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Everything posted by bdhill

  1. bdhill

    2004 Bmw 325i

    going to need a driveshaft...universals are pressed in and can't be changed. can be done at home but have to drop exhaust etc. runs great...I average 28.2
  2. bdhill

    2004 Bmw 325i

    245,000 miles...paint and interior are in great shape. Sport and premium package, all synthetic fluids. two owner car. $2500 http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5266741648.html 614.565.0005 text please
  3. bdhill


    how much rust is there on the car? perforation? Do you have snows?
  4. can I see it today? 614.565.0005
  5. pretty sure the LaFerarri is Stan Ross' car. The 918 is Malcolm's. Stan has an amazing collection of cars.
  6. negotiate and never pay an initiation fee...just walk away-they will call...Lifetime is the best gym in town
  7. I drove an p85s. Impressive car, but you can really feel the weight of the car.
  8. my friend rented a gallardo last summer for 4 hours...at Toy Barn
  9. Toy Barn will rent cars for a few hours or a day.
  10. 9-3 sportcombi! or 9000 Aero if you can find one
  11. Focus RS will be very limited production-really just a homogulation car for rallying; have to build 400 awd to compete. Mustang demographic and Focus RS are likely the same.
  12. Rally for the Ranch is at Easton 11-3 saturday as well...La Ferrari should be there...hoping the P1 shows up
  13. Uverse, when set up correctly, is amazing...wish I could get it where I live
  14. I'd keep the IS...if you want a g35, get a rwd S with a 6 speed. hard to find in sedan, but around
  15. Next OSU sports car club/mercedes club is 7.12 at Carmack rd...west campus...where is the PDF?
  16. had an 08 isf...great car. not an m3, but not far off. great engine. close to 30mpg freeway. brakes are expensive...eats front tires due to camber
  17. Sean is playing tonight...they are actually a pretty good cover band...
  18. volvo 240-does nothing well UPS truck-400,000 plus miles, no heat/no power steering, ancient gearbox. complete misery
  19. Miatas are a blast. Great dd as well. Great balance. Excited to drive the 2015 when they arrive.
  20. sorry gen y and millennials don't care much about cars
  21. I think the car industry killed a generation of car guys with horrible cars for much of the 70s, the 80s and the much of the 90s. It seems few of the Gen Y group or millennials care much about cars. And fewer care about antique cars, of English sports cars for instance. Clearly, people on this site have a passion for cars of most types. But we are the minority. Shocking how few people can change a tire, their oil, of drive a manual gearbox. There will always be a few of us who work on cars, or have worked on cars. But we are clearly the minority. The odd thing is...some of the best cars ever made are out now. You can buy a z06 that outperforms an indycar from the early 1980s...crazy world
  22. Rossi has a shot at #10...wants to race through 2017. Marquez just chose the wrong tire, but Rossi is riding amazingly.
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