The Maxima would be worth $1200 or so depending on mileage in good shape in my opinion. Limp it out until tax time, rig it so it is at least somewhat road-worthy, and use your tax return on something that will make help you make money. Something like a reliable car. Good, solid transportation can be had for under $2,000. I bought my 1992 Silverado for $1200, 160,000 miles and it has virtually nothing wrong with it. Did minor stuff like replace a thermostat, change the oil, needs a coolant flush. Minor stuff, and with you working ina shop with access to a lift and proper equipment, this stuff gets even easier. Find something that has been a solid platform for years, with few notorious problems, in good shape, for a good price, and buy it if it suits your needs. Once you get something scrap the maxima, or yank the engine/trans if they are in good shape and sell them separately to recoup some money.