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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Geeesammy


    We all know you didn't make that meme because the spelling and grammar is all correct.
  2. Geeesammy


    :no: You caught me!! :dumb: What do I have to be mad about? I have a running car that I don't have to drop the trans, rear end, driveshaft, motor on or replace a slave cylinder, etc. Bi-weekly. My car has never been taken mudding, and it certainly gets more (and much better quality) snatch than your riced out C6. It serves it's purpose as a daily extremely well for what it is, and the only issues I've had were due to me overlooking and over-thinking minor issues. So right now I'd say I'm about as far from mad as possible. I mean FFS, I drive an import that looks less ricey than your shit. :lolguy: But...then again, I decided to stick with the clean OEM look, yourself...well... :barf: :gay2:
  3. Geeesammy


    Please enroll in one of CSCC's entry level spelling and grammer classes. My brain hurts after trying to translate your posting's into understandable English.
  4. That's better! Now, one more thing, last day to order?? lol
  5. Geeesammy


  6. Geeesammy


    It's ok. This guy has tried to say before that he "only has two bars, so my spellcheck doesn't always work right on my iphone"
  7. Geeesammy


    A hundredth of an inch in a motor is essentially a mile.
  8. Geeesammy


    It's a definite that it will blow it's own guts out. It's just a matter of how long it lasts...taking the posts of imstock into account, I give it less than 7,500 miles. :dumb: But then again, it won't be his fault when it does. "The machine shop fucked me and a piston was produced wrong and they sent me the wrong rings..."
  9. Geeesammy


    Triple.. GET OVER IT
  10. Geeesammy


    In conclusion, this I think sums you up in a nutshell....
  11. Geeesammy


    Dude, you are about as ignorant as they come. It likely would, seeing as how shitty your driving skills are. You dump all your money into parts with no real plan, and I can bet you didn't even do anything suspension wise or any "prep" for the car at all. But then again, the C6 is the holy grail of automobiles. And just as an FYI, I managed to pull down a 1.78 60' time in my old T/A on bald ass $98 Kuhmo Ectsta's in a 6 speed, so don't tell me you couldn't do better.
  12. Geeesammy


    For fucks sake, I could almost 60' a better time on foot :dumb:
  13. Geeesammy


    Back on the first day of imstocks car..
  14. Geeesammy


    +100 interwebs to you sir.
  15. Geeesammy


    "But I'm doing it just to troll and see who the real idiots are..I've been bustin' yall's balls since my kitchen thread :fuckyeah: it shows who the reel idiots are."
  16. Geeesammy


    No, we aren't trolling. We are telling you the facts as known. You aren't busting anyones balls and you are honestly just making yourself look like a complete dumbshit. Why don't you want us to ask you anything? Because what you think is right, is actually 100% wrong. THAT'S why you don't think anyone on here knows shit. You don't want a machine shop to assemble your lower end...you are going to be the running joke of CR when you just bolt everything together and it blows the fuck up...again. You should really take some actual classes or get some real education and knowledge from people that have been around the block a few times before and know what the fuck they are talking about. But then again, this would be a tall order for you since your shit apparently doesn't stink, and bolting up a pretty much 90% bolt on kit to a C6 makes you a knowledgeable builder.
  17. Geeesammy


    Please god let this be enough for the potatoe to be quiet now...
  18. Geeesammy


    "It has a vanity plate, we all know only race cars have that.":dumb:
  19. Geeesammy


    Was that #1 on the trailer park billboard this past week?
  20. Geeesammy


    "But, but, but...it has a parachute, AND SLICKS ANNDDDD A PARACHUTE" Not an N/A car, but it's a boosted car running on pump gas, AND in single digits.
  21. Are you fucking serious? His WIFE is JEWISH. Ron Paul, one of the if not the biggest supporter of liberty and freedom SUPPORTS this site. So are you referring to him as an anti-Semite as well, just for agreeing with Jones' beliefs? He may come off as a nut to some, but if you would take more than 30 seconds of reading a mainstream news article on him, you would likely realize that most of his thoughts of the "secret society's" actually make sense, and aren't something formed from fact-less thoughts and ramblings.
  22. Geeesammy


    Are you understanding anything everyone in this thread is trying to tell you?
  23. Geeesammy


    Like Alex and others have said before. A quick search on information will do you wonders.
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