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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. lol. You working today at discover?
  2. Oh my god, I just went to my friends wedding and he is an asshole. I can't believe I had to walk up a slight incline http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/100_0262.jpg To make it worse, there was no golf carts allowed and their was no valet. What in the fuck is his problem. Fuck him.
  3. this thread is a successful as: http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/201511-1/Fat-kid-pool-chair.gif?
  4. My parents have used theirs to move building supplies for 5+ years for two houses in New Orleans. The car feels like your driving around in a mini-van, but it's spacious for it's size and doesn't break down.
  5. He probably stole it for the sticker to look legal.
  6. 10phone2


    bueller? bueller?
  7. Good for the fuckers. Their economy was booming due to their cheap currency/labor force.
  8. My personal favorite is a police officer driving around with their head down because they are busy typing and running plates in their in car computer.
  9. It does not help when you hear Police openly talking about meeting ticket quota's outside their department. Let's use downtown Gahanna for example. Is it necessary to have 3-6 patrols cars circling downtown Gahanna to catch people going 5-7 mph over in a 25 zone? The speed traps in the area have nothing to do with ensuring people are staying safe and more about generating revenue due to their location. One big thing that drivers of modified cars have in Columbus, is that they do not have to get their car to pass a safety check, deal with rolling check points for exhaust sniffing, or reconstruction permits for modified cars. In my old area, if your car was even slightly dropped, you would get fucked with. At the end, yes the speed traps for profit are a joke, but it balances out with not getting harassed daily due to minimal mods done to a car.
  10. thats you're car. shit I thought it was Farkas'. I saw your car near the police station yesterday in Gahanna when I was playing tennis after lunch time.
  11. What are you looking from your car? If you have an auto IS300, you could do valve body mods, trans controller, turbo with 20-30 psi for decent fun. I personally like the r32's and wish VW stuck with them. Since I originally started in air cooled vw's, I can't own anything VW thats not aircooled.
  12. It may take some work, but cross reference the same bolt pattern with other cars. You maybe able to find a retiring road racer/scca looking to dump a set of magnesium 6-8 pound wheels at a good price.
  13. I would add to the post, but I would end up being racist against myself again.
  14. I always like how the black panthers will promote all this black on white crime, but you never see any news stories of it.
  15. Phil, have you gone back and gotten more? lol
  16. Since I am big into tennis, it's shocking to see the decline in parents out playing with their kids on the court. For the most part from what I see in a few parks in columbus, are parents dropping their kids off at soccer/football practice and let the coaches do everything while they are on their phones.
  17. kyc12340, you have a great deliema(sp) worth bragging rights to figure out. Chose the wealthy ex that may have moved back to columbus to be closer to you or stay with your current who you are hopefully happy with.
  18. They don't have anything to do with the race to the cure, it's an attention/media grab.
  19. "It [abortion] is a war which threatens to consume the United States not with violence, but with a deep divide, along lines of hatred between citizens and neighbors alike." I can't quite go to the point of it will cause hatred country wide between neighbors, but it's a great beginning to a paper/paragraph that would be worth reading.
  20. Thanks for the info. I was under the impression the warnings were not given. If they are then continued behaviors after a warning are fair game.
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