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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. lol. Cliff notes of corona thread: "Oh my lawd shut everything down..... Since we got what we want let's blame others for the impact and celebrate. party time wooo hoooo."
  2. greg unrelated to our normal banter. I found this article on cnn rather interesting from cnn about the studies into how/where corona spread: http://www.cnn.com/2020/05/21/opinions/south-korea-dance-class-covid19-outbreak-sepkowitz/index.html given I have worked the last 10 years in a call center environment and trained in tennis facilities I honestly went of fuck thats not good. It was interesting to hear my dad how legionair's (sp) spread sometime in the 70's due to it getting into the HVAC of a hotel during a conference.
  3. I"m glad you can celebrate from corona. lol
  4. great pick up. I lol about all 3 kids within "teaching distance".
  5. very true. another option is the car wash on the corner of stelzer and agler in gahanna. has a dumpster that has no lid. thats my go to when dumping a broken up sidewalk.
  6. very true. cut up an old rusted cressida and put it out to the trash piece by piece. we had a title in case any asked
  7. thats explains why the upper parking area has been a cluster fuck.
  8. I wonder if the legs of the desk come off
  9. then add the cost of city taxes, property/equipment maintenance, insurance, etc. I was blown away at the size of cattle operations in the texas panhandle when we drove through there.
  10. i can give ya balls a tug. lol.
  11. yea the osu student outdoor athletic areas have been ape shit packed. ironically while they are shut down. lol. Doesnt help that dublin and upper arlington have closed there courts mostly
  12. yea its been a big shit show tennis wise. many of the "public" teaching court pro's have been getting the boot. luckily we have a tucked away school court that isnt knon, but don't want to break out the big basket of balls to play it safe. Even current touring pro's from osu are having trouble finding places to hit.
  13. yea I get it. mid daughter is 11 and this summer was suppose to be the time to spend alot of time working on her serve. Best case scenario working with 2-3 months of warm weather.
  14. oh gregy. If cnn or any conservative media outlet that makes money of clicks is considered a valuable source of info come on. dare i said the dirty word to a republican outlet.
  15. greg im not asking as a tinfoil hat question and not tied to any political party. Nothing more than follow the paper trail. thats all.
  16. not quite tv and movies. studies to meet statistical guidelines or research article standards to make print are a different thing. thank you for agreeing to the data being "who knows". question for the audience. does any one state or hospital get any financial gain for reporting any death as corona?
  17. so if "you" don't know what killed out of 4 ailments, then why list it as corona?
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