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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. no it wasnt. nothing more than pissing around. what was CT btw?
  2. cliffnotes... greg mad at everyone.
  3. pm coleyounger3 to see if they do mulch.
  4. paging mods.... I was highly impressed with your bench press metal brake.
  5. psss no proof if you get cancer, flu, heart attacks, etc once you wont get it again.
  6. we should just pass laws to make corona free zones.
  7. BRB protesting everything that kills and people die from.
  8. Kerry let me understand this. If you have a public interaction schedule for your yourself then its ok to go out in public when needed? You were so unhappy about lowe's distancing that you stood in line to buy a grill. Waiting for protesting about how Sweden and Israel is handling things regarding corona.
  9. meth and adderal is there treatment.
  10. http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2765184?guestAccessKey=906e474e-0b94-4e0e-8eaa-606ddf0224f5&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=042220 Basically 9 out of 10 of corona patients in ny had 1-2 chronic health conditions.
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/nyregion/coronavirus-new-york-update.html?type=styln-live-updates&label=new%20york%20&index=1&action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage#link-6bcc6a71
  12. It is a very unfortuante situation for many. Here's the thing, our constitution did not give us temporary permissions for freedom from the goverment dependant upon the governments need. It gave us the liberty to travel freely, speak freely, and to defend ourselves when needed from tyrany. Our future will change only if we accept it.
  13. interesting the aclu is super quiet when they are not going after republicans recently.
  14. it's a horrible situation in the prisons currently. I watched a video two weeks ago of prisoners being interviewed in alabama begging for help.
  15. nws (george carlin on liberties and germs)
  16. Very fortunate to make more during Corona so we will just use the stimulus to redo the laundry room and put the rest towards credit card debt.
  17. "Yes you can make the case that the individual was aware of the state restrictions and chose to attend, but once that attendee becomes a plaintiff, they are going to say that the venue made them believe they were safe by saying the restrictions were unnecessary and defying them. " if the venue does not state that on there website or any interactions then that is invalid
  18. air high five And now this from cnn: http://www.cnn.com/2020/04/17/us/quaranteam-coronavirus-wellness-trnd/index.html
  19. the same could be said for any retailer selling non-essential items which happens in bulk at costco, big box retailer, or card dealerships you can walk into. one of the problems with the stay at home orders is they are logically inconsistent.
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