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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. here is a run down that I got from my dad who is retired military and has spent a good portion of his career working with the VA. He could be dead wrong, but this is what I was told. Issue 2 is getting negative press that is paid for by the drug companies because the highest amount for any prescription drug in the state would be what the VA pays. The story regarding the lawyer is being misrepresented. The lawyer in question basically travels the company to sue states to help reduce their prescription drug cost. As normal court protocol, if he wins a case against a state or prescription drug company, they would pay his legal fees.
  2. or be the guy that puts 59 toilet seat covers on toilet, throws them to the floor when done, and leaves the faucet running because he can't touch the faucet without getting sick.
  3. pretty sure lighting kills more people a year than police killing blacks..... let's ban lighting.
  4. I did stumble across a whiteboard that they had done the audible forensic analysis showing two different sound waves in the videos showing a second shooter. The problem is with the odd ball orientation of the high rise buildings, the sound reverberations off the buildings may very well give the impression of second shooter. I have witnessed 1st hand an audio engineer sound testing the main stage at the 4th of July in Kaneohe, Hawaii and having to deal with sound bouncing off the mountains 10+ miles away.
  5. I hate saying it and consistently want OSU to lose, but I can see that happening that they make it in if they run the table.
  6. dam shame pikes peak got rid of the dirt.
  7. put Aspire suspension on festivas and autox those fuckers till death. The best $200 in parts you can blow money on for cheap fun.
  8. it's back up at 11:36 pm. lol
  9. Jesus. Did JP buy every mirage for sale in Columbus on craigslist? Not a single one for sale. lol
  10. Very far from it. I literally have seen every yo mtv raps episode. I knew who common (known as common sense) was from mix tapes before his 1st video aired on MTV and sprayed murals 10ft by 50ft. I can go on and on. "hip hop" made the big jump in popularity once it connected to the stories of the crack era in the black communities. You are correct that it is not all violence and can give the same message of rock and roll. Spend 5 minutes watching trap music on worldstarhiphop and you will see what is being done to youths minds. Even what is being played on 106.5 in Columbus. The "vice" of hip-hop is trapping inner-cities of all races into that lifestyle and why I moved on. Spend an hour on the weekends at the gas station near wolf park and you will see its impact. Individuals are making the decision to be un-educated, deal drugs, and play the gangster card while any educated black man is considered an uncle tom. None of this has anything to do with "whitey" keeping us down and instead are more of self-inflicted wounds of bad decisions. Remember, the end of segregation was suppose to be the end of the violence and create prosperity. Know being black or white does not matter as much as what decisions you make with your free time: invest time vs self-defeating risk.
  11. actually it doesn't matter as much going forward. Thanks to the influence of the drug dealing hip hop culture that reward uneducation and standing on the street corner, race matters less due to a social influence from blacks own community.
  12. I rarely get out, but anytime I have come across Doc he has always been a great person.
  13. honest question and I am not trolling. Is it prejudice if a race continues the same self-defeating behaviors on their own?
  14. speaking of new trends with words. I over head someone using the term down syndrome. I asked for them to use the term up syndrome since it's more uplifting and has a positive outlook.
  15. may want to double or triple that number.
  16. needs more 2j block. Great job with the progress. On a positive, I moved my car from normal jackstands to fancy jackstands. Yea buddy.
  17. 10phone2

    IFO 9/3

    well missed it blowing 2k at Lowes for the house and still a fraction of what needs to be done unfortunately.
  18. For anyone that has the time, ask him about doing repo rental cars. Quite possibly one of the best stories I have been told.
  19. Jesus christ.... at this point free the Sheet and Phil.
  20. Let me ask one of my inlaws.
  21. What stopped them on mine is if I answer and don't say anything. It took 2-3 times at most and I haven't gotten any since then. I have a flip phone so no software to help with it.
  22. Which I do agree with. The reason for the irony post is the portion of your post that ignoring it won't go away. For example, liberals scream anti-gun everything but haven't mentioned a peep about the gun carrying liberal group that showed up at the rally (if it is true given the internet). As much as other will disagree, I honestly respect your thought and ability to research. Where I feel that you may at occasional times fall into the trap of holding to ones political belief when it is at a downfall to the overall good of the country while ignoring larger impacting social issues. Trust me, I know that I have my pitfalls and know that Republicans can do the same while having their own dirty laundry. The question I do have for both sides is, where do we go from here to be able to mutually exist while protecting the welfare of the country?
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