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Posts posted by bmwohio

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/homes-completely-destroyed-mistake-20908539


    And another astonishing moment caught on tape. A race car driver, attempting to break a land speed record, ended up somersaulting through the air. Miraculously escaping with only minor injuries.


    Look at that video. He's now speaking out about it. Here's the story.


    Brian gillespie topped out at 180 miles per hour. And then, this -- somehow, he survived. My memory of the accident only goes up until about third gear.


    I was in sixth gear when the accident happened and the car pitched sideways. I have no memory whatsoever of it. Reporter: Watch again as the honda comes face-to-face with destruction.


    They had to peel back the rough to get me out of here and cut off the roll cage. Reporter: Gillespie walked away. But not without injury.


    Through the spinning and tumbling, the g forces, I had a torn lung. My right lung collapsed. Sprained my left wrist.


    At least one concussion. Reporter: And those still blood shot eyes. A custom roll cage along with other safety enhancements, saving his life.


    His once-prized car, now a pile of scrap. But his duel with death won't keep him out of the driver's seat for long. The doctor says I have to take a month off.


    So, at least not for a month. He says not only is he going to get back in the car. He wants to push the envelope and try to go even faster.

  2. Added some more shots to the album --> https://www.facebook.com/kale.bushmeyer/media_set?set=a.10151734378301497.1073741844.658051496&type=1






    Pitbull concert after the race




    I had 1 too many of the Lupulus (8.5%!! :woohoo: )




    Another cool shot by the tower




    The track is very accessible and you can pretty much sit at any corner you want to watch. This was T18-19 during the 2nd Practice Session, and you can see Turn 1 in the background






    Our view for the race




    Our friend had a hotspot on her phone, so we were able to run the live timing app on the Ipad and keep up nicely with the race




    Oh yea, and I met David Coulthard and got his Herbie Hancock




    Race day





    Met up with some other autocrossers from other places in the US after the race for a group shop



  3. If you go to a track day you get the real deal at COTA. I don't even think there is a way to cut that track down so its shorter. I know Laguna would be bad fucking ass to race, but I would go to a track day ASAP at COTA if I had the chance/car for it.


    There is an 'alternate' track for the V8 Supercars (in black)



  4. I've got about 1000 pictures to filter through from my DSLR, but here's few from the weekend from my FB account



    Is 10:30 too early for a beer??





    Fog on Friday morning, which delayed P1 for about 1/2 hour




    At the Biergarten




    11th F1 Race with my Dad and Brother




    Vettel Aftermath



  5. I've been through three of them.. all of them leaked and lost hydraulic fluid. Gave up on HF and haven't looked back after getting a Craftsman equivalent jack.



    IMO, Craftsman is just as bad as HF.........YMMV

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