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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. the boogey man in the room is what if aunt wants to have child full time in the future or anyone else.... how is that spelled out?
  2. I do agree that you have to take 4chan or redit with a grain of salt and I honestly did not intend to reference recent suicides. Ironically enough, quite a bit of FBI Anon and the "ask me anything" FBI agent did play out the majority of the time. The big dud in the room, was the 33k emails not being released the week of the election. Even if they were released I refuse to look at anything directly outside of what is released by the news.
  3. FBI-Anon is back posting as well. Saw something else about a 48 hour window for people to go public or turn themselves in for involvement in a high level pedo ring. There was also a federal lawsuit filed by the whistle blower who discover federal judges, trump, and public was being illegally wire tapped. Good or bad, the next few weeks is going to be entertaining.
  4. Thats a great story and the amount of dedication is impressive.
  5. best post in this thread. at this point we know who sides with who and its okay. no one in this thread is going to change there mindset good or bad. titty pics to move on?
  6. I can see the word photobucket now being a term to describe something fucked up.... - Shit, I've been photobucketed - Don't catch the photobucket
  7. It was no fault of your own honestly. The Trash or Be Trashed section is sort of like watching wwf from the 80's.
  8. btw waggs. I'm sure you were thrilled how your donk video was used on yellowbullet. good lard.
  9. Outside of the liberal vs conservative banter, this was an actual good list of resources and wanted to say thanks.
  10. I see Obama is really diving in to help Chicago
  11. good for you. I honestly figured you sold the car already.
  12. 10phone2

    New Here

    welcome to Columbus Lawn and Garden
  13. Too bad the dirt road is gone.
  14. rut roh cnn: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6jq54r/cnns_about_to_be_in_trouble_bigly/
  15. Thank you again for the great photos.
  16. He works at Advance Auto in Gahanna. Good guy honestly and has always been helpful.
  17. Liberal logic: Demand everyone to accept LBGT even if it's against there religion while wanting to accept refugees whose culture and Sharia Law does not allow it. Liberal logic: It's a great idea to build high rise building out of wood since its better for than the environment while protesting against logging
  18. This is spot on. We did our own windows and that is right around what we paid walking into Home Depot. Oh the joy dam near replacing an entire wall due to leaky windows, rotted wood, and insects.
  19. I think a possible place would be Wolf Park in Bexley. It's away from business' and as long as there isn't some run for a random cure, there is plenty of parking and porta-poties.
  20. Timing belt tension, vacuum leak, or you may have something creating a fuel issue if I had to take a quick uneducated guess.
  21. or we just go back to picking up the mail at the post office to eliminate the cost of us post office delivery drivers, trucks, insurance, etc and let the private carriers deliver to homes.
  22. Oldie but goodie: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2016/07/05/Doo_Dah_Bike_controversy.html
  23. I have noticed that the beater car prices on craiglist is starting to fall since tax time has come and gone. It's unreal what 3k can buy these days.
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