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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. "Can't play football but can pull people off the streets". great material.
  2. Well the Antifa manual was just released: http://i.imgur.com/NdIgDKH.jpg
  3. I'm going to stomp my feet until I get what I want and then I am going to stomp about something else that doesn't change anything. While people are being killed left and right in lower income neighborhoods and were going to ignore it because it doesn't drive votes. This woman gets it
  4. Valid points you bring up. Basically what my poor explanation was after was that the new boogie man in the room is white power groups while ignoring the fact that black on black crime is 1000xs more rampant and need to focus on what are the causes of it. Were focusing on such a small pocket currently and failing to look at the elephant in the room. Any crime should be stacked up against each other in my hair brain opinion. It is sad to see the african american community fail themselves time and time again due to life style decisions and this comes from someone who is half black.
  5. 9/11 doesnt count I guess. Let's ignore the shit show in Europe and lets ignore black on black violence. Geetoo, why Black on Black violence is important is because there is no one else to blame. There communities want to blame the "man", while promoting poor education and drug dealing. Want to run the numbers of supremacist vs black on black crime?
  6. 10phone2


    Is she your legal dependent by chance? I have seen cases where an employee is allowed to take so many days/hours per month at any time once they have submitted the necessary paperwork. You may end up having to go with a personal leave. I am not sure how a personal leave would work or stop you from taking periodic days in a two week time frame.
  7. As much as the bickering would lower, the fun of car forums is bantering and opinions. Yes Geetoo goes on and on, but he does add a different view point to Columbus Lawn and Garden. I feel dirty.
  8. +1 I would safely say that in the last 10 years white supremacists violence is less than islamic terrorist killings and less than black on black murders in chicago. The elephant in the room question is, if we want to change the views of white supremacists, what are black communities displaying via there own media platforms or teaching their community via hip hop?
  9. maybe this is all an end-game to create a redistribution of wealth to a few and lower capabilities to provide a cheaper work force under the guise of "social" justice.
  10. and Geeto going on endless 1000+ word liberal rants.
  11. your expecting logic and it won't happen. The lefts only agenda right now is to be obstructionist when it is convenient.
  12. ah. the viscous break up, get trashed and fuck everything, then back together cycle. it is a fun one. Oh the memories. Nothing like calling up your questionable old friend to say picking you up at 9 and shits going to get real.
  13. I could not be any happier for you. Great photos and great trip.
  14. or until Clay decides I need a car just to take me to work when I am alone.
  15. I'm pretty sure he just lowered the price on craigslist today and hasn't been back to update the price here.
  16. great read. It's mind blowing what is allowed to even possibly take place at that financial level of wealth.
  17. Interesting post: I will without a shadow of a doubt hire a transgender person to work on my team, sit right next to me, and have my team's performance based on there's. I would even attend there wedding. I would openly and willingly have a conversation about how there weekend was with their spouse and even help them to create initiatives to create support groups in the company. Growing up on a military base watching all the mental health/family issues and being the child of the highest ranking army psychologist in the army... the army can barely support the mental well being of a soldier going through a bad break-up let alone dealing with anything else at the end of the day. What is being swept under the rug, is the military already discriminates against gender, height, weight, medical conditions, credit score, and IQ. It's role is to provide highly trained individuals with the least amount of medical or mental support to kill others.
  18. interesting read: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change
  19. ahh that makes sense. thats great you have a great foundation. I bet its a bitch to get through
  20. glad its working out hopefully for you and your able to openly communicate.
  21. Given there is already a long crack in the blacktop driveway, is digging multiple holes through it going to cause the black top to crumble during the winter from movement? BTW... I am secretly jealous of all the parking spots for projects.
  22. yea the swordfish stuff was bust and it was way too far out there to look at. Between congress pushing for Russia/Iran sanctions, DNC IT staff arrested, Sessions releasing his criminal leak probe, Susan Rice testifying...... alot is going on.
  23. Have you talked to the Aunt to see how on-board she is with the child living with you or transferring guardianship? Given what I went through with my oldest daughter, just having the conversation opened the door to a mutually beneficial solution.
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