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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. bingo, or asked for a bj to help your sore back.
  2. a handful of fities can change everything.
  3. At then end of everything, there will probably not be enough evidence to convict and riots will break out. The sad thing at the end of the day is people will confuse hood rats for black people due to their actions. For the benefit of black people in this country, can Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson be deported.
  4. I already asked Angelic at work, phil's ex, and you get off from work before I come in.
  5. he was banned, what happened? he has been pretty well behaved lately.
  6. 10phone2

    Sketchy racing

    man did shit ever get serious in here.
  7. paul, Im' going to have one put under your desk at work.
  8. that should be a chevy truck commercial. "At 300k, this is what our shit can do.'
  9. too bad the neon didn't have the 8 valve 2.2 block with the 16 valve head.
  10. holy shit, a picture of something that phil hasn't fucked.
  11. 10phone2

    4/7 tonight

    I'm adventually going to have to make it out to HD someday. I'm drunk rewiring the plug for the plasma cutter.
  12. The clippers games were surprisingly fun for me. It's easy to run to the shitter/beer/food and you can walk up to get tickets without giving up a kidney. Last year my wife and I wanted to check out the blue jackets towards the end and they wanted 70+ for seats together. Fuck that for a shitty team. Plus, the dam somalian parking people working the parking lot are fucking retards. The clippers games are one of the few things I look forward to in Columbus.
  13. 10phone2


    You should contact your CC to see if they have any 1-2 yr 0% balance transfer specials going on that you can enroll in. Even though it's not a long term solution, you can move all of your debts to one 0% apr to save, buy time, and get out of your 16.75 apr.
  14. I was hoping it had a 1uz with head work, cams, and big fuckin turbo.
  15. As much as I hate to say it, it may very well pass. Add in some tree-hugging group wanting to protect our children along with the governments need to monitor anyone for any given reason.... it may pass hidden in some other bill.
  16. puerto ricans = rotary mexican = impala black = donk
  17. There must a rule to watch this before getting your license: http://www.japanesemusclecars.com/
  18. I personally liked the first one. They just needed to add in throwing water baloons at random people
  19. Shit. I sold it two weeks ago. I ended up shipping it to Texas.
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