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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Once it warms up a bit I'm planning to replace the coolant in my GSXR. Last season was my first with this bike, and it seemed to heat up a bit quicker than most of everyone else's bike I was with. It's an '07 and has roughly 15,000 actual miles. The odo is off due to the sprockets... Looking for something that is a good coolant for the street. Most of my riding is somewhat hard. I do plan on tracking it at some point this year, just not sure how soon. I've heard water wetter with water is awesome, along with just straight water wetter, and also have read a 50/50 with dex-cool and water is awesome as well. Just was curious to see if anyone else had anything else they've had good luck with.
  2. Oh my fuck. That is insanely stupid. I was always under the impression that you can't buy a car back you were at fault for totaling....sounds a little fishy and fraudulent. "Herp Derp. Made it home from the war, now gonna go drive like a jackass in muh 'Vette."
  3. 1349-B Delashmut Avenue. Columbus Ohio 43212 Anyone wanna take a visit? :gabe:
  4. Assumptions have been proven correct. I do have a life, just not one that involves crackwhores and nunchucks. And with how much shit you pull out of your ass and youtube I don't trust a damn thing that comes from your mouth.
  5. There are references made to it by multiple people on cr. if I was on a pc right now I'd some digging.
  6. I learned this from an undisclosed CR member :gabe: I'm 99% certain it was bought back for $7,000.
  7. I'm slightly confused, you've said before you were a combat vet, but I wasn't aware that a bulk fuel specialist was a combat based MOS? Obviously the 03's are combat and a select few outside of that (Combat Engineers, MP's in some cases, etc.) But maybe I'm wrong, I've always considered and have been told by many freinds and family in the military only certain MOS's and specialties are considered combat based. Not saying you've never seen combat, as most who are deployed see a firefight..
  8. It's a fucking totaled C6, so quit tooting your horn acting like you are some 30k millionaire
  9. Obiously you need to pay more attention. If you are paying attention I'd ask for a refund because they haven't learned you yet anythang.
  10. I haz potatatoe, can I haz crackhead?
  11. 1. Lock and load 2. Prepare thou anus 3. Instead of taking time to convince someone to put the bat down to "fight fair" I'd be blasting someone if they didn't unfuck themselves and get off my property when told. 4. Get CCW for next time this shit is around trying to hurt you or a family member. Not sure why you would leave a female behind, however.
  12. Featuring an unnamed CR member as a driver. Happens to have a Honda/C6 hybrid as well
  13. Yup. Most the Sheriffs aren't too bad, I'd do the same if I heard an Ls1 with open headers go past me at 3am :gabe:
  14. The 'Burg is nice. Kind of like Tipp as far as distance to things go. 75 is a clusterfuck of construction along with 35. The cops have nothing better to do, a lot of sheriffs mainly. Typical bullshit "I had nothing better to do, you were going 57 in a 55."
  15. Tipp City is an awesome community, I grew up in a township just outside of it, Bethel Township. Bethel would be an awesome place, but from what I've heard the cuts have been fairly deep, and has taken a toll on the quality of education. Bethel is a very small school, 70-90 kids in most graduating classes. Tipp is fairly small for most peoples liking, but they have awesome schools, and are far enough away from Dayton to avoid crime, but still close to areas that have stuff to do. Tipp City has really grown in the last 5-7 years, new high school, a lot of roadway projects, awesome city gov't. If I ever had the opportunity after college and I could land a job there, I wouldn't hesitate to raise a family in Tipp, or Troy for that matter. Huber is meh. Their school levies can't pass, and they just built a brand new school they cant afford so taxes are going to go through the roof. Not much crime in Huber, but a lot of the inner city attitude is prevalent, and the schools are terrible. I think for my graduating class they had maybe 50% pass their OGT's on the first 2 tries.
  16. I lived there for my whole life up until September. Depends on if you want to live IN Dayton or around it. I myself was from Tipp City which is roughly 20 minutes north of downtown Dayton. It's a very nice town and literally no crime, maybe 1-2 burglaries, but that's rare. Places to be in: Oakwood, Beavercreek, Kettering, Springboro, Centerville, Tipp City, some areas of Troy, along with Huber Heights, Vandalia and West Milton. Basically for a majority, Dayton isn't awful, just stay away from Northridge, Old North Dayton, Burkhardt, Riverdale, Belmont, Five Oaks, Salem, Anywhere in the Corp. of Dayton, whether it be east or west side. Sounds like a lot of areas, but in reality they are all basically in one small area, just the specific community names. Post up where they will be moving to or what area they will be working in and I'll try and get you some info as far as best bets for an area to live.
  17. Geeesammy


    Pump gas, high power, V8 twin turbo just like you, you mad bro?
  18. X3 on Lotus, At first I thought the wrong pics were embedded. The finish reminds me of a vinyl wrapped car. That would be awesome to see as an available color that doesn't have the extra "special paint" fee.
  19. An AutoZone employee was fired in November IIRC due to a similar situation. He escaped out a fire exit to retrieve his firearm in his vehicle to save another employee from the armed robber. Was later fired.
  20. Geeesammy


    I know of something that put down slightly over 100 and was in the 11's... :gabe:
  21. Geeesammy


    Not like I'm going to beat you? I've never declined an opportunity to run you because one has never been extended. Like I've said, get your ass to trails and ill be glad to get suited up on the bike and see who can pull down a quicker time. I'm not street racing, and even if I WERE to (which I would not) it definitely wouldn't be against someone I don't know while I'm on two wheels. Maybe I'm not driving a quicker car because my money goes towards school tuition and books, not some "PUSSY GETR" that is rarely running. I don't have to "cheerlead" anyone, and I've not done anything but provide facts. Maybe if you invested half as much money and time into some education as you do your car you wouldn't sound like some Kentucky Fuckstick rambling nonsense on a forum (and trust me, I'm not the only one who feels this way.) It's role models, not roll. So before you try and pull something out of your ass you think is funny, at least use the proper wording.
  22. Geeesammy


    I have a feeling that as the weather warms, we will be seeing less and less posting by imstock, and eventually he will stop completely, and not show his face where he knows a CR member may be.. Just my speculation though.
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