. any data that shows testing amount of people tested/state population in relation to positive cases?
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