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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I agree. Has a car project with daughter and is tied up all the time with kids activities all the time. Kudos to you sir.
  2. ontop of this... does he have a home that needs help with maintenance? I'm sure CR can cover this even if it's a little help.
  3. holy shit... this cnn writer must be getting ready to be fired and wrote an article that praised trump: https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/24/perspectives/oil-gas-pipelines-executive-orders-trump/index.html
  4. clay is right that they are doing recall replacements. My brother in law does some of the frame replacements at toyota and it's unreal how bad of shape they can be in when you can look at it on a hoist.
  5. I can't remember... are you using esmlink?
  6. it lined up that im off that day. no car to run for awhile, but will be there for derek's meat and to spectate with my girls.
  7. no idea how feasible it is, but are you able to add to from the house down to create a slope that pushes water out the back of the yard?
  8. clean ass fox. Cordell is also selling his car for the next few days and it's another great option.
  9. you should have left given what was going on and your one of the few the stopped by to help. It was nice meeting you btw.
  10. holy shit. you got the rest of the deck out already. good work.
  11. great location. I love running there. Now only if they could open the New Albany stairs side. I hopefully can do sprints on the soccer field in a month if my left hip/hamstring doesn't crap itself again. Miller I'm jelly of the viper. It looks great.
  12. welcome to modern liberal america.
  13. that's the trick they use in New Albany. A former guy on my team had a dropped gti and they always pulled him over the front plate wasn't straight, not folded, or sitting on his dash.
  14. It goes both ways. This person just said he should do better, but we ignore it to say we should hold him accountable. We get it, you don't like Trump. No biggie and that doesn't change one thing about what I think of you because I have never met or spent anytime with you in person. That would be unreasonable of me to do that. If people spent as much time attacking a politician or taking a "stance" online to feel better about themselves for a brief second versus taking care of those around them, we would be alot better as a country.
  15. no different than al gore creating the internet. He should know his wheelhouse for speaking and stick to that.
  16. I can guarantee it's out of my price range for beater. There were 3 awd dsm's that ran that were less than 2k that sold here in columbus. They may have been ugly as sin, but work had been done to them.
  17. btw for the tall deck block: http://www.minimopar.net/perf/longrodengine.html
  18. Quick update. Kurtz brothers are amazing to work with. I just got off the phone with Tammy and they know there stuff. Getting dirt delivered Friday or Saturday plus grass seed. Cole/David thank you for the help.
  19. oh shit. That thing is going to fly. If you want to know about a factory tall-deck block that has a 9.83 deck height, I can point you in the right direction. Just pm me. Im kicking myself passing on two dsms last year.
  20. I agree. thank you sir for the input.
  21. sorry that was included in not fixing the worlds problems. Also eliminating for profit corporations from private prison, either eliminate the fed or greatly reduce our addiction to borrowing money, etc.
  22. i mean he does have access to a lift in a garage so extra bonus points
  23. he has been a good sport. kerry in the back ground. lol
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