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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. You are definitely your nearest auto zone's most loyal customer. Have you signed up for the reward program yet?
  2. I know where my next money hole will be now. Incredible.
  3. via Urban Dictionary, reminded me of someone. 1. white trash Slang term for white people that usually live in a trailer park. With low incomes that spend their tax returns on things like big screen TV's instead of clothes for their kids. These people tend to be mouthy and fight frequently. Generally these people are uneducated and have little concern for personal hygiene. To see these people at their best watch Jerry Springer.
  4. Nice consistency. Us Ohio folk only have 3ish months :lolguy:
  5. I don't play CoD quite frankly, but nice try. Yes each branch is different. But that's the thing, it shows who works the hardest. So in essence you are admitting to being terminal lance..
  6. Still live in mommys basement? Considering that cant be any farther from the truth thats fucking hilarious. I'm sorry I'd prefer not to be an uneducated fuck like yourself. BRB, committing fraud and milking the system for all I can. You still have yet to answer my question about how a bulk fuel specialist is a fucking combat MOS. I don't know Kirk but considering since he is a Doctor, I'd say he earned his money by doing something other than not knowing how to ride a diet bike worth a fuck :dumb: I'm assuming you were Terminal Lance as well :lolguy:
  7. Be imstock, live in trailer park, associate with white trash crackwhores, ask CR why his life sucks more than his dream salvaged C6.
  8. Imstock, here is my advice (and likely a lot of CR's as well) Just come clean about bullshitting this whole story, quit posting until summer rolls around and come back with a revamped attitude. Or just keep going all out potato and looking like a fucking moron. Your choice
  9. If I had someone supervising I could likely get it some. Ill attempt a DIY on anything for a car. Two wheels I'm a little more worried about. The seals seem as if they were done recently. I've done a little research on what to look for as far as signs go they need to be replaced, and mine seem like they don't need to be.
  10. Shiet. I'd sell it before then.
  11. I think the same setup just like the cars would be awesome. I would not stand a chance at winning due to my size and the the size of bike I'm on, but it would be fun none the less. Hopefully some other guys with bike will chime in with some interest.
  12. Did you ever make a payment on the vehicle? Or did you "suddently" wreck it?
  13. Damn, if I didn't have my bike and could afford the insurance. GLWS. Clean ass bike.
  14. Once school is out of the picture I have my name written on a 14r's seat.
  15. imstock protocol, drop pants, grab ankles.
  16. Under 200....FUCKING HAH 6'6" 260..... not happening lol
  17. I'm debating on getting a strap and possibly lowering links for the rear as well. Love how it rides OEM and I'm a fairly big guy, so lowering it will make it looks even more disproportionate that it already looks. I'm curious to see what I could hit on the track. Never launched a bike on a strip, so it will be a nice learning experience. I really want to make sure I get the geometry dialed in right when and if I do lower it, I love the feel of it now
  18. A switch isn't out of my realm of abilities, I just don't want to start running wires. 600cc, exhaust, power commander, -1 in the front, +2 In the back. Planning on taking it down the strip once I get some leathers. Road racing is a possibility as well, but I'd rather not ride it to the track, then all the way back, so unfortunately it won't be a possibility until college is done in a few years.
  19. I would see 228's regularly while everyone else I was with was at 200-210 at most. I'm finicky as hell about temps. I've thought about sticking with green, but I've heard nightmares about track spills, fines, etc. Don't want to get into that kind of shit.
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