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Everything posted by bdhill

  1. charge the ac and drive it...you won't lose money. My o2 accord ex has 236k...bought it with 228k. Handles like shit, slow(2.3 spd) averages 29mpg. paid $1000. no regrets
  2. http://magnuswalker911.blogspot.com/ check out his logo on the steering wheel...something like that would work well
  3. maybe make it like an "S" curve connecting the the C and R-a different shade on part of it to show a road course s turn?
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Headphones-RP-HJE120-K-Ergonomic-Comfort-Fit/dp/B003EM8008/ref=sr_1_1/182-6217720-2475160?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1458511040&sr=1-1&keywords=Panasonic+rphje120k cheap and sound really good. highly rated. http://headphonesaddict.com/best-earbuds-for-the-money/
  5. I would not use MAG beyond warranty work...
  6. it is an ST...fwd...great cars...like the fiesta st as well
  7. Is it an ST or an RS? I haven't seen an RS in person.
  8. Chad Braunbeck moved to Colorado...believe he is a sales manager at a large Subaru dealer. never heard he was fired.
  9. I like to accelerate to exit ramps about .5 mile out if it's clear. Usually a clean shot. agree with other posts. You learn where you can get away with it.
  10. I've been looking for of those...but I want NISMO ST Mugan edition
  11. I agree with Doc...Grassroots, word of mouth is perfect.
  12. http://columbus.craigslist.org/wto/5358494553.html Please see the ad...more than 50% tread life
  13. http://columbus.craigslist.org/wto/5310119656.html used snows off an e46...2 tires are about 50% 2 are about 25% $100 CR price
  14. design is old...not impressed. R8 looks better and has been out for 7 years
  15. http://columbus.craigslist.org/wto/5273590860.html 15" BBS Moda wheels...205.60.15 Blizzaks $350
  16. bdhill

    2004 Bmw 325i

    Best price I found is 380. 500-600 is typical. 4 hours shop time, which means 8 in garage. firm at 2500...drove it 400 miles this week.
  17. bdhill

    2004 Bmw 325i

    Car is in amazing shape for the mileage.
  18. bdhill

    2004 Bmw 325i

    Vibration is intermittent. 65 is ok-much above it can start some vibrations. When cruise is on and you crest hill-you get a small vibration when the power is pulled off it-if that makes sense. It will have to be done sometime. I drive it 40 miles a day. Mainly on 270.
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