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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Sadly I crave crank windows, no a/c, no radio, and a gutted car.
  2. not sure if you are interested, but Discover and Chase typically have IT positions up.
  3. oh snap. That could be worth a call.
  4. We'll see, but it does open doors for different perspectives which are dependent on the pricing of the hyperloop.
  5. Man that would be a big push for higher salaries in Columbus. Boss, we can't pay you more.... employee no biggie since I will just work in Chicago and make double.
  6. The problem with forcing a move away, is that you then create distribution networks easier.
  7. I'm on the same boat. I got tired of getting hauled to jail, impounded cars, etc. I do miss the midnight runs and sliding around corners, but I also now enjoy being able to drive without worry of your car being marked for trouble. Also, losing an 5k+ engine (and thats nothing compared to the heavy hitters) for a freeway pull just isn't worth it when the money isn't there.
  8. CR needs to make you the official sales person for cars.
  9. I still to this day do not understand why someone would want to do herion or meth.
  10. thats great for you and well deserved. It would be worth the trip to watch those imports from the big in all day and night.
  11. Let's recap Ohio State's last year or so of football. 1st team to be shut out in a national playoff game, gets a flag pegged into there log mid field after a home loss, and blown out by Iowa. Maybe its time to start considering that they maybe 1-2 years out before being able to compete and win consistently against the best in the country.
  12. Its been on craigslist for over a month. The problem is the drive shaft needs to be balanced and it basically has a tune to get down the road. Could be a good deal or a shit show since the motor is trashed.
  13. [quote I have been meaning to ask, is ignorance really bliss? I figure I should ask someone with first hand experience. It certainly makes you salty, so is that a by product? It's called an entertainment trap. If I make a mocking comment of the political strategies parties take immediately after a tragedy I'm ignorant or salty. On the other hand, if a certain political party (no idea who that would ever be, ever) uses tragedies to push through legislation and social agenda's that openly limit liberties then they are honorary "social justice warriors".
  14. in before geetoo blames silencers on trucks
  15. http://www.syslog.com/~jwilson/pics-i-like/penis-wheel.jpg
  16. lol. hustle gonna hustle. Gotta give you credit.
  17. I never met you in person unfortunately since I am quite possibly the most anti-social person on the board, but I wish you the best and hope it works out for you.
  18. I forget to add before.... have the main sewer line video inspected. Trust me on that one. You never know if the main line has collapsed while it still allows water to drain.
  19. I'm currently going through this process on my house. Bowing in drywalls isn't too far out of the ordinary on an older home. The best bet if you are worried, is to get a structural engineer to look at the home
  20. If the crew isn't down town, then I don't blame them for leaving. The arena district has the potential to be special if things fall into place.
  21. You bring up valid points honestly. This is one of the reasons why I have been honestly working on the house instead of my corolla project that I never touched the last two months. I have only seen one random car conversation at a gas station in the last few years. It's few and far between that I even come across a modded car anymore, so why chase a market that is to me on the decline. You are correct in that before, you would see or hear endless fast cars running on roads. It's unreal the excess that took place in the early 2000's compared to what is going on today and that wasn't an excess considered to the past.
  22. If you like it concept, do a test and post back with results buster.
  23. Another and less old school route would be a cadillac catera. I hate cressida's being destroyed due to an oddball sentimental value.
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