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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Jesus, the guys knows his shit about FD's
  2. "The assumptions of trust funds and Daddy's money are always good for a laugh as they tell you more about the person making the statement. " this statement right here ties into just about every reason why people think your a classsless shithead. Let's make it simple, if your so confident that your car is the king of the hill, first run Jamie. After that and you win, put your big boy pants on and make a public/open to challenge to anything that UGR or titan can bring to Texas at 2k13.
  3. pure bullshit. If a person wants a sports car, either leave the kids/wife at home for a spirited drive..... or tell the kids sit the fuck down and you don't need to watch 3 tv's when on the road.
  4. Your are spot on because the majority have turned into cock sucking, cappa chino loving, race card pulling, self serving shit heads. They will throw away our personal rights for their own personal gain. I routinely get a dirty look from my in laws because I say one of their kids needs a bully in his life to man the fuck up. Just think of the damage of BET has done to black america because they have for 10+ promoted ignorance, stealing, killing, clicks, etc. Then if you say your acting ******ish to one of them, your racist. Race card all the way to live of the government.
  5. mods, may as well move this thread to the kitchen.
  6. The sick thing is that in our history classes we will mock dictators for how they ran their spying governments, yet this is what we are turning into. These god dam tree hugger/we love the world people are making it so that its bad to fail in a competitive situation or to have to figure shit out on your own. They play right into this "new" government need to spy on everything in order to honestly protect their budgets, payroll, etc... because they will be used as some social good project to protect everyone. Somehow we are having budget shortfalls across the board, but we can put this black box shit in every new car after 2015? For example, what it the use of this "war on drugs" when we allow our borders to be wide open? Then if you say if your against illegal immigration, your racist? If we are so concerned about peoples safety, why in the fuck do we still allow cigarettes or alcohol considering it has been proven time and time again to kill thousands of people I'm speechless.
  7. http://www.infowars.com/mandatory-big-brother-black-boxes-in-all-new-cars-from-2015/
  8. 10phone2

    New here.

    small world. My co-worker Lance was talking about how his buddy with a turbo fwd green eclipse just got his car running. I mentioned something about a new member on columbus racing having a hx40 and a 2.4 block. Needless to say, you hang out with his brother with the red truck with 700-800 hp n/a
  9. welcome back from the bs vacation. on another note, I came really close to having to see a specialist for me left knee. I got a really bad case of jumpers knee and it kept getting worse. Spread out through the day, a mix of 4 aspin, 4 motrin, joint supplements, beer, stretching, and rest for two weeks finally got it back to normal. With me being 34 I know that having any surgery will end any chance of playing tournaments so I may as well push it till it pops. Luckily things turned around so I can get back to training.
  10. I hope the ignition is sorted out by then because engines love to sputter at 20+ psi.
  11. that sucks, I am glad everyone is okay
  12. How is it that Hal has missed 10+ pages of this cluster fuck entertaining thread? Can Awwsheet be unbanned? BTW..... for old times...... GREGFACE
  13. 10phone2


    Doc has a Century?
  14. I am with you to a point. There(sp due to beer) is quite a bit of find out your credit score this one time and complete this form to complete the process or to even receive a gift. A good percentage of online credit score websites take advantage of people giving their credit score information in order for a freebie while being thrown off by misleading promises. The basic approach is to sneak in an occasional transactions that the buyer will not notice. Even if 80% call in demanding a refund, it still leaves 20% of profit.
  15. Stay the fuck away from online credit reports, esp Experion!!! I get a half dozen of calls for unauthorized charges daily from online credit agencies
  16. probally a 1uz swap and it can take the rpms.
  17. I'm glad that you figured out the psi issue. Did you figure out the spark issue?
  18. new enrollment for phil's team: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/521894_402798026404672_173570305994113_1509825_2098939298_n.jpg
  19. so you want to jerk off around other guys?
  20. since I would expect a visit tomorrow from your buddy, knuckle up in the back yard and resolve the bs.
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